Multiple Mbeds on one PC

28 Jun 2010

Hi All,

Bought an Mbed a while back and pleased so far with it. However, I'm doing an application at the moment that uses two Mbeds.

When I plug one Mbed into my PC via USB, my computer bleeps and a the Mbed appears as F: drive and COM3. All well and good. However, when I plug the second Mbed in the computer bleeps denoting I connected another USB device but it doesn't appear as a new drive or COM port.

Is it normal for the PC USB drivers to only be able to handle a single Mbed connected via USB at a time?

28 Jun 2010

It should come up as another flash drive straight away. You will have to re-run the driver installer though for it to get allocated a COM port.

[I have 5 mbeds all connected to this PC, all flashing away merrily]

28 Jun 2010

Thanks for the reply. I moved the Mbeds from my desktop to a laptop and indeed both drives appeared.


I also re-ran the usb comms driver as you suggested and again both COM ports appeared.


Thanks for your help, must be my desktop PC! Fwiw, my desktop is Vista and my laptop is XP, don't know if that's the difference. I have anopther laptop that's Vista so I'll try on that later and report back on this thread if it indeed made any difference.

28 Jun 2010

Did the second mbed power up, by the way (i.e. blue LED on). It might be that either one of the USB ports wasn't powered, or there wasn't enough power to drive two of them.

28 Jun 2010

yep, on the desktop both Mbeds powered up fine. Both were loaded with a simple "flash an LED" program to show me they booted and they both did. So I am assuming it's aproblem with my desktop PC rather than the Mbeds. Windows, you either hate or you hate it ;)