Own fork of MbedSmartRestMain

Dependencies:   C027_Support C12832 LM75B MMA7660 MbedSmartRest mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of MbedSmartRestMain by Cumulocity Official

Revisions of operation/OperationSupport.cpp

Revision Date Message Actions
107:f1ee3e1eb126 2015-05-13 ConfigSync is now singleton File  Diff  Annotate
106:fc5f25f0e0d5 2015-05-13 OperationSupport revamped File  Diff  Annotate
100:dbcd3bc51758 2015-05-08 v2.1rc3 File  Diff  Annotate
99:47ea098f8a47 2015-05-07 prepare for v2.1rc3. File  Diff  Annotate
93:61d44636f020 2015-04-20 Integration of new device push code base. File  Diff  Annotate
92:0acd11870c6a 2015-04-13 v2.1rc1 File  Diff  Annotate
90:423177e8a401 2015-03-20 Code refactoring to ease coupling File  Diff  Annotate
82:ca7430f50b2b 2015-03-06 Threshold values tuning for avoiding sending unnecessary sensor readings. File  Diff  Annotate
81:4a7761914901 2015-03-04 Express mode: walk-around for stability issue. File  Diff  Annotate
77:f6717e4eccc4 2015-03-03 Working device push, DNS caching, change logging level when running and more. File  Diff  Annotate
70:f489ca11f254 2015-02-10 realtime running and functional test File  Diff  Annotate
68:0dc778a16d0d 2014-12-06 configuration for interval File  Diff  Annotate
67:c360a2b2c948 2014-11-30 refactor credentials persistence, add factory reset upon fire press button File  Diff  Annotate
65:a62dbef2f924 2014-10-30 operation support File  Diff  Annotate
63:010bbbb4732a 2014-10-30 Operation support class functional File  Diff  Annotate
62:86a04c5bda18 2014-10-29 introduced operation store File  Diff  Annotate
61:15719dbe8820 2014-10-24 operation support File  Diff  Annotate
60:3c822f97fc73 2014-10-24 operation thread + funcs File  Diff  Annotate
59:f96be79feccd 2014-10-24 operation support File  Diff  Annotate
58:4cc0ae5a7058 2014-10-24 operation support templates File  Diff  Annotate
57:4af5f1bec3a6 2014-10-23 Operation support skeleton File  Diff  Annotate