Office Hours - LittleFS with Chris Haster

Come join us for our sixth Office Hours with an Engineer live stream. We'll talk with Chris Haster from the Mbed OS core team about LittleFS, a file system in Mbed OS optimized for little IoT devices. Come learn more about LittleFS in Mbed with the designer of LittleFS!

Join us on YouTube for the live stream this Thursday, June 28 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. CST (GMT -5). There will be 30 min of presentation by our engineers, followed by 30 min of questions from the live stream audience.

Live stream link here:

US Central Time : 12:30-1:30pm Thursday July 5
London : 6:30-7:30pm Thursday July 5
Japan : 2:30 - 3:30am Friday July 6 (+1day)

Calendar Links:
This event: Gmail
Whole Calendar for all future events : ICS | Gmail

You can find reference videos of all past and future events here:

You can also follow our evangelists and ask them questions directly:

Austin Blackstone: - -

Jan Jongboom - -

See you there.

Austin Blackstone, Developer Evangelist, Arm Mbed

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