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Testing your port

It's important to test your port at the end of each module porting, rather than only once when you've imported all modules. There are two testing methods:

  1. Running the Mbed OS built-in tests with Greentea.
  2. Manually running the Mbed OS built-in tests.

Testing with the Greentea framework

Read the following page to understand how tests are structured:


Minimum HAL module support

To run the Mbed OS built-in tests, you need to have ported and verified at least these HAL modules:

  • Low power ticker.
  • Serial port (synchronous transfer). To verify that it works, load a test binary with printf(). Verify debug messages can be seen on your serial terminal program.
  • Microsecond ticker.

You'll also need to have ported DAPLink or compatible interface firmware to your interface chip. If DAPLink is still under development, you can still run tests manually.


The platform under test needs to be supported in mbedls for automated tests to work.

If an updated mbedls pip package including support for your platform hasn't been released yet, you need to direct pip to use your local directory (which includes the code changes to support the new platform):

  1. Clone https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os-tools.

  2. Add your target to the platform database

  3. Run pip install --editable <your_local_root_to_mbed-os-tools>.

  4. Run pip install --editable <your_local_root_to_mbed-os-tools>/packages/mbed-ls.

  5. If you're using an external serial probe (like an FTDI USB cable), create an mbedls.json file and specify the serial port.

    The serial port path varies in different operation systems. On Windows, you can find it through Device Manager; it will usually be something like COM#. On Mac OS you can use ls /dev/tty.usb*. On Linux you can use ls /dev/ttyACM*. The format of mbedls.json is as follows:

        "33000000e062afa300000000000000000000000097969902": {
            "serial_port": "/dev/tty.usbserial-FTGDJJOC"

    Where "33000000e062afa300000000000000000000000097969902" is the correct target id.

Compiling and running tests

  1. Compile the tests:
    • To compile all tests, run mbed test --compile.
    • To see the list of compiled tests, run mbed test --compile-list.
    • To compile a specific test, run mbed test --compile -n <test_name>. For example: mbed test --compile -n mbed-os-tests-concurrent-gpio).
  2. To run your tests, run mbed test --run.

Here is an example of a successful run:

mbed test --run -n tests-concurrent-gpio
mbedgt: greentea test automation tool ver. 1.4.0
mbedgt: using multiple test specifications from current directory!
    using 'BUILD/tests/CC3220SF/GCC_ARM/test_spec.json'
mbedgt: detecting connected mbed-enabled devices...
mbedgt: detected 1 device
mbedgt: processing target 'CC3220SF' toolchain 'GCC_ARM' compatible platforms... (note: switch set to --parallel 1)
mbedgt: running 1 test for platform 'CC3220SF' and toolchain 'GCC_ARM'
mbedgt: mbed-host-test-runner: started
mbedgt: checking for GCOV data...
mbedgt: test on hardware with target id: 33000000e062afa300000000000000000000000097969902
mbedgt: test suite 'tests-concurrent-gpio' ........................................................... OK in 19.25 sec
    test case: 'Concurrent testing of DIO(D0,D1), and InterruptIn(D2,D3)' ........................ OK in 0.09 sec
    test case: 'Concurrent testing of DIO(D1,D0), and InterruptIn(D3,D2)' ........................ OK in 0.07 sec
    test case: 'Concurrent testing of DIO(D2,D3), and InterruptIn(D4,D5)' ........................ OK in 0.08 sec
    test case: 'Concurrent testing of DIO(D3,D2), and InterruptIn(D5,D4)' ........................ OK in 0.10 sec
    test case: 'Concurrent testing of DIO(D4,D5), and InterruptIn(D0,D1)' ........................ OK in 0.09 sec
    test case: 'Concurrent testing of DIO(D4,D5), and InterruptIn(D2,D3)' ........................ OK in 0.10 sec
    test case: 'Concurrent testing of DIO(D5,D4), and InterruptIn(D1,D0)' ........................ OK in 0.09 sec
    test case: 'Concurrent testing of DIO(D5,D4), and InterruptIn(D3,D2)' ........................ OK in 0.09 sec
    test case: 'Concurrent testing of DIO(D6,D7), and InterruptIn(D8,D9)' ........................ OK in 0.09 sec
    test case: 'Concurrent testing of DIO(D7,D6), and InterruptIn(D9,D8)' ........................ OK in 0.10 sec
    test case: 'Concurrent testing of DIO(D8,D9), and InterruptIn(D2,D3)' ........................ OK in 0.08 sec
    test case: 'Concurrent testing of DIO(D9,D8), and InterruptIn(D3,D2)' ........................ OK in 0.10 sec
mbedgt: test case summary: 12 passes, 0 failures
mbedgt: all tests finished!
mbedgt: shuffle seed: 0.3988791596
mbedgt: test suite report:
| target           | platform_name | test suite            | result | elapsed_time (sec) | copy_method |
| CC3220SF-GCC_ARM | CC3220SF      | tests-concurrent-gpio | OK     | 19.25              | default     |
mbedgt: test suite results: 1 OK
mbedgt: test case report:
| target           | platform_name | test suite            | test case                                                | passed | failed | result | elapsed_time (sec) |
| CC3220SF-GCC_ARM | CC3220SF      | tests-concurrent-gpio | Concurrent testing of DIO(D0,D1), and InterruptIn(D2,D3) | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.09               |
| CC3220SF-GCC_ARM | CC3220SF      | tests-concurrent-gpio | Concurrent testing of DIO(D1,D0), and InterruptIn(D3,D2) | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.07               |
| CC3220SF-GCC_ARM | CC3220SF      | tests-concurrent-gpio | Concurrent testing of DIO(D2,D3), and InterruptIn(D4,D5) | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.08               |
| CC3220SF-GCC_ARM | CC3220SF      | tests-concurrent-gpio | Concurrent testing of DIO(D3,D2), and InterruptIn(D5,D4) | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.1                |
| CC3220SF-GCC_ARM | CC3220SF      | tests-concurrent-gpio | Concurrent testing of DIO(D4,D5), and InterruptIn(D0,D1) | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.09               |
| CC3220SF-GCC_ARM | CC3220SF      | tests-concurrent-gpio | Concurrent testing of DIO(D4,D5), and InterruptIn(D2,D3) | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.1                |
| CC3220SF-GCC_ARM | CC3220SF      | tests-concurrent-gpio | Concurrent testing of DIO(D5,D4), and InterruptIn(D1,D0) | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.09               |
| CC3220SF-GCC_ARM | CC3220SF      | tests-concurrent-gpio | Concurrent testing of DIO(D5,D4), and InterruptIn(D3,D2) | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.09               |
| CC3220SF-GCC_ARM | CC3220SF      | tests-concurrent-gpio | Concurrent testing of DIO(D6,D7), and InterruptIn(D8,D9) | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.09               |
| CC3220SF-GCC_ARM | CC3220SF      | tests-concurrent-gpio | Concurrent testing of DIO(D7,D6), and InterruptIn(D9,D8) | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.1                |
| CC3220SF-GCC_ARM | CC3220SF      | tests-concurrent-gpio | Concurrent testing of DIO(D8,D9), and InterruptIn(D2,D3) | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.08               |
| CC3220SF-GCC_ARM | CC3220SF      | tests-concurrent-gpio | Concurrent testing of DIO(D9,D8), and InterruptIn(D3,D2) | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.1                |
mbedgt: test case results: 12 OK
mbedgt: completed in 20.24 sec

