Totale script, 2 rotationele joints met middelpunt van swiffer als end-effector die verticaal en horizontaal wordt bestuurd middels EMG-signalen. Automatische kalibratie, grenshoeken

Dependencies:   HIDScope MODSERIAL QEI biquadFilter mbed



File content as of revision 0:e03285f8a410:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "mbed.h"
#include "QEI.h"
#include "MODSERIAL.h"
#include "BiQuad.h"
#include "HIDScope.h"

QEI wheel_M1 (D13, D12, NC, 32);
QEI wheel_M2 (D10, D11, NC, 32);
PwmOut pwm_M1 (D6);
PwmOut pwm_M2 (D5);
DigitalOut dir_M1 (D7);
DigitalOut dir_M2 (D4);

Ticker emgticker;
AnalogIn emgB(A0);
AnalogIn emgT(A1);
AnalogIn emgS(A2);
HIDScope scope(3);

DigitalOut ledg (LED_GREEN);
DigitalOut ledr (LED_RED);
DigitalOut ledb (LED_BLUE);
InterruptIn knop_biceps(SW2);
InterruptIn knop_triceps(SW3);
InterruptIn knop_switch(D9);

BiQuadChain filter1b;
BiQuadChain filter2b;
BiQuadChain filter1t;
BiQuadChain filter2t;
BiQuadChain filter1s;
BiQuadChain filter2s;

BiQuad bq1b(8.5977e-01, -1.7195e+00, 8.5977e-01, -1.7347e+00,  7.6601e-01);   // Notch + HP
BiQuad bq2b(1.0000e+00, -1.6182e+00, 1.0000e+00, -1.5933e+00,  9.8217e-01);   // Notch + HP
BiQuad bq3b(1.0000e+00, -1.6182e+00, 1.0000e+00, -1.6143e+00 , 9.8260e-01);   // Notch + HP
BiQuad bq4b(3.4604e-04,  6.9208e-04, 3.4604e-04, -1.9467e+00,  9.4808e-01);   // LP

BiQuad bq1t(8.5977e-01, -1.7195e+00, 8.5977e-01, -1.7347e+00,  7.6601e-01);   // Notch + HP
BiQuad bq2t(1.0000e+00, -1.6182e+00, 1.0000e+00, -1.5933e+00,  9.8217e-01);   // Notch + HP
BiQuad bq3t(1.0000e+00, -1.6182e+00, 1.0000e+00, -1.6143e+00 , 9.8260e-01);   // Notch + HP
BiQuad bq4t(3.4604e-04,  6.9208e-04, 3.4604e-04, -1.9467e+00,  9.4808e-01);   // LP

BiQuad bq1s(8.5977e-01, -1.7195e+00, 8.5977e-01, -1.7347e+00,  7.6601e-01);   // Notch + HP
BiQuad bq2s(1.0000e+00, -1.6182e+00, 1.0000e+00, -1.5933e+00,  9.8217e-01);   // Notch + HP
BiQuad bq3s(1.0000e+00, -1.6182e+00, 1.0000e+00, -1.6143e+00 , 9.8260e-01);   // Notch + HP
BiQuad bq4s(3.4604e-04,  6.9208e-04, 3.4604e-04, -1.9467e+00,  9.4808e-01);   // LP

const float threshold_biceps = 0.07;
const float threshold_triceps = 0.07;
const float threshold_switch = 0.05;

volatile float q1 = 0;
volatile float q2 = 0;
volatile float q1_begin;
volatile float q2_begin;
const float l1 = 0.3626;
const float l2 = 0.420;
volatile float q1_v;
volatile float q2_v;
volatile float q1_ref = 0;
volatile float q2_ref = 0;
volatile float q1_error = 0;
volatile float q2_error = 0;
volatile float q1_error_prev = 0;
volatile float q2_error_prev = 0;
volatile float q1DerivativeError = 0;
volatile float q2DerivativeError = 0;
volatile float q1IntError = 0;
volatile float q2IntError = 0;
volatile float TotalError1= 0;
volatile float TotalError2= 0;
float ctrlOutput_M1 = 0;
float ctrlOutput_M2 = 0;
volatile float vx;
volatile float vy;
volatile bool translatie_richting = true;  //true is verticaal, false is horizontaal

const float TS = 0.02;
const float MotorGain_M1 = 4.3;         // bij pwm = 1 draait (losse) motor met 4.3 rad/s -> gemeten
const float MotorGain_M2 = 4.7;         // gemeten

