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IEEE 802.15.4 RF driver

Porting a new RF driver

The following steps describe how you can create a new RF driver:

  1. Please see the Nanostack PHY API.

  2. Please read through the Example RF driver section. You can use this example code to start.

  3. Please see the reference implementations for simple and extended RF drivers.

  4. Please read usage of the worker thread Worker thread for Mbed OS.

  5. Please see Implementing PHY API for details how to implement callbacks and API functions:

    • Global time stamp functionality.
    • RF driver registration.
    • Address write callback.
    • State control callback.
    • RF extension callback.
    • TX functionality.
    • RX functionality.


To verify the implementation of the RF driver, please create a working Mesh network and run the full set of Mbed OS Socket tests from TESTS/netsocket.

Implementing the PHY API

PHY API guidance is separated into simple and extended implementations, which depend on the configuration you use:

  • You can use the simple implementation with 6LoWPAN without frequency hopping.

  • You can use the extended implementation with:

    • 6LoWPAN with and without frequency hopping.
    • Wi-SUN.

Global time stamp functionality

This functionality is necessary only with the extended implementation.

The RF driver must implement a timer with a one-microsecond resolution to return a 32-bit time stamp value. The driver must be able to return the current time stamp when Nanostack requests it. The driver must store the time stamp of received packets where the time is referenced to the first byte after the SFD of the received frame.

RF driver registration

Use arm_net_phy_register to register the RF driver to Nanostack. The function returns the driver ID, which you must use when creating the MAC instance. Registration is similar for both the simple and extended implementations. You must fill the structure of phy_driver:

Parameter Value
link_type PHY_LINK_15_4_2_4GHZ_TYPE or PHY_LINK_15_4_SUBGHZ_TYPE.
PHY_MAC PHY driver must deliver a unique 64-bit MAC address.
driver_description Name of the driver.
phy_channel_pages Default RF configurations.
phy_MTU MTU size. Typical values: 127 for 802.15.4-2006, 2047 for 802.15.4g-2012.
phy_header_length Extra header to be allocated for transmitted packet by MAC. Typically 0.
phy_tail_length Extra tail to be allocated for transmitted packet by MAC. Typically 0.
address_write RF address write callback function.
extension RF extension callback function.
state_control RF state control callback function.
tx RF packet transmit callback function.

Any other callbacks and parameters must be nullified.

Address write callback

Nanostack calls the address write callback int8_t (*address_write)(phy_address_type_e, uint8_t *) to set addresses for RF receive filtering. This callback is similar for both the simple and extended implementations.

Address type Use
PHY_MAC_64BIT Driver must set given 64-bit address as the receive address filter.
PHY_MAC_16BIT Driver must set given 16-bit address as the receive address filter.
PHY_MAC_PANID Driver must set given 16-bit PAN ID as the receive PAN ID filter.

State control callback

Nanostack calls the state control callback int8_t (*state_control)(phy_interface_state_e, uint8_t) to change the RF state. This callback is similar for both the simple and extended implementations.

State Use
PHY_INTERFACE_RESET Driver must stop any active TX and RX processes and set radio to idle state.
PHY_INTERFACE_DOWN Driver must stop any active TX and RX processes and set radio to sleep or idle state.
PHY_INTERFACE_UP Driver must wake up the radio and enable receiver on a channel that was given as parameter.
PHY_INTERFACE_RX_ENERGY_STATE Driver must initialize energy detection on a channel that was given as parameter. Nanostack reads the ED result using RF extension PHY_EXTENSION_READ_CHANNEL_ENERGY.
PHY_INTERFACE_SNIFFER_STATE Driver must enable receiver on a channel that was given as parameter. All filtering must be disabled. This state is used only if device is set as Sniffer.

RF extension callback

Nanostack calls the RF extension callback int8_t (*extension)(phy_extension_type_e, uint8_t *) to set or get various PHY parameters. Some of the extensions are needed only with extended implementations.

