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00001 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
00002 // for linear algebra.
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
00005 // Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@gmail.com>
00006 //
00007 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
00008 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
00009 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
00011 // This file is a base class plugin containing matrix specifics coefficient wise functions.
00013 /** \returns an expression of the Schur product (coefficient wise product) of *this and \a other
00014   *
00015   * Example: \include MatrixBase_cwiseProduct.cpp
00016   * Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_cwiseProduct.out
00017   *
00018   * \sa class CwiseBinaryOp, cwiseAbs2
00019   */
00020 template<typename OtherDerived>
00022 cwiseProduct(const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<OtherDerived> &other) const
00023 {
00024   return EIGEN_CWISE_PRODUCT_RETURN_TYPE(Derived,OtherDerived)(derived(), other.derived());
00025 }
00027 /** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise == operator of *this and \a other
00028   *
00029   * \warning this performs an exact comparison, which is generally a bad idea with floating-point types.
00030   * In order to check for equality between two vectors or matrices with floating-point coefficients, it is
00031   * generally a far better idea to use a fuzzy comparison as provided by isApprox() and
00032   * isMuchSmallerThan().
00033   *
00034   * Example: \include MatrixBase_cwiseEqual.cpp
00035   * Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_cwiseEqual.out
00036   *
00037   * \sa cwiseNotEqual(), isApprox(), isMuchSmallerThan()
00038   */
00039 template<typename OtherDerived>
00040 inline const CwiseBinaryOp<std::equal_to<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived>
00041 cwiseEqual(const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<OtherDerived> &other) const
00042 {
00043   return CwiseBinaryOp<std::equal_to<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived>(derived(), other.derived());
00044 }
00046 /** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise != operator of *this and \a other
00047   *
00048   * \warning this performs an exact comparison, which is generally a bad idea with floating-point types.
00049   * In order to check for equality between two vectors or matrices with floating-point coefficients, it is
00050   * generally a far better idea to use a fuzzy comparison as provided by isApprox() and
00051   * isMuchSmallerThan().
00052   *
00053   * Example: \include MatrixBase_cwiseNotEqual.cpp
00054   * Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_cwiseNotEqual.out
00055   *
00056   * \sa cwiseEqual(), isApprox(), isMuchSmallerThan()
00057   */
00058 template<typename OtherDerived>
00059 inline const CwiseBinaryOp<std::not_equal_to<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived>
00060 cwiseNotEqual(const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<OtherDerived> &other) const
00061 {
00062   return CwiseBinaryOp<std::not_equal_to<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived>(derived(), other.derived());
00063 }
00065 /** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise min of *this and \a other
00066   *
00067   * Example: \include MatrixBase_cwiseMin.cpp
00068   * Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_cwiseMin.out
00069   *
00070   * \sa class CwiseBinaryOp, max()
00071   */
00072 template<typename OtherDerived>
00073 EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_min_op<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived>
00074 cwiseMin(const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<OtherDerived> &other) const
00075 {
00076   return CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_min_op<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived>(derived(), other.derived());
00077 }
00079 /** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise min of *this and scalar \a other
00080   *
00081   * \sa class CwiseBinaryOp, min()
00082   */
00083 EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_min_op<Scalar>, const Derived, const ConstantReturnType>
00084 cwiseMin(const Scalar &other) const
00085 {
00086   return cwiseMin(Derived::Constant(rows(), cols(), other));
00087 }
00089 /** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise max of *this and \a other
00090   *
00091   * Example: \include MatrixBase_cwiseMax.cpp
00092   * Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_cwiseMax.out
00093   *
00094   * \sa class CwiseBinaryOp, min()
00095   */
00096 template<typename OtherDerived>
00097 EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_max_op<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived>
00098 cwiseMax(const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<OtherDerived> &other) const
00099 {
00100   return CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_max_op<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived>(derived(), other.derived());
00101 }
00103 /** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise max of *this and scalar \a other
00104   *
00105   * \sa class CwiseBinaryOp, min()
00106   */
00107 EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_max_op<Scalar>, const Derived, const ConstantReturnType>
00108 cwiseMax(const Scalar &other) const
00109 {
00110   return cwiseMax(Derived::Constant(rows(), cols(), other));
00111 }
00114 /** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise quotient of *this and \a other
00115   *
00116   * Example: \include MatrixBase_cwiseQuotient.cpp
00117   * Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_cwiseQuotient.out
00118   *
00119   * \sa class CwiseBinaryOp, cwiseProduct(), cwiseInverse()
00120   */
00121 template<typename OtherDerived>
00122 EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_quotient_op<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived>
00123 cwiseQuotient(const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<OtherDerived> &other) const
00124 {
00125   return CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_quotient_op<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived>(derived(), other.derived());
00126 }
00128 typedef CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_cmp_op<Scalar,internal::cmp_EQ>, const Derived, const ConstantReturnType> CwiseScalarEqualReturnType;
00130 /** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise == operator of \c *this and a scalar \a s
00131   *
00132   * \warning this performs an exact comparison, which is generally a bad idea with floating-point types.
00133   * In order to check for equality between two vectors or matrices with floating-point coefficients, it is
00134   * generally a far better idea to use a fuzzy comparison as provided by isApprox() and
00135   * isMuchSmallerThan().
00136   *
00137   * \sa cwiseEqual(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &) const
00138   */
00139 inline const CwiseScalarEqualReturnType
00140 cwiseEqual(const Scalar& s) const
00141 {
00142   return CwiseScalarEqualReturnType(derived(), Derived::Constant(rows(), cols(), s), internal::scalar_cmp_op<Scalar,internal::cmp_EQ>());
00143 }