Ticker update_encoder_ticker;
volatile bool go_flag_update_encoder = false;
void flag_update_encoder()
    go_flag_update_encoder = true;

void update_encoder()
    //q1 = wheel_M1.getPulses()/(1334.355/2);
    //q2 = wheel_M2.getPulses()/(1334.355/2);
    //pc.printf("q1 = %f \tq1_ref = %f \tq2 = %f \tq2_ref = %f \ttotalerr1 = %f \ttotalerr2 = %f\n\r",q1, q1_ref,q2,q2_ref,TotalError1,TotalError2);
    pc.printf("vx = %f \tvy = %f \tq1_r = %f \tq2_r = %f \tq1 = %f \tq2 = %f \tpwm_M1 = %f \tpwm_M2 = %f\n\r",vx,vy,q1_ref,q2_ref,q1,q2,,;
    //pc.printf("q1_err = %0.9f \tq2_err = %0.9f \tq1IntErr = %0.9f \tq2IntErr = %0.9f \tTotErr1 = %0.9f \tTotErr2 = %0.9f\n\r",q1_error,q2_error,q1IntError,q2IntError,TotalError1,TotalError2);

Ticker PIDcontrol;
volatile bool go_flag_controller = false;

void flag_controller()
    go_flag_controller = true;

volatile bool active_PID_ticker = false;

void begin_hoeken()
    q1_ref = wheel_M1.getPulses()/(1334.355/2);
    q2_ref = wheel_M2.getPulses()/(1334.355/2);
    active_PID_ticker = true;

void initialize()
    dir_M1 = 0; //ccw
    dir_M2 = 1; //cw
    while (q1 < 20*2*3.1415/360) {
        q1 = wheel_M1.getPulses()/(1334.355/2);
        pwm_M1 = 0.05;
    pwm_M1 = 0;

    while (q2 > -45*2*3.1415/360) {
        q2 = wheel_M2.getPulses()/(1334.355/2);
        pwm_M2 = 0.05;
    pwm_M2 = 0;
    ledg = !ledg;

void biceps()
    q1IntError = 0;
    q2IntError = 0;
    q1_error_prev = 0;
    q2_error_prev = 0;
    if (translatie_richting == true) {      // verticaal / up
        vx = 0;
        vy = 0.1;
    } else {                        // horizontaal / right
        vx = 0.1;
        vy = 0;

void triceps()
    q1IntError = 0;
    q2IntError = 0;
    q1_error_prev = 0;
    q2_error_prev = 0;
    if (translatie_richting == true) {      // verticaal / down
        vx = 0;
        vy = -0.1;
    } else {                        // horizontaal / left
        vx = -0.1;
        vy = 0;


void switcher()
    if ( (vx == 0) && (vy == 0) && (translatie_richting == true) ) {
        translatie_richting = false;
    } else if ( (vx == 0) && (vy == 0) && (translatie_richting == false) ) {
        translatie_richting = true;
    } else {
        vx = 0;
        vy = 0;
        q1IntError = 0;
        q2IntError = 0;
        q1_error_prev = 0;
        q2_error_prev = 0;

    if (translatie_richting == 1) {
        ledr = 1;                   // blauw - verticaal
        ledg = 1;
        ledb = 0;
    } else {
        ledr = 0;                   // rood - horizontaal
        ledg = 1;
        ledb = 1;

Ticker switch_activate_ticker;
volatile bool switch_active = true;
void switch_activate()
    switch_active = true;

volatile bool go_flag_emgsample = false;
void flag_emgsample()
    go_flag_emgsample = true;

void emgsample()
    float bEMG_raw =;
    float bEMG_HPfilt = filter1b.step( bEMG_raw );
    float bEMG_rect = abs(bEMG_HPfilt);
    float bEMG_filt = filter2b.step(bEMG_rect);
    float tEMG_raw =;
    float tEMG_HPfilt = filter1t.step( tEMG_raw );
    float tEMG_rect = abs(tEMG_HPfilt);
    float tEMG_filt = filter2t.step(tEMG_rect);
    float sEMG_raw =;
    float sEMG_HPfilt = filter1s.step( sEMG_raw );
    float sEMG_rect = abs(sEMG_HPfilt);
    float sEMG_filt = filter2s.step(sEMG_rect);
    scope.set(0, bEMG_filt);
    scope.set(1, tEMG_filt);
    scope.set(2, sEMG_filt);
    // motor aansturing
    if (sEMG_filt > threshold_switch) {
        if (switch_active == true) {
        switch_active = false;
        switch_activate_ticker.attach(&switch_activate, 0.5f);
    } else if (tEMG_filt > threshold_triceps) {
    } else if (bEMG_filt > threshold_biceps) {

Ticker update_ref_ticker;
volatile float J_1;
volatile float J_2;
volatile float J_3;
volatile float J_4;
volatile bool go_flag_update_ref = false;
void flag_update_ref()
    go_flag_update_ref = true;

void update_ref()
    q1 = wheel_M1.getPulses() / (1334.355/2);     // rad
    q2 = wheel_M2.getPulses() / (1334.355/2);

