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Inter-integrated circuit (I2C)

I2C is a serial protocol for two-wire interface to connect low-speed devices in embedded systems. The I2C API allows control and configuration of this interface.

The interface is made up of two lines for all communication:

  • Serial Clock (SCL).
  • Serial Data (SDA).

Warning: We are introducing the I2C API in an upcoming release of Mbed OS. This page documents code that exists on a feature branch of Mbed OS. You can find details on how it may affect you in the implementing the I2C API section.

Defined behaviors

  • i2c_init:
    • Initializes the peripheral pins specified in the input parameters.
    • Initializes the peripheral in master mode if is_slave is false.
    • Initializes the peripheral in slave mode if is_slave is true and supports_slave_mode is true.
    • Initializes all i2c_t object fields.
  • i2c_free:
    • Resets the pins used to initialize the peripheral to their default state.
    • Disables the peripheral clock.
  • i2c_get_capabilities:
    • Fills the contents of the i2c_capabilities_t parameter.
  • i2c_frequency:
    • Sets the frequency to use for the transfer.
    • Returns the actual frequency used.
    • Must leave all other configuration unchanged.
  • i2c_set_clock_stretching:
    • Enables or disables clock stretching for the peripheral when in slave mode.
    • Does nothing when called in master mode.
  • i2c_timeout:
    • Sets the transmision timeout to use for the following blocking transfers.
    • If the timeout is not set, the default timeout is used.
    • Default timeout value is based on I2C frequency and computed as triple the amount of time it takes to send data over I2C.
  • i2c_write:
    • Writes length number of symbols to the bus.
    • Returns the number of symbols sent to the bus.
    • Returns an error code if transfer fails.
    • Generates a stop condition on the bus at the end of the transfer if stop parameter is true.
    • Handles transfer collisions and loss of arbitration if the platform supports multimaster in hardware.
    • The transfer times out and returns I2C_ERROR_TIMEOUT if the transfer takes longer than the configured timeout duration.
  • i2c_read:
    • Reads length symbols from the bus.
    • Returns the number of symbols received from the bus.
    • Returns an error code if transfer fails.
    • Generates a stop condition on the bus at the end of the transfer if stop parameter is true.
    • Handles transfer collisions and loss of arbitration if the platform supports multimaster in hardware.
    • The transfer times out and returns I2C_ERROR_TIMEOUT if the transfer takes longer than the configured timeout duration.
  • i2c_start:
    • Generates I2C START condition on the bus in master mode.
    • Does nothing if called when the peripheral is configured in slave mode.
  • i2c_stop:
    • Generates I2C STOP condition on the bus in master mode.
    • Does nothing if called when the peripheral is configured in slave mode.
  • i2c_slave_status:
    • Indicates in which mode the peripheral has been addressed.
    • Returns not addressed when called in master mode.
  • i2c_slave_address:
    • Sets the address of the peripheral to the address parameter.
    • Does nothing if called in master mode.
  • i2c_transfer_async:
    • Returns immediately with a bool indicating whether the transfer was successfully scheduled.
    • The callback given to i2c_transfer_async is invoked when the transfer finishes or error occurs.
    • Must save the handler and context pointers inside the obj pointer.
    • The context pointer is passed to the callback on transfer completion.
    • The callback must be invoked on completion unless the transfer is aborted.
    • May handle transfer collisions and loss of arbitration if the platform supports multimaster in hardware and enabled in API.
    • i2c_async_event_t must be filled with the number of symbols sent to the bus during transfer.
  • i2c_abort_async:
    • Aborts any ongoing async transfers.

Undefined behaviors

  • Use of a null pointer as an argument to any function.
  • Calling any I2C function before calling i2c_init or after calling i2c_free.
  • Initializing the I2C peripheral with invalid SDA and SCL pins.
  • Initializing the peripheral in slave mode if slave mode is not supported, indicated by i2c_get_capabilities.
  • Operating the peripheral in slave mode without first specifying and address using i2c_slave_address.
  • Setting an address using i2c_slave_address after initializing the peripheral in master mode.
  • Setting an address to an I2C reserved value.
  • Setting an address larger than the 7-bit supported maximum if 10-bit addressing is not supported.
  • Setting an address larger than the 10-bit supported maximum.
  • Setting a frequency outside the supported range given by i2c_get_capabilities.
  • Using the device in a multimaster configuration when supports_multimaster_mode is false.
  • Specifying an invalid address when calling any read or write functions.
  • Setting the length of the transfer or receive buffers to larger than the buffers are.
  • Passing an invalid pointer as handler to i2c_transfer_async.
  • Calling i2c_transfer_abort when no transfer is currently in progress.


You can find more details about the design choices in the HAL code design document.


Hardware I2C capabilities.

Implementing the I2C API

You can find the API and specification for the I2C API in the following class reference:

Public Member Functions
 I2C (PinName sda, PinName scl)
 Create an I2C Master interface, connected to the specified pins. More...
void frequency (int hz)
 Set the frequency of the I2C interface. More...
void timeout (uint32_t timeout)
 Configure the timeout duration in microseconds for blocking transmission. More...
int read (int address, char *data, int length, bool repeated=false)
 Read from an I2C slave. More...
int read (int ack)
 Read a single byte from the I2C bus. More...
int write (int address, const char *data, int length, bool repeated=false)
 Write to an I2C slave. More...
int write (int data)
 Write single byte out on the I2C bus. More...
void start (void)
 Creates a start condition on the I2C bus. More...
void stop (void)
 Creates a stop condition on the I2C bus. More...
virtual void lock (void)
 Acquire exclusive access to this I2C bus. More...
virtual void unlock (void)
 Release exclusive access to this I2C bus. More...
int transfer (int address, const char *tx_buffer, int tx_length, char *rx_buffer, int rx_length, const event_callback_t &callback, int event=I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE, bool repeated=false)
 Start nonblocking I2C transfer. More...
void abort_transfer ()
 Abort the ongoing I2C transfer. More...

To enable I2C support in Mbed OS, add the I2C label in the device_has option of the target's section in the targets.json file.

You can also add the I2C_ASYNCH label in the device_has option to enable the asynchronous API, and I2CSLAVE to enable the I2CSlave API.


The Mbed OS HAL provides a set of conformance tests for I2C. You can use these tests to validate the correctness of your implementation. To run the I2C HAL tests, use the following command:

mbed test -t <toolchain> -m <target> -n "tests-mbed_hal_fpga_ci_test_shield-i2c"

You can read more about the test cases:

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