Compilation fix for newer mbed-os
Fork of X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 by
- Committer:
- Vincent Coubard
- Date:
- 2016-09-15
- Branch:
- 5a6a99c0b0df5543867f722a25b0869776e9dbaa
- Revision:
- 282:27ead63b6cfc
- Parent:
- 280:fbee0e3444be
File content as of revision 282:27ead63b6cfc:
/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2012 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : hci.h * Author : AMS - HEA&RF BU * Version : V1.0.0 * Date : 19-July-2012 * Description : Constants and functions for HCI layer. See Bluetooth Core * v 4.0, Vol. 2, Part E. ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __HCI_H_ #define __HCI_H_ #include "ble_hal_types.h" #include "ble_link_layer.h" #include <ble_list.h> #define HCI_READ_PACKET_SIZE 128 //71 /*** Data types ***/ /* structure used to read received data */ typedef struct _tHciDataPacket { tListNode currentNode; uint8_t dataBuff[HCI_READ_PACKET_SIZE]; uint8_t data_len; } tHciDataPacket; typedef enum { BUSY, AVAILABLE } HCI_CMD_STATUS_t; /** * @defgroup HCI_Error_codes HCI Error codes * @{ */ #define HCI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND 0x01 #define HCI_NO_CONNECTION 0x02 #define HCI_HARDWARE_FAILURE 0x03 #define HCI_PAGE_TIMEOUT 0x04 #define HCI_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE 0x05 #define HCI_PIN_OR_KEY_MISSING 0x06 #define HCI_MEMORY_FULL 0x07 #define HCI_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 0x08 #define HCI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONNECTIONS 0x09 #define HCI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SCO_CONNECTIONS 0x0a #define HCI_ACL_CONNECTION_EXISTS 0x0b #define HCI_COMMAND_DISALLOWED 0x0c #define HCI_REJECTED_LIMITED_RESOURCES 0x0d #define HCI_REJECTED_SECURITY 0x0e #define HCI_REJECTED_PERSONAL 0x0f #define HCI_HOST_TIMEOUT 0x10 #define HCI_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE 0x11 #define HCI_INVALID_PARAMETERS 0x12 #define HCI_OE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION 0x13 #define HCI_OE_LOW_RESOURCES 0x14 #define HCI_OE_POWER_OFF 0x15 #define HCI_CONNECTION_TERMINATED 0x16 #define HCI_REPEATED_ATTEMPTS 0x17 #define HCI_PAIRING_NOT_ALLOWED 0x18 #define HCI_UNKNOWN_LMP_PDU 0x19 #define HCI_UNSUPPORTED_REMOTE_FEATURE 0x1a #define HCI_SCO_OFFSET_REJECTED 0x1b #define HCI_SCO_INTERVAL_REJECTED 0x1c #define HCI_AIR_MODE_REJECTED 0x1d #define HCI_INVALID_LMP_PARAMETERS 0x1e #define HCI_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR 0x1f #define HCI_UNSUPPORTED_LMP_PARAMETER_VALUE 0x20 #define HCI_ROLE_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED 0x21 #define HCI_LMP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT 0x22 #define HCI_LMP_ERROR_TRANSACTION_COLLISION 0x23 #define HCI_LMP_PDU_NOT_ALLOWED 0x24 #define HCI_ENCRYPTION_MODE_NOT_ACCEPTED 0x25 #define HCI_UNIT_LINK_KEY_USED 0x26 #define HCI_QOS_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x27 #define HCI_INSTANT_PASSED 0x28 #define HCI_PAIRING_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x29 #define HCI_TRANSACTION_COLLISION 0x2a #define HCI_QOS_UNACCEPTABLE_PARAMETER 0x2c #define HCI_QOS_REJECTED 0x2d #define HCI_CLASSIFICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x2e #define HCI_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY 0x2f #define HCI_PARAMETER_OUT_OF_RANGE 0x30 #define HCI_ROLE_SWITCH_PENDING 0x32 #define HCI_SLOT_VIOLATION 0x34 #define HCI_ROLE_SWITCH_FAILED 0x35 #define HCI_EIR_TOO_LARGE 0x36 #define HCI_SIMPLE_PAIRING_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x37 #define HCI_HOST_BUSY_PAIRING 0x38 #define HCI_CONN_REJ_NO_CH_FOUND 0x39 #define HCI_CONTROLLER_BUSY 0x3A #define HCI_UNACCEPTABLE_CONN_INTERV 0x3B #define HCI_DIRECTED_ADV_TIMEOUT 0x3C #define HCI_CONN_TERM_MIC_FAIL 0x3D #define HCI_CONN_FAIL_TO_BE_ESTABL 0x3E #define HCI_MAC_CONN_FAILED 0x3F /** * @} */ /* * HCI library functions. * Each function returns 0 in case of success, otherwise