New LPC11U6X Series Support

24 Jan 2014

I just stumbled across this article detailing the awesome new LPC11U67 and LPC11U68 microcontrollers from NXP! Is there any chance these will be support by mbed in the near future? I'm having memory concerns with the LPC11U35 I've been using up until now, and seeing as how the LPC11U68 has 4x as much RAM and flash as the LPC11U35, it might be a better fit for my application. In fact, the LPC11U68JBD64 might make a great replacement for the slightly underspeced LPC11U24 on the official mbed board!

25 Jan 2014

I couldn't believe it when I saw that article, this is exactly the chip I've been waiting for. I'll be able to replace the RTC and temperature sensor in my design by switching to this micro, in addition to quadrupling my memory headroom. That's $1.65 worth of parts! :D

25 Jan 2014

I'm taking off for 2 weeks, but when I get back on the 10th I'd be willing to put some work into getting this supported, if someone could point me in the right direction. I'm thinking the most logical board is probably the OM13058 LPCXpresso Board.

02 Feb 2014

There is the mbed logo on the package!!

03 Feb 2014

Yoshihiro TSUBOI wrote:

There is the mbed logo on the package!!

Please be legit!!! Please be legit!!!

10 Feb 2014

Alright, I have returned from holidays! I emailed NXP about the mbed logo on the packaging, and whether or not mbed will be supporting it soon, and this is the response I got from them:


I think they can give you a reliable answer at mbed org. Personally I guess that the mbed kids will provide support for the LPC11U68 pretty soon...

Now I'm wondering whether a team is already working on support for this board, or whether I should start trying to add support on my own. Does anyone know for sure? Thanks!

11 Feb 2014

Hi All,

This board is on my radar as one I want to get supported.

The SDK port is in many ways the easy bit, as that is open source already so anyone can do the work involved. I've had a brief look and I don't think it would be that much either, as the LPC11U35 is supported, and there is a lot of overlap. We've enabled various community SDK ports in the past, and infact Mr Yoshihiro TSUBOI is the author of several of them!

Getting the HDK (interface) ported to the onboard debugger will be the greater challenge, but its not insurmountable.

I wonder if there really is enough interest in this part for a community port to start? Any takers? Might help speed along the HDK porting process :-)

Thanks, Chris

11 Feb 2014

You could disable the onboard debugger and use one of the seeed arch or other programmers for starters. You can also bypass the debugger and use the USB device bootloader like on some other boards such as dipcortexM0. Having said that, porting the hdk to the lpclink2 would be great since it also opens up other recent lpcxpresso boards to mbed.

12 Feb 2014

Wim Huiskamp wrote:

You could disable the onboard debugger and use one of the seeed arch or other programmers for starters. You can also bypass the debugger and use the USB device bootloader like on some other boards such as dipcortexM0. Having said that, porting the hdk to the lpclink2 would be great since it also opens up other recent lpcxpresso boards to mbed.

I would be more than happy to be restricted to using the USB bootloader, especially if it means getting support sooner. My LPC11U35 QuickStart Board only has the USB bootloader and it works great.

17 Feb 2014

It is HUGE CHEATING to use mbed logo on not yet ported platforms!!

PLEASE BE LEGIT, NXP and Embedded Artists. IF YOU WANT TO PRINT "mbed enabled", YOU NEED TO PORT IT BY YOURSELF. TO SAY "ported", PortIn, PortOut, PortIn/Out, PWM, SPI/I2C Slave MUST BE PORTED, YOU EA!!

17 Feb 2014

Hi Tsuboi-san,

The good news is that we are working with NXP and Embedded Artists to resolve this an get eh LPC11U68 supported. It will take a little time but there is progress already!

I'd also like to defend NXP and in particular Embedded Artists, who we have worked closely with in the past. EA have done some really great work towards mbed and while this is unfortunate, I think it is from miscommunication between us, EA and NXP, rather than ill intent to deceive people.

We'll soon get this all sorted out!

Cheers, Chris

18 Feb 2014

Chris Styles wrote:

Hi Tsuboi-san,

The good news is that we are working with NXP and Embedded Artists to resolve this an get eh LPC11U68 supported. It will take a little time but there is progress already!

I'd also like to defend NXP and in particular Embedded Artists, who we have worked closely with in the past. EA have done some really great work towards mbed and while this is unfortunate, I think it is from miscommunication between us, EA and NXP, rather than ill intent to deceive people.

We'll soon get this all sorted out!

Cheers, Chris

I have a feeling the reason NXP put the mbed logo on their packaging is because they're providing an mbed-compatible footprint on the bottom of the board, in addition to the usual Arduino compatible footprint on the top.

19 Feb 2014

Neil Thiessen wrote:

I have a feeling the reason NXP put the mbed logo on their packaging is because they're providing an mbed-compatible footprint on the bottom of the board, in addition to the usual Arduino compatible footprint on the top.

That's not a mbed footprint. That is ex-LPCXpresso footprint. :-P
And... They printed "Compatible with... optional ARM/mbed CMSIS-DAP"

Let's think about porting mbed to LPC11U68, if NXP and EA say "I'm sorry. Please help us!!.

19 Feb 2014

Yoshihiro TSUBOI wrote:

That's not a mbed footprint. That is ex-LPCXpresso footprint. :-P

And according to this schematic, the top 40 pins on that "ex-LPCXpresso footprint" have been arranged so as to be at least somewhat compatible with the official mbed boards. /media/uploads/neilt6/lpc11u68_lpcxpresso_pinout.jpg

Yoshihiro TSUBOI wrote:

And... They printed "Compatible with... optional ARM/mbed CMSIS-DAP"

The onboard LPC-Link 2 does indeed support CMSIS-DAP, you can re-flash it using this tool. And seeing as how mbed is owned by ARM, I'd say calling it ARM/mbed CMSIS-DAP is fair.

