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Using Mbed OS on a custom board

When designing a custom microcontroller board to run Mbed OS, you may need to make software customizations for the unique design choices you have made for your new board, such as clocking, pin connections and peripheral use. You can accomplish this by adding configuration and source files to an Mbed OS-based application project without the need to modify files within Mbed OS, itself. You can add a file named custom_targets.json to your project, which can store your custom target configurations. If your board is based on an existing Mbed Enabled microcontroller, you can simply extend that board configuration without the need to implement all the files yourself.

This tutorial covers the most common methods used to create a custom port of Mbed OS when starting from an existing Mbed Enabled board. For detailed information on how to create a port from scratch, go to the Mbed Porting guide. Additionally, not all possible aspects of target configuration are covered. For detailed information on all the ways you can configure targets, go to adding and configuring targets.

Extending an existing MCU target configuration

Consider a situation in which you are creating a new board based on an existing Mbed Enabled board. This tutorial lists the steps to create the software for a new board we will call ImaginaryBoard. This board is based on DISCO-L475VG-IOT01A. It shares most of the features of DISCO-L475VG-IOT01A, but it does not use AnalogOut, AnalogIn, CAN or USB. Some pins are connected differently on the new board.

Follow these steps to create a custom port for Mbed OS:


  1. Install Mbed CLI 2 if you don't already have it.

  2. (Optional) Create a new Mbed program (for example, mbed-os-imaginary-port).

    If you don't already have an Mbed program on your computer, run this Mbed CLI command in a command terminal:

    mbed-tools new mbed-os-imaginary-port

    This command creates a new program folder called mbed-os-imaginary-port and then imports mbed-os from the official Mbed OS source repository into it.

  3. Change directories into your new project:

    cd mbed-os-imaginary-port
  4. Create a new file named custom_targets.json at the same level as the mbed-os directory.

  5. Inspect the contents of mbed-os/targets/targets.json. For this example, search for DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A.

  6. Copy the contents from the DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A section into your custom_targets.json file. Be sure to include brackets { } surrounding the content.


  1. Make changes to custom_targets.json for your board.

    In this example:

    1. The board name changes from DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A to IMAGINARYBOARD, so the board can be uniquely identified.
    2. The detect_code changes from 0764 to 1234. The detect_code is a unique four-digit hexadecimal value, also called a Platform ID, that identifies the board to the Mbed OS test tools. For Mbed Enabled boards, this number is exposed through the debug interface with Mbed CLI 2 by typing mbed-tools detect.
    3. The device_has_add section changes to remove USBDEVICE because the new board doesn't use that feature.
    4. Add a device_has_remove section to remove ANALOGOUT, ANALOGIN, CAN, I2CSLAVE, and I2C_ASYNC because the new board doesn't use those features. The reason why device_has_remove is used in this case is because the new board is inheriting from the MCU Family configuration MCU_STM32L475xG, which has those device features by default.

    After making changes, the full contents look like this:

            "inherits": [
            "components_add": [
            "extra_labels_add": [
            "supported_form_factors": [
            "detect_code": [
            "device_has_add": [
            "device_has_remove": [
            "features": [
            "device_name": "STM32L475VG"

Other possible additions

Other changes you may need include:

  • features_add, features_remove, components_add, components_remove, macros_add and macros_remove to add or remove configurations.
  • device_has_add to add additional drivers.

Note: If you choose to add a driver that is not already available for your hardware, you will have to provide the driver implementation.

Where other configurations live

All the other configurations for the board are inherited from the MCU Family configuration called MCU_STM32L475xG.

Configuring the target code directories

In some cases, the target source code directories follow a similar structure to the target configuration, but they could have a few more levels.

For example, in the mbed-os/targets folder, the target directories for DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A follow this pattern:

          |_TARGET_STM            <- MCU VENDOR
          |      |_TARGET_STM32L4             <- MCU FAMILY
          |             |_TARGET_STM32L475xG               <- MCU
          |                    |_TARGET_DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A     <- Board

Boards typically inherit files that support the MCU, MCU family and MCU vendor. When adding a new board, you need to add a new set of files for the board.

There are more directory levels than target configuration levels because many targets use the extra_labels_add feature in the target configuration. The keywords STM32L4, STM32L475xG and STM32L475VG resolve to TARGET_STM32L4, TARGET_STM32L475xG and TARGET_STM32L475VG, respectively. With those labels applied, the build includes these directory names for this target.


  1. Create a new directory called TARGET_IMAGINARYBOARD at the top level of your project to store the source files for your board.