one of the error codes. */ int hci_reset(void); int hci_disconnect(uint16_t handle, uint8_t reason); int hci_le_set_advertise_enable(uint8_t enable); int hci_le_set_advertising_parameters(uint16_t min_interval, uint16_t max_interval, uint8_t advtype, uint8_t own_bdaddr_type, uint8_t direct_bdaddr_type, const tBDAddr direct_bdaddr, uint8_t chan_map, uint8_t filter); int hci_le_set_scan_parameters(uint8_t type, uint16_t interval, uint16_t window, uint8_t own_bdaddr_type, uint8_t filter); int hci_le_set_scan_enable(uint8_t enable, uint8_t filter_dup); int hci_le_set_advertising_data(uint8_t length, const uint8_t data[]); int hci_le_set_scan_resp_data(uint8_t length, const uint8_t data[]); int hci_le_rand(uint8_t random_number[8]); int hci_le_read_advertising_channel_tx_power(int8_t *tx_power_level); int hci_acl_data(const uint8_t * data, uint16_t len); int hci_le_set_random_address(tBDAddr bdaddr); int hci_read_bd_addr(tBDAddr bdaddr); int hci_le_read_white_list_size(uint8_t *size); int hci_le_clear_white_list(void); int hci_le_add_device_to_white_list(uint8_t bdaddr_type, tBDAddr bdaddr); int hci_le_remove_device_from_white_list(uint8_t bdaddr_type, tBDAddr bdaddr); int hci_le_encrypt(uint8_t key[16], uint8_t plaintextData[16], uint8_t encryptedData[16]); int hci_le_ltk_request_reply(uint8_t key[16]); int hci_le_ltk_request_neg_reply(void); int hci_le_read_buffer_size(uint16_t *pkt_len, uint8_t *max_pkt); int hci_le_create_connection(uint16_t interval, uint16_t window, uint8_t initiator_filter, uint8_t peer_bdaddr_type, const tBDAddr peer_bdaddr, uint8_t own_bdaddr_type, uint16_t min_interval, uint16_t max_interval, uint16_t latency, uint16_t supervision_timeout, uint16_t min_ce_length, uint16_t max_ce_length); int hci_le_create_connection_cancel(void); int hci_read_transmit_power_level(uint16_t *conn_handle, uint8_t type, int8_t *tx_level); int hci_read_rssi(uint16_t *conn_handle, int8_t *rssi); int hci_le_read_local_supported_features(uint8_t *features); int hci_le_read_channel_map(uint16_t conn_handle, uint8_t ch_map[5]); int hci_le_read_supported_states(uint8_t states[8]); int hci_le_receiver_test(uint8_t frequency); int hci_le_transmitter_test(uint8_t frequency, uint8_t length, uint8_t payload); int hci_le_test_end(uint16_t *num_pkts); int hci_le_read_local_version(uint8_t *hci_version, uint16_t *hci_revision, uint8_t *lmp_pal_version, uint16_t *manufacturer_name, uint16_t *lmp_pal_subversion); /** * This function must be used to pass the packet received from the HCI * interface to the BLE Stack HCI state machine. * * @param[in] hciReadPacket The packet that is received from HCI interface. * */ void HCI_Input(tHciDataPacket *hciReadPacket); /** * Initialization function. Must be done before any data can be received from * BLE controller. */ void HCI_Init(void); /** * Callback used to pass events to application. * * @param[in] pckt The event. * */ extern void HCI_Event_CB(void *pckt); /** * Processing function that must be called after an event is received from * HCI interface. Must be called outside ISR. It will call HCI_Event_CB if * necessary. */ void HCI_Process(void); /** * @brief Check if queue of HCI event is empty or not. * @note This funtion can be used to check if the event queue from BlueNRG is empty. This * is useful when checking if it is safe to go to sleep. * @return TRUE if event queue is empty. FALSE otherwhise. */ BOOL HCI_Queue_Empty(void); /** * Iterrupt service routine that must be called when the BlueNRG * reports a packet received or an event to the host through the * BlueNRG interrupt line. */ #ifdef __DMA_LP__ void HCI_Isr(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t event_payload_len); void HCI_Process_Notification_Request(void); void HCI_Cmd_Status(HCI_CMD_STATUS_t Hci_Cmd_Status); void HCI_Wait_For_Response(void); #else void HCI_Isr(void); #endif /* __DMA_LP__ */ extern tListNode hciReadPktPool; extern tListNode hciReadPktRxQueue; #endif /* __HCI_H_ */