Mandatory for simple and extended implementations:

Extension type Use
PHY_EXTENSION_CTRL_PENDING_BIT Driver must set frame pending bit of the Ack frames high or low depending on the value of given (uint8_t *) parameter. If parameter > 0, set frame pending bit to 1 and otherwise to 0.
PHY_EXTENSION_READ_LAST_ACK_PENDING_STATUS Driver must return the state of the frame pending bit used in last transmitted Ack frame. State (0 or 1) must be written to given (uint8_t *) parameter.
PHY_EXTENSION_READ_CHANNEL_ENERGY Driver must return the read channel energy. Value must be written in given (uint8_t *) parameter as an 8-bit integer.
PHY_EXTENSION_ACCEPT_ANY_BEACON Driver must stop filtering received 802.15.4 Beacon frames and accept them all if the given (uint8_t *) parameter is > 0.

Mandatory for extended implementation:

Extension type Use
PHY_EXTENSION_SET_CHANNEL Driver must enable receiver on a channel which was given as parameter. If radio is currently receiving or transmitting a frame, channel should be changed after the TX/RX process.
PHY_EXTENSION_READ_RX_TIME Driver must return the time stamp of last received packet. Time stamp must be referenced to first byte after SFD field of the received packet.
PHY_EXTENSION_DYNAMIC_RF_SUPPORTED Driver must return 1 if it supports extended RF driver implementation. By default, Nanostack assumes simple implementation is used. Value (0 or 1) must be written to given (uint8_t *) parameter.
PHY_EXTENSION_GET_TIMESTAMP Driver must return 32-bit time stamp by writing it to given (uint8_t *) parameter.
PHY_EXTENSION_SET_CSMA_PARAMETERS Driver must read phy_csma_params_t type structure behind given (uint8_t *) parameter. If parameter backoff_time is 0, any on-going transmission must be canceled and radio set to receive state on the current channel. 32-bit backoff_time and boolean cca_enabled must be stored because they will be used for next packet transmission.
PHY_EXTENSION_GET_SYMBOLS_PER_SECOND Driver must return symbol rate as symbols per second. 32-bit value must be written to given (uint8_t *) parameter.
PHY_EXTENSION_SET_RF_CONFIGURATION Driver must read phy_rf_channel_configuration_s type structure behind given (uint8_t *) parameter. Driver must start using given RF configuration as soon as possible. If radio is currently receiving or transmitting a frame, configuration should be changed after the TX/RX process.


Extension type Use
PHY_EXTENSION_FILTERING_SUPPORT If RF driver can support filtering and acking certain MAC frame types, it can set the corresponding bit in a given (uint8_t *) parameter to 1, which disables the filtering of this frame type from Nanostack.

TX functionality

Nanostack calls the TX callback int8_t (*tx)(uint8_t *, uint16_t, uint8_t, data_protocol_e) to start packet transmission. To implement the TX callback, follow either the simple or extended implementation path:

  1. Driver must return -1 if it is currently busy (already transmitting or receiving) or 0 if it can start transmission.
  2. When TX callback allows starting the transmission by returning 0, it must tell to Nanostack when the transmission is done by calling phy_tx_done_cb with proper TX done status. Parameter tx_handle in a TX done call must be set to same value as in a corresponding TX (start) call.
  3. Copy transmitted data from behind given first (uint8_t *) parameter to radio TX FIFO and prepare radio ready for transmission. Data behind this pointer is valid and unchanged until the driver calls the phy_tx_done_cb, which allows data to be copied to TX FIFO also when RF driver has returned from the TX function.

Simple implementation:

  1. Start optional CSMA-CA period or check CCA immediately. Using a short (1-5 ms) randomly generated CSMA-CA period significantly reduces the number of collisions when network size increases.

  2. If the channel is not available, call phy_tx_done_cb with status PHY_LINK_CCA_FAIL. If the RF driver performs several CCA attempts, the cca_retry parameter must list the number of attempts.

  3. If channel is available, start transmission immediately.

  4. When transmission is finished, call phy_tx_done_cb with status PHY_LINK_TX_SUCCESS.

  5. If the Ack frame was received for transmitted packet, call phy_tx_done_cb with status PHY_LINK_TX_DONE or PHY_LINK_TX_DONE_PENDING depending on the state of frame pending field in the Ack frame.

