Hi Dom,
Leon and Andy are right to be warning about this sort of thing, but I don't want you to get too distracted/worried about this. I suspect all is fine.
The main thing i'd try is build a proper circuit! i.e. whilst running your program, connect a wire between the analogIn pin and VOUT (3.3v) or GND (0v), and see the difference. Also, be careful if you are just touching it on pins that you are getting a proper connection; sometimes touching to top of the pins where soldered is unreliable, so really best to be doing on a breadboard.
Tell us if you get it working!
Just tried my mbed after it being in a drawer for quite a while - and tried to use the AnalogIn on p20, and tried to use my finger to touch it so that it would trigger an event. And it..err..didn't. The built-in LEDs work fine, and so does p20's DigitalOut (haven't tried any other pins), but AnalogIn just doesn't work...so is it a problem with my code