Plus the export of BLE_iBeacon from online doesn't actually work built locally - it once complained the stack and heap were fighting each other, but just now I tried it and it built, but it did nothing at all on the board. The compiled hex download works fine.
I have built and used that sample in the past but not recently. I will give it a try during my next test pass to see if I can reproduce your problem.
Thanks! It's an Arch BLE if you have one to hand.
Actually - there's something worse wrong - I tried a blinky export locally on the Arch and it didn't go either!
The .hex file is five times smaller than the online compiled one - is that a hint?
I spotted a 'merge' target which merges in a s110 softdevice and ran that on the iBeacon test, which gave a .hex file five times bigger .. but that didn't work either. It had the wrong s110 path on it, so obviously hasn't been tested recently.
Blink doesn't need s110, I presume, but I tried that anyway, and it still didn't blink. :-)
I tried your gcc in the BuildShell, but the same result. The gcc versions are practically the same, yours and mine, BTW. Here's mine:
$ arm-none-eabi-gcc - -version
arm-none-eabi-gcc (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors) 4.9.3 20150529 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_9-branch revision 227977]
And locally,
./workspace_tools/ -m ARCH_BLE -t GCC_ARM -d . -n MBED_BLINKY
works OK, full-sized hex file (316204). Export using
python ./workspace_tools/ -m ARCH_BLE -i gcc_arm -n MBED_BLINKY
build it .. gives a tiny .hex file (13053)
Conclusion: online and local core mbed SDK good, exported to Makefile version, bad. The .hex files are tiny.
Larry Littlefield wrote:
Hi Adam. Congratulations for a nice job.
Larry, I am happy to hear that it worked for you.
I am in the process of preparing a new release of GCC4MBED. I will add your file into the mix. Please feel free to send me any more targets that you add. You can just point me to the files or issue a pull request on github. I can only test that they build during my new release testing since I don't have the boards themselves but that's better than 0 support :)