Open Hours - LoRa point-to-point - Loren Geilen

Come join us this week as we talk with Loren Geilen from Semtech about how to do LoRa point-to-point using the LoRa stack in Mbed OS.

Join us on YouTube for the live streaming this Thursday, March 21st from 12:00 pm - 13:00 pm CST (GMT-6). There will be 30 minutes of presentation, followed by 30 minutes of questions from the live-streaming audience.

Live streaming:

US Central Time: 12:00 pm - 13:00 pm Thursday March 21st
London: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Thursday March 21st
Japan: 3:00 am - 4:00 am Friday March 22nd (+1day)

Calendar links:
This event: Gmail
Whole calendar for all future events : ICS | Gmail

You can find reference videos of all past and future events here:

You can also follow our evangelists and ask them questions directly:

Austin Blackstone:

Jan Jongboom:

See you there.

Austin Blackstone
Developer Evangelist, Arm Mbed

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