Own fork of MbedSmartRestMain
Dependencies: C027_Support C12832 LM75B MMA7660 MbedSmartRest mbed-rtos mbed
Fork of MbedSmartRestMain by
- Committer:
- vwochnik
- Date:
- 2014-10-30
- Revision:
- 65:a62dbef2f924
- Parent:
- 64:31a640c32399
- Child:
- 66:31c754c36ed7
File content as of revision 65:a62dbef2f924:
#include "OperationExecutor.h" #include "ComposedRecord.h" #include "CharValue.h" #include "IntegerValue.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> OperationExecutor::OperationExecutor(AbstractSmartRest& client, SmartRestTemplate& tpl, long& deviceId, DeviceIO& io) : _client(client), _tpl(tpl), _deviceId(deviceId), _io(io) { _init = false; } bool OperationExecutor::init() { if (_init) return false; // Get operation by id // USAGE: 112,<OPERATION/ID> if (!_tpl.add("10,112,GET,/devicecontrol/operations/%%,,application/vnd.com.nsn.cumulocity.operation+json,%%,UNSIGNED,\r\n")) return false; // Relay operation response // Response: 211,<OPERATION/ID>,<STATUS> if (!_tpl.add("11,220,,\"$.c8y_Relay\",\"$.id\",\"$.c8y_Relay.relayState\"\r\n")) return false; _init = true; return true; } bool OperationExecutor::executeOperation(OperationStore::Operation& op) { uint8_t ret; bool found, relayState; ComposedRecord record; ParsedRecord received; IntegerValue msgId(112); IntegerValue operationId(op.identifier); if ((!record.add(msgId)) || (!record.add(operationId))) return false; if (_client.send(record) != SMARTREST_SUCCESS) { _client.stop(); return false; } found = false; while ((ret = _client.receive(received)) == SMARTREST_SUCCESS) { if ((received.values() == 4) && (received.value(0).valueType() == VALUE_INTEGER) && (received.value(0).integerValue() == 220) && (received.value(2).valueType() == VALUE_INTEGER) && (received.value(2).integerValue() == op.identifier) && (received.value(3).valueType() == VALUE_CHARACTER)) { relayState = (strcmp("CLOSED", received.value(3).characterValue()) == 0); found = true; break; } } _client.stop(); if (!found) return false; return executeRelayStateUpdate(relayState); } bool OperationExecutor::executeRelayStateUpdate(bool relayState) { if (relayState) _io.deviceFeedback().closeRelay(); else _io.deviceFeedback().openRelay(); return true; }