Yoshihiro TSUBOI wrote:

Let's think about porting mbed to LPC11U68, if NXP and EA say "I'm sorry. Please help us!!.

The only people that would be affected by this would be the mbed users. Nothing I've seen on NXP's materials suggests to me that this board is supported by mbed, but rather that this board supports mbed. It's been designed with an mbed-compatible footprint, and has a highly capable mbed-compatible LPC-Link 2 on board.

19 Feb 2014

I am feeling this is unfair, if they will not port mbed library to LPC11U68. If they provide BOTH interface and mbed library for LPC11U68, this is fair.

At this time, I can't find any proof of codes that LPC11U68 porting is in progress. That's why I'm feeling "be legit".

If using form factor can justify to use logo, new LPCXpresso boards can print Arduino logo on the box.

I'm thinking porting contributors could be take the advantage of first evaluation board provider. If not, everyone can pollute mbed market by releasing tons of unported evaluation boards. This could be make mbed scene to red-ocean. :(

19 Feb 2014

Yoshihiro TSUBOI wrote:

I am feeling this is unfair, if they will not port mbed library to LPC11U68. If they provide BOTH interface and mbed library for LPC11U68, this is fair.

At this time, I can't find any proof of codes that LPC11U68 porting is in progress. That's why I'm feeling "be legit".

If using form factor can justify to use logo, new LPCXpresso boards can print Arduino logo on the box.

I'm thinking porting contributors could be take the advantage of first evaluation board provider. If not, everyone can pollute mbed market by releasing tons of unported evaluation boards. This could be make mbed scene to red-ocean. :(

Hopefully it will be supported soon and then we'll all be happy, but boycotting it until NXP apologizes isn't going to solve anything. On a different note, I just received my OM13058 development board in the mail! Let me know if you need me to test anything Chris, I'd be happy to help! /media/uploads/neilt6/om13058.jpg

20 Feb 2014

Ah, I'm not proposing boycott. Just wanted to remove misunderstanding.
Hope to see mbed LPC11U68, too. :-)

26 Feb 2014

Just noticed that the LPC1549 LPCXpresso Board is now supported. Awesome! Based on this notebook page by NXP, am I correct in assuming that the HDK has been successfully ported to the LPC-Link 2?

10 Mar 2014

Hey guys, just wondering what the status is on this chip since it's been a few weeks now. I'd be happy to test anything if you need a hand! :)

11 Mar 2014

You can find schematics and other info on the lpc11U37, lpc11u68 and lpc1549 here. That page also states:


Support for mbed

The original LPCXpresso V2 boards provide support for the following aspects of mbed: MCU pins available on ‘standard LPCXpresso/mbed’ expansion connector (board bottom side) ARM/mbed CMSIS-DAP debug interface firmware available Support for other aspects of mbed (such as the HDK and SDK) is being implemented for boards introduced in 2014, starting with the LPC1549 version. Support for LPC11U68 is also planned for later in 2014.

The lpc1549 is now partially supported by the mbed libs. Guess the 11u68 will follow soon.

14 Mar 2014

Hopefully "later in 2014" doesn't mean December 2014! :)

01 Apr 2014

Hey guys, just wondering if anyone is actively working on getting this board supported at the moment. Reason being, I'd be willing to do some work on porting it myself, I just don't want to start working on it if somebody else is already halfway done. Thanks!

EDIT: May have answered part of my question; looks like support for the LPC11U68 board was added to the CMSIS-DAP firmware over at GitHub two weeks ago, so some work is definitely being done. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help, as I'm hoping to swap out the LPC11U35 in my project with one of these before it goes into production in the next few months.

05 Apr 2014


Yes, we are working on mbed SDK port for the LPCXpresso LPC11U68 board now. Once the SDK is stable, we are going to commit our code at GitHub.

Regards, TW

07 Apr 2014

Toyomasa Watarai wrote:


Yes, we are working on mbed SDK port for the LPCXpresso LPC11U68 board now. Once the SDK is stable, we are going to commit our code at GitHub.

Regards, TW

Awesome! Looking forward to it!

16 May 2014

When are we getting the support?? I tryied using it on LPCxpresso with the LPCOpen codes. But they really really complicated with interrups everywhere , I'm trying to use the I2C but can't get it to work....some Mbed support would be really usefull... May we have a date for the release?

16 May 2014

Renato M. wrote:

When are we getting the support?? I tryied using it on LPCxpresso with the LPCOpen codes. But they really really complicated with interrups everywhere , I'm trying to use the I2C but can't get it to work....some Mbed support would be really usefull... May we have a date for the release?

Yeah, don't even bother with LPCOpen, it sucks. I tried to use it a couple weeks ago to test some code on the LPC11U68, and it took me half the day and an oscilloscope to get what was basically a Ticker and a PwmOut to work...

16 May 2014

There are now coming updates for the LPC11u68 to the mbed github. You probably can already build it from that, but it isn't finished yet.

19 May 2014

Erik - wrote:

Sorry I'm kind of new on, what is the github? and where can I find that stuff?

19 May 2014

This is the mbed github:

This is how you build from it: Which atm only gives me a page unavailable error.

19 May 2014

Good news Renato, release 84 of the mbed library just came out which has support for the LPC11U68. Should only be a matter of days before a Platform page appears! In fact, with a little jiggery pokery, you might be able to use it right now! (but don't blame me if it doesn't actually work yet)