    Note: It is the RF driver's responsibility to compare the sequence number of the transmitted data and received Ack frame.

  6. If the driver performed MAC retransmissions, the tx_retry parameter must list the number of retry attempt.

Extended implementation:

  1. Read the stored CCA mode (cca_enabled), which Nanostack set with the PHY_EXTENSION_SET_CSMA_PARAMETERS event just before the current transmission. If cca_enabled equals to false, the driver must not check CCA but proceed to next step as if the channel was available.

  2. Read the stored backoff time, which Nanostack set with the PHY_EXTENSION_SET_CSMA_PARAMETERS event just before the current transmission. If the backoff time is 0, cancel the transmission.

  3. Calculate the length of the CSMA-CA period using the time stamp and given backoff time: csma_ca = backoff_time - current_time.

  4. Start the CSMA-CA timer with the calculated csma_ca. This timer must operate with 1 microsecond resolution. If csma_ca is larger than 65000 us, start the CSMA-CA timer with a minimum possible timeout value (1 us).

  5. When the CSMA-CA timeout has passed, the driver must call phy_tx_done_cb with status PHY_LINK_CCA_PREPARE to read the state of the CSMA-CA process. State is given as a return value of the phy_tx_done_cb call.

  6. If the state is PHY_TX_NOT_ALLOWED, cancel the transmission. There is no need for an additional phy_tx_done_cb call. Ensure the receiver is enabled.

  7. If the state is PHY_RESTART_CSMA, check the CCA immediately. If the channel is not available, call phy_tx_done_cb with status PHY_LINK_CCA_FAIL. If the channel is available, call phy_tx_done_cb with status PHY_LINK_CCA_OK, and return to step 4. Note that Nanostack has updated CCA mode and backoff time with the PHY_EXTENSION_SET_CSMA_PARAMETERS event.

  8. If the state is PHY_TX_ALLOWED, check the CCA immediately. If the channel is not available, call phy_tx_done_cb with status PHY_LINK_CCA_FAIL. If the channel is available, start transmission of the packet immediately.

  9. When transmission finishes, call phy_tx_done_cb with status PHY_LINK_TX_SUCCESS.

  10. If Ack frame was received for the transmitted packet, call phy_tx_done_cb with status PHY_LINK_TX_DONE or PHY_LINK_TX_DONE_PENDING, depending on the state of frame pending field in Ack.

    Note: It is the RF driver's responsibility to compare the sequence number of the transmitted data and received Ack frame unless the IEEE 802.15.4-2015 frames are used.

  11. The driver must not generate additional CSMA-CA or MAC retransmission attempts with extended implementation because the transmitted frame contains timing critical information, which Nanostack needs to update before every attempt.

RX functionality

When Nanostack has called PHY_INTERFACE_UP RF state, the receiver must be kept enabled on a channel given by the PHY_INTERFACE_UP or PHY_EXTENSION_SET_CHANNEL event unless transmission is active until the PHY_INTERFACE_RESET or PHY_INTERFACE_DOWN RF state is called. RX functionality is similar for both simple and extended implementation. Depending on your application, the driver only needs to handle the wanted frame type (for example, 802.15.4-2006 or 802.15.4-2015).

Nanostack is capable of filtering and acking IEEE 802.15.4-2015 frames. The RF driver must filter and ack any other frame version. For a received frame, the driver must call the RX callback arm_net_phy_rx_fn *phy_rx_cb(const uint8_t *data_ptr, uint16_t data_len, uint8_t link_quality, int8_t dbm, int8_t driver_id), where:

  • data_ptr - Pointer to the beginning of received MAC frame.
  • data_len - MAC frame length.
  • link_quality - LQI of the received frame.
  • dbm - RSSI of the received frame.
  • driver_id - ID of the RF driver.

To handle the received frame, check the frame version of a received packet. For IEEE 802.15.4-2015 frames, call phy_rx_cb.