    J_1 = -(l2*sin(q1 + q2))/(l2*sin(q1 + q2)*(l2*cos(q1 + q2) + l1*cos(q1)) - l2*cos(q1 + q2)*(l2*sin(q1 + q2) + l1*sin(q1)));
    J_2 = (l2*cos(q1 + q2))/(l2*sin(q1 + q2)*(l2*cos(q1 + q2) + l1*cos(q1)) - l2*cos(q1 + q2)*(l2*sin(q1 + q2) + l1*sin(q1)));
    J_3 = (l2*sin(q1 + q2) + l1*sin(q1))/(l2*sin(q1 + q2)*(l2*cos(q1 + q2) + l1*cos(q1)) - l2*cos(q1 + q2)*(l2*sin(q1 + q2) + l1*sin(q1)));
    J_4 = -(l2*cos(q1 + q2) + l1*cos(q1))/(l2*sin(q1 + q2)*(l2*cos(q1 + q2) + l1*cos(q1)) - l2*cos(q1 + q2)*(l2*sin(q1 + q2) + l1*sin(q1)));

    q1_v = J_1 * vx + J_2 * vy;
    q2_v = J_3 * vx + J_4 * vy;

    if ( (q1 > (90*2*3.1415/360)) && (q1_v > 0 ) ) {                // WAARDES VINDEN 0.8726 (50 graden)
        q1_v = 0;
        q2_v = 0;
    } else if ( (q1 < -(90*2*3.1415/360)) && (q1_v < 0) ) {
        q1_v = 0;
        q2_v = 0;
    } else if ( (q2 < (-140*2*3.1415/360)) && (q2_v < 0) ) {        // WAARDES VINDEN -2.4434 (-140 graden) --> werkelijke max -2.672452
        q1_v = 0;
        q2_v = 0;
    } else if ( (q2 > 0) && (q2_v > 0) ) {
        q1_v = 0;
        q2_v = 0;

    q1_ref = q1 + q1_v*TS;
    q2_ref = q2 + q2_v*TS;

void PID(float q1,float q1_ref,float q2,float q2_ref,float TS,float &ctrlOutput_M1, float &ctrlOutput_M2)
    // linear feedback control
    q1_error = q1_ref - q1; //referencePosition1 - Position1;             // proportional angular error in radians
    q2_error = q2_ref - q2; //referencePosition1 - Position1;             // proportional angular error in radians
    float Kp = 10;

    q1IntError = q1IntError + q1_error*TS;             // integrated error in radians
    q2IntError = q2IntError + q2_error*TS;             // integrated error in radians
    float Ki = 1;

    q1DerivativeError = (q1_error - q1_error_prev)/TS;  // derivative of error in radians
    q2DerivativeError = (q2_error - q2_error_prev)/TS;  // derivative of error in radians
    float Kd = 0;

    TotalError1 = (q1_error * Kp) + (q1IntError * Ki) + (q1DerivativeError * Kd);         //total controller output = motor input
    TotalError2 = (q2_error * Kp) + (q2IntError * Ki) + (q2DerivativeError * Kd);         //total controller output = motor input

    ctrlOutput_M1 = TotalError1/MotorGain_M1;
    ctrlOutput_M2 = TotalError2/MotorGain_M2;

    q1_error_prev = q1_error;
    q2_error_prev = q2_error;

void Controller()

    if (ctrlOutput_M1 < 0) {
        dir_M1 = 1;
    } else {
        dir_M1 = 0;
    pwm_M1 = abs(ctrlOutput_M1);
    if (pwm_M1 <= 0) {
        pwm_M1 = 0;
    } else {
        pwm_M1 = pwm_M1 + 0.05;

    if (ctrlOutput_M2 < 0) {
        dir_M2 = 1;
    } else {
        dir_M2 = 0;
    pwm_M2 = abs(ctrlOutput_M2);
    if (pwm_M2 <= 0) {
        pwm_M2 = 0;
    } else {
        pwm_M2 = pwm_M2 + 0.05;

int main()
    ledr = 1;
    ledg = 1;
    ledb = 0;

    // flag functions/tickers
    emgticker.attach(&emgsample, 0.002f); // 500 Hz --> moet kloppen met frequentie gebruikt voor filter coefficienten
    update_encoder_ticker.attach(&flag_update_encoder, TS);
    update_ref_ticker.attach(&flag_update_ref, TS);
    // initialize -> beginposities

    if (active_PID_ticker == true) {
        PIDcontrol.attach(&flag_controller, TS);

    while(1) {
        // sample EMG
        if (go_flag_emgsample == true) {
            go_flag_emgsample = false;
        // update encoder
        if (go_flag_update_encoder == true) {
            go_flag_update_encoder = false;
        // update joint positions/velocities
        if (go_flag_update_ref == true) {
            go_flag_update_ref = false;
        // controller M1+M2
        if (go_flag_controller == true) {
            go_flag_controller = false;