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The driver configurations allows for customization of the OS driver layer. Options in this section pertain to hardware IO. You can find additional serial settings for printf in the platform config page. With the exception of default-serial-baud-rate these settings do not affect Serial objects.

This is the complete list of driver configuration parameters. To view all configuration parameters, run the --config -v command.. Please see the configuration system documentation for details on how you may use or override these settings.

Configuration parameters
Name: drivers.uart-serial-rxbuf-size
    Description: Default RX buffer size for a UARTSerial instance (unit Bytes))
    Defined by: library:drivers
    Value: 256 (set by library:drivers)
Name: drivers.uart-serial-txbuf-size
    Description: Default TX buffer size for a UARTSerial instance (unit Bytes))
    Defined by: library:drivers
    Value: 256 (set by library:drivers)
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