Manual testing

You may want to run tests manually, for example if DAPLink is still under development. You will need to export your tests from Greentea and import them to your IDE. For example:

  1. Find the test directory:

    mbed test -m <new_target> -t gcc_arm --compile-list -n mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_ticker
  2. Copy the source code to the project root directory:

    cd <separate folder from existing porting project>
    cp -R mbed-os-example-blinky/mbed-os/TESTS/mbed_hal/common_tickers .
    cd common_tickers
    mbed new --create-only .
  3. Copy the mbed-os directory:

    cp -R ../mbed-os-example-blinky/mbed-os .
  4. Export to a makefile project:

    mbed export -i <exporter> -m <new_target>
  5. Flash the program with pyOCD (using the same configuration you used when you initially set up pyOCD.

  6. Run the program:

    # mbedhtrun --skip-flashing --skip-reset -p <serial port>:9600 -e mbed-os/TESTS/host_tests

    Customize the serial port path and baudrate as needed.

Mbed OS built-in tests - detailed procedure

Whether you're using Greentea or performing manual tests, the procedure for using the built-in Mbed OS tests is the same.

To build and run the Mbed OS tests:

  1. Build the tests:

    mbed test -m <new_target> -t gcc_arm --compile

    If you see some build errors, it means that some HAL modules required to run the tests are missing and need porting.

  2. You can see the full list of built tests:

    mbed test -m <new_target> -t gcc_arm --compile-list
  3. Test images are located under the following directory:


    For example:

    $ mbed test -m <new_target> -t gcc_arm --compile-list -n *tickers*
    Test Case:
        Name: tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers
        Path: ./TESTS/mbed_hal/common_tickers
    Test Case:
        Name: tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers_freq
        Path: ./TESTS/mbed_hal/common_tickers_freq

    In this example:

    • The common_tickers test image is at mbed-os-example-blinky/BUILD/tests/<new_target>/gcc_arm/mbed-os/TESTS/mbed_hal/common_tickers.
    • The common_tickers_freq test image is at mbed-os-example-blinky/BUILD/tests/<new_target>/gcc_arm/mbed-os/TESTS/mbed_hal/common_tickers_freq.
  4. You need to flash the test image to the board. You can use the pyOCD flash tool (from the command line or IDE):

    pyocd-flashtool BUILD/mbed-os-example-blinky.bin    # Use the .hex file if appropriate
  5. Before you begin the test run, please make sure the serial port is not already opened by programs like Screen or Teraterm (close them if they're open). In addition, verify mbedls lists the new target device.

    If your test run doesn't start, please read about troubleshooting Greentea.

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