For other frame types:

  1. Check if the received frame is Ack. If true, check if the received frame is Ack for a packet the driver previously sent. If true, call phy_tx_done_cb with status PHY_LINK_TX_DONE or PHY_LINK_TX_DONE_PENDING, depending on the state of frame pending field in Ack.

  2. Otherwise, filter PAN ID and MAC address:

    • Drop packet by PAN ID filter if all conditions below are true:

      • Received destination PAN id ID not broadcast (0xffff).
      • Nodes own PAN ID is set (not 0xffff).
      • Received destination PAN ID does not equal to nodes PAN ID.
    • Frame is not IEEE 802.15.4 Beacon frame. This condition is necessary only if PHY_EXTENSION_ACCEPT_ANY_BEACON is set by Nanostack.

    • Drop packet by address filter if all conditions below are true:

      • Received destination address is not broadcast address.
      • Received destiantion address does not equal to nodes 16-bit or 64-bit MAC address.
  3. If received frame passes the filtering, check if ack is required, and transmit it immediately.

  4. If received frame passes the filtering, call phy_rx_cb.

Worker thread for Mbed OS

Nanostack's interfaces use mutexes for protecting the access from multiple threads. In Mbed OS, you cannot use the mutex from an interrupt. The same applies to all APIs that have internal locking and multithread support. Therefore, each driver must implement its own worker thread to handle the interrupt requests.

Example: Use the worker thread and signals from an interrupt.

// Signals from interrupt routines
#define SIG_RADIO       1
#define SIG_TIMER       2

// Worker thread
Thread irq_thread;

// Interrupt routines
static void rf_interrupt(void)

static void rf_timer_interrupt(void)

// Worker thread
void rf_worker_thread(void)
    for (;;) {
        osEvent event = irq_thread.signal_wait(0);
        if (event.status != osEventSignal) {

        if (event.value.signals & SIG_RADIO) {
        if (event.value.signals & SIG_TIMER) {

// Somewhere in the initialization code

Example RF driver

The following code example is not a complete driver but shows you how to use the API to create a RF driver:

static uint8_t mac_address[8];
static phy_device_driver_s device_driver;
static int8_t rf_radio_driver_id = -1;

const phy_rf_channel_configuration_s phy_2_4ghz = {2405000000, 5000000, 250000, 16, M_OQPSK, MODULATION_INDEX_UNDEFINED};
const phy_rf_channel_configuration_s phy_subghz = {868300000, 2000000, 250000, 11, M_OQPSK, MODULATION_INDEX_UNDEFINED};

static phy_device_channel_page_s phy_channel_pages[] = {
	{CHANNEL_PAGE_0, &phy_2_4ghz},

int8_t rf_device_register(void)
    /* Do some initialization */
    /* Set pointer to MAC address */
    device_driver.PHY_MAC = mac_address;
    /* Set driver Name */
    device_driver.driver_description = "Example";

    if(subghz_radio) /* Configuration for Sub GHz Radio */
        /*Type of RF PHY is SubGHz*/
        device_driver.link_type = PHY_LINK_15_4_SUBGHZ_TYPE;
        phy_channel_pages[0].channel_page = CHANNEL_PAGE_2;
        phy_channel_pages[0].rf_channel_configuration = &phy_subghz;
    else /* Configuration for 2.4 GHz Radio */
        /*Type of RF PHY is 2.4 GHz*/
        device_driver.link_type = PHY_LINK_15_4_2_4GHZ_TYPE;
        phy_channel_pages[0].channel_page = CHANNEL_PAGE_0;
        phy_channel_pages[0].rf_channel_configuration = &phy_2_4ghz;

    /*Maximum size of payload is 127*/
    device_driver.phy_MTU = 127;
    /*No header in PHY*/
    device_driver.phy_header_length = 0;
    /*No tail in PHY*/
    device_driver.phy_tail_length = 0;

