Hi all,
The functionality has been introduced against the current beta mode as "Compile Only" dropdown menu item of the "Compile" button.
At some point we might change the name to either "Build" or "Build Only" to distinguish it from the other dropdown menu items.
Also, in this beta release we have added new keyboard shortcuts, which we may announce in a blog post or wiki page.
The shortcuts related to code compile are:
- Ctrl+B for "Compile Only"
- Ctrl+Shift+B for "Compile All"
- Ctrl+D for "Compile (and Download)
For now, all available shortcuts (with brief description) can be reviewed in the Compiler by clicking the question sign (?) located at the very top-right in the Editor.
On a side note, we have increased the compiler output to 500 records just recently - again, this feature is against the current beta mode.
Any feedback/bug report is greatly appreciated!
Is there a way to compile without downloading? I just want to check my code for errors and continue working.