  2. Inspect the files at mbed-os/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L4/TARGET_STM32L475xG/TARGET_DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A. You should find the following files or similar:

    PeripheralPinMaps.h, PeripheralPins.c, PinNames.h

  3. Copy the files into your new TARGET_IMAGINARYBOARD directory.

    The files provide these capabilities:

    • PeripheralPinMaps.h and PeripheralPins.c describe the available pins and their association with peripherals.
    • PinNames.h sets macros for pins that define their function.
  4. Create a new CMakeLists.txt file within your new TARGET_IMAGINARYBOARD directory. This will describe your target and how to build for it. This CMakeLists.txt file should have at a minimum a new library target, as well as a list of which files or include directories your target needs. The 'target_link_libraries()' directive should specify which MCU CMake target your custom board depends on, so you'll enter here the MCU CMake target name you noted previously.

    add_library(mbed-imaginaryboard INTERFACE)
    target_link_libraries(mbed-imaginaryboard INTERFACE mbed-stm32l475xg)


  1. Modify the files.

    PinNames.h is the most common file to be edited. For this tutorial, the ImaginaryBoard uses I2C but connected to different supported signals. Change the I2C pin macro definitions from:

    I2C_SCL     = D15,
    I2C_SDA     = D14,


    I2C_SCL     = PC_0,
    I2C_SDA     = PC_1,

    You may also choose to add or remove peripherals, add or remove pins or change the clock frequency by editing PeripheralNames.h, PeripheralPins.c, or system_clock.c. For simplicity, this tutorial doesn't edit these files.

  2. (Optional) Add additional source files for drivers or middleware you have implemented for the new board. This tutorial doesn't have any files to add.

  3. (Optional) Add a simple application source file for testing.

    To confirm the software builds for the new target, add a file named main.cpp with the following contents:

    #include "mbed.h"
    DigitalOut led1(LED1);
    int main()
        while (true) {
            led1 = !led1;

    This blinks an LED. If LED1 is not defined, inspect PinNames.h for a valid pin definition for an available LED.

    Edit your application's CMakeLists.txt file to let CMake know about the directory where your new board is described. Add the subdirectory where your new custom board is described in your application's CMakeLists.txt file, above where Mbed OS is added.

    add_subdirectory(TARGET_IMAGINARYBOARD) # This is the new line to add
    add_subdirectory(${MBED_PATH})          # This line already exists

    Your directory now looks something like this:


Testing your code

  1. Compile the application:

    mbed-tools compile -m IMAGINARYBOARD -t <toolchain>

    When successful, it compiles, links and generates a .bin file (or .hex file for some other boards).

    For example, it prints to the screen:

    -- built: /path/to/mbed-os-imaginary-port/cmake_build/IMAGINARYBOARD/develop/GCC_ARM/mbed-os-imaginary-port.bin
  2. Program the board.

    You can test this using a DISCO-L475VG-IOT01A. If you actually created an ImaginaryBoard board, you could use that, too.

    Note: Unless your board has an Mbed Enabled debug interface, you need a method of flashing the memory on your board.

    Because the DISCO-L475VG-IOT01A has an Mbed Enabled debug interface (STLink in this case), you can use drag-and-drop programming to flash the board.

  3. Locate the binary file, and drag it onto the disk drive name for the board (for example, DIS_L4IOT).

  4. Wait for the file transfer to complete.

  5. Run the application

    Press the reset button on the board. You should see the LED blinking.

  6. (Optional) Run automated tests.

    Note: Running automated tests on your board currently is easiest with Mbed CLI 1, at least until the test subcommand is added to Mbed CLI 2. The following instructions are for testing using Mbed CLI 1.

    With an Mbed Enabled debug interface, you can also run the Mbed OS automated tests on your port. Because a new board has a new name unknown to the Mbed tools, you need to tell the tools which Platform ID (aka detect_code) to associate it to.

    To do this, you can use the mbedls mock command option. This tutorial tests with a DISCO-L475VG-IOT01A, which has a debug interface that exposes 0764 as its Platform ID. If you have a new board that uses a different Platform ID, such as 1234, then use that.

    For the ImaginaryBoard based on DISCO-L475VG-IOT01A, run this command.

    mbedls --mock 0764:IMAGINARYBOARD
  7. Run the tests, with the following command:

    mbed test -m IMAGINARYBOARD -t <toolchain>

    The tests start running.

    For more information on testing a new board, go to the Testing your port section of the porting guide.

Now you have successfully ported Mbed OS to a new board.

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