Updated for more display types. Fixed memoryaddress confusion in address() method. Added new getAddress() method. Added support for UDCs, Backlight control and other features such as control through I2C and SPI port expanders and controllers with native I2C and SPI interfaces. Refactored to fix issue with pins that are default declared as NC.
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Hello World! for the TextLCD
#include "mbed.h" #include "TextLCD.h" // Host PC Communication channels Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx // I2C Communication I2C i2c_lcd(p28,p27); // SDA, SCL // SPI Communication SPI spi_lcd(p5, NC, p7); // MOSI, MISO, SCLK //TextLCD lcd(p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20, TextLCD::LCD20x2); // rs, e, d4-d7 TextLCD lcd(&i2c_lcd, 0x42, TextLCD::LCD20x4); // I2C bus, PCF8574 Slaveaddress, LCD Type //TextLCD lcd(&i2c_lcd, 0x42, TextLCD::LCD16x2, TextLCD::WS0010); // I2C bus, PCF8574 addr, LCD Type, Ctrl Type //TextLCD lcd(&spi_lcd, p8, TextLCD::LCD24x4); // SPI bus, CS pin, LCD Type int main() { pc.printf("LCD Test. Columns=%d, Rows=%d\n\r", lcd.columns(), lcd.rows()); for (int row=0; row<lcd.rows(); row++) { int col=0; pc.printf("MemAddr(Col=%d, Row=%d)=0x%02X\n\r", col, row, lcd.getAddress(col, row)); // lcd.putc('-'); lcd.putc('0' + row); for (col=1; col<lcd.columns()-1; col++) { lcd.putc('*'); } pc.printf("MemAddr(Col=%d, Row=%d)=0x%02X\n\r", col, row, lcd.getAddress(col, row)); lcd.putc('+'); } // Show cursor as blinking character lcd.setCursor(TextLCD::CurOff_BlkOn); // Set and show user defined characters. A maximum of 8 UDCs are supported by the HD44780. // They are defined by a 5x7 bitpattern. lcd.setUDC(0, (char *) udc_0); // Show |> lcd.putc(0); lcd.setUDC(1, (char *) udc_1); // Show <| lcd.putc(1); }