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Connectivity APIs

Network socket

  • Non-IP cellular socket: Send and receive 3GPP non-IP datagrams (NIDD) using the cellular IoT feature.
  • Socket: The abstract base class for all of the protocol-specific socket types.
  • SocketAddress: Used to represent the IP address and port pair of a unique network endpoint.
  • SocketStats: Read the network socket statistics for all sockets (both currently in use and closed).
  • TCPSocket: Send a stream of data over TCP.
  • UDPSocket: Send packets of data over UDP.

Network interface

  • Cellular: Connect to the internet over a Cellular device.
  • Ethernet: Connect to the internet over Ethernet.
  • Mesh: Use the IPv6 mesh network topologies through the Nanostack networking stack to connect to a mesh network: Wi-Sun or 6LoWPAN-ND.
  • Network status: Trigger a callback each time the network interface's status changes.
  • Wi-Fi: Connect to the internet over a Wi-Fi device.

Secure socket

  • DTLSSocket: Implement a DTLS stream over the existing Socket transport.
  • TLSSocket: Implement a TLS stream over the existing Socket transport


  • DNS Resolver: Perform DNS host name resolutions to convert resource names to IP addresses.

Bluetooth (BLE)

  • BLE: Interface with the BLE controller on the board.
  • GAP: Handle connectivity tasks.
  • GattClient: Initiate interactions with a GattServer to discover services, characteristics and descriptors and perform operations on them.
  • GattServer: Respond to a GattClient.
  • SecurityManager: Use pairing and optional bonding processes to authenticate and encrypt BLE links.


  • MessageBuilder: Construct NDEF messages, the common data format exchange for NFC messages.
  • MessageParser: An event-driven NDEF message parser for a data buffer.
  • NFCController: Emulate NFC tags that a smartphone can read and generate NDEF messages on demand.
  • NFC EEPROM: Store NDEF messages.
  • SimpleMessageParser: Similar to MessageParser, but includes subparsers for well-known NFC types records, such as Text, URI or Mime records, and produces usable objects out of the box.


  • LoRaWANInterface: Connect to the internet over a LoRa network.
  • LoRaRadio: A pure virtual class that defines APIs for a LoRa radio driver.
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