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Mbed OS build rules

The Mbed OS build tools scan your project for source files every time you compile. This document describes the rules that the build tools use to decide which source files to include in each build. The Mbed OS build tools use the target configuration found in targets.json, mbed_app.json and mbed_lib.json as input to these rules. If you are looking for how to pass options to the compilers, please see the build profiles documentation.

The build tools include every source file found in the project unless it is in a label directory, it is in a test directory or it matches a pattern in an .mbedignore file.

Source files

Mbed OS build tools determine the type of source file found based on the file's extension. The following table lists all files used in a build:

Extension File type Used by
.a, .ar Archive Toolchain's linker
.c C source Toolchain's C compiler
.cc, .cpp C++ source Toolchain's C++ compiler
.h, .hpp, .hh, .inc C/C++ header Toolchain's C and C++ compiler
.icf IAR linker file IAR's linker
.ld GCC linker script GCC's linker (ld)
.o Object Toolchain's linker
.s, .S Assembly Toolchain's assembler
.sct ARM scatter file ARM's linker (armlink)

Label directories

Label directories are directories that follow a naming convention: an upper case label type followed by an underscore followed by a label. The Mbed OS build tools define four label types:

  • TARGET, constructed from the configuration value target.extra_labels and the name of the targets.
  • FEATURE, constructed from the configuration value target.features.
  • COMPONENT, controlled from the configuration value target.components.
  • TOOLCHAIN, controlled completely by the toolchain used to build.

The Mbed OS build tools skip all label directories, unless you configure them explicitly, as described above.

For more information about using, extending and removing labels, please see Adding and configuring targets.

Target directories

The target labeled directories are used for selecting sources specific to an MCU or MCU family. The set of directories included in a given build is all of the names of the targets in the inheritance hierarchy and the target.extra_labels. The following is an example targets.json:

        "inherits": ["Target"],
        "public": false
    "TEENSY3_1": {
        "inherits": ["MCUXPRESSO"],
        "extra_labels": ["K20XX", "K20DX256"]

The above example includes source files in directories named TARGET_MCUXPRESSO and TARGET_TEENSY3_1 from the inheritance hierarchy and TARGET_K20XX and TARGET_K20DX256 from the target.extra_labels value. It does not include source files within the TARGET_NORDIC, TARGET_K66F or TARGET_NUCLEO_F411 directories because they are not in the list of labels included in the label type TARGET.

Feature directories

The feature labeled directories are used for software that implements functionality that requires some amount of space even when it's not used. The configuration value target.features entirely controls the set of directories the FEATURE label type includes. The following is a trimmed down version of an example targets.json:

    "NRF52_DK": {
        "inherits": ["Target"],
        "features": ["BLE"]

In the above example, mbed compile includes files in directories named FEATURE_BLE, and not directories such as FEATURE_STORAGE or FEATURE_CRYTOCELL310.

Component directories

The component labeled directories are used for software that implements funtionality. They are within label directories primarily because we don't expect every program to use this software, and including this software in every build would needlessly increase build time. The configuration value target.components entirely controls the set of directories the COMPONENT label type includes. The following is a shortened version of an example targets.json:

    "NRF52_DK": {
        "inherits": ["Target"],
        "components": ["SPIF"]

In the above example, mbed compile includes files in directories named COMPONENT_SPIF, and not directories such as COMPONENT_SD or COMPONENT_FLASHIAP.

Toolchain directories

The toolchain labeled directories are used for toolchain specific files, such as assembly or linker files. The compilers use the following label sets:

Toolchain Labels
ARM compiler 5 with microlib TOOLCHAIN_ARM and TOOLCHAIN_ARM_MICRO

When compiling with -t GCC_ARM or mbed toolchain GCC_ARM, source files found within TOOLCHAIN_GCC and TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM are included, and files found within TOOLCHAIN_IAR and TOOLCHAIN_ARM are not.

Test directories

Functional tests are organized into test cases and test suite directories within a TESTS directory. Each test suite is a subdirectory of the TESTS, and each test case is a subdirectory of a test suite. When tests build, each test case compiles independently. The test suite host_tests is reserved for scripts that run and validate a test case. The following tree is a reduced version of the tests subdirectory of Mbed OS:

├── events
│  ├── queue
│  │  └── main.cpp
│  └── timing
│     └── main.cpp
├── host_tests
│  ├── ...
│  └── timing_drift_auto.py
├── integration
│  └── basic
│     └── main.cpp
└── network
   ├── emac
   │  ├── ...
   │  └── main.cpp
   └── wifi
      ├── ...
      └── main.cpp

None of these files are included in a build run with mbed compile. When running mbed test or mbed test --compile, the TESTS/events/queue test case compiles without the sources from TESTS/events/timing or TESTS/integration/basic.


The .mbedignore rules override other rules for excluding files from a build. Files matching patterns in an .mbedignore file are excluded from a build even if a label rule or a test directory would include the file.


You can place an .mbedignore file in any searched directory.

Avoid defining rules that would cross library boundaries because these can lead to side effects or build problems that are hard to find.


Each line in the .mbedignore file is a pattern for matching files. No files that matches any pattern found in any .mbedignore file are included when building or exporting.

The following wildcards are accepted:

Pattern Meaning
* Matches everything.
? Matches any single character.
[seq] Matches any character in seq.
[!seq] Matches any character not in seq.

The file is parsed with Python's fnmatch. The syntax follows basic shell patterns with the following exceptions:

  • Each line is treated as though it were prefixed with the path of the .mbedignore file.
  • A line cannot start with . or / (because of the previous rule).

The globbing functionality is not used, so you cannot recursively match a specific file pattern. Instead, you need to define a rule per directory.


A file located in source/obsolete/.mbedignore has the following content:


After applying the first rule, the actual patterns used internally for matching the source files are:

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