    /*Set up driver functions*/
    device_driver.address_write = &rf_address_write;
    device_driver.extension = &rf_extension;
    device_driver.state_control = &rf_interface_state_control;
    device_driver.tx = &rf_start_cca;
    /*Set supported channel pages*/
    device_driver.phy_channel_pages = phy_channel_pages;
    //Nullify rx/tx callbacks
    device_driver.phy_rx_cb = NULL;
    device_driver.phy_tx_done_cb = NULL;
    device_driver.arm_net_virtual_rx_cb = NULL;
    device_driver.arm_net_virtual_tx_cb = NULL;

    /*Register device driver*/
    rf_radio_driver_id = arm_net_phy_register(&device_driver);

    return rf_radio_driver_id;

void rf_handle_rx_end(void)
    uint8_t rf_lqi;
    int8_t rf_rssi;
    uint16_t rf_buffer_len;
    uint8_t *rf_buffer;

    /* Get received data */
    rf_buffer_len = rf_get_rf_buffer(rf_buffer);

    /* If waiting for ACK, check here if the packet is an ACK to a message previously sent (non IEEE 802.15.4-2015). Remember to call phy_tx_done_cb with either PHY_LINK_TX_DONE or PHY_LINK_TX_DONE_PENDING status */

    /* Filter the packet here unless it was already done by the hardware (non IEEE 802.15.4-2015) */

    /* Send Ack here if needed unless it was already done by the hardware (non IEEE 802.15.4-2015) */

    /* Get link information */
    rf_rssi = rf_get_rssi();
    rf_lqi = rf_get_lqi();

    /* Note: Checksum of the packet must be checked and removed before entering here */

    /* Send received data and link information to the network stack */
    if( device_driver.phy_rx_cb ){
    	device_driver.phy_rx_cb(rf_buffer, rf_buffer_len, rf_lqi, rf_rssi, rf_radio_driver_id);

int8_t rf_start_cca(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint16_t data_length, uint8_t tx_handle, data_protocol_e data_protocol)
    /*Check if transmitter is busy*/
        /*Return busy*/
        return -1;
        /*Check if transmitted data needs to be ACKed*/
        if(*data_ptr & 0x20)
            need_ack = 1;
            need_ack = 0;
        /*Store the sequence number for ACK handling*/
        tx_sequence = *(data_ptr + 2);

        /* Store data and start CCA process here */
        /* When the CCA process is ready send the packet */
        /* Note: Before sending the packet you need to calculate and add a checksum to it, unless done automatically by the radio */
        /* Note: phy_tx_done_cb must be called when transmission is done (PHY_LINK_TX_SUCCESS) or when CCA returns unavailable channel (PHY_LINK_CCA_FAIL) */

    /*Return success*/
    return 0;

static int8_t rf_interface_state_control(phy_interface_state_e new_state, uint8_t rf_channel)
    int8_t ret_val = 0;
    switch (new_state)
        /*Reset PHY driver and set to idle*/
        /*Disable PHY Interface driver*/
        case PHY_INTERFACE_DOWN:
        /*Enable PHY Interface driver*/
        case PHY_INTERFACE_UP:
        /*Enable wireless interface ED scan mode*/
        /*Enable Sniffer state*/
    return ret_val;

static int8_t rf_extension(phy_extension_type_e extension_type, uint8_t *data_ptr)
    switch (extension_type)
        /*Control MAC pending bit for Indirect data transmission*/
        /*Return frame pending status*/
            *data_ptr = rf_if_last_acked_pending();
        /*Set channel, used for setting channel for energy scan*/
        /*Read energy on the channel*/
            *data_ptr = rf_get_channel_energy();
        /*Read status of the link*/
            *data_ptr = rf_get_link_status();
    return 0;

static int8_t rf_address_write(phy_address_type_e address_type, uint8_t *address_ptr)

    switch (address_type)
        /*Set 48-bit address*/
        case PHY_MAC_48BIT:
            /* Not used in this example */
        /*Set 64-bit address*/
        case PHY_MAC_64BIT:
        /*Set 16-bit address*/
        case PHY_MAC_16BIT:
        /*Set PAN Id*/
        case PHY_MAC_PANID:

    return 0;
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