Test program running on MAX32625MBED. Control through USB Serial commands using a terminal emulator such as teraterm or putty.

Dependencies:   MaximTinyTester CmdLine MAX541 USBDevice



File content as of revision 52:607010f0c54e:

// /*******************************************************************************
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// *******************************************************************************
// */
// *********************************************************************
// @file MAX11043.cpp
// *********************************************************************
// Device Driver file
// DO NOT EDIT; except areas designated "CUSTOMIZE". Automatically generated file.
// generated by XMLSystemOfDevicesToMBED.py
// System Name = ExampleSystem
// System Description = Device driver example

#include "MAX11043.h"

// Device Name = MAX11043
// Device Description = 200ksps, Low-Power, Serial SPI 24-Bit, 4-Channel, Differential/Single-Ended Input, Simultaneous-Sampling SD ADC
// Device DeviceBriefDescription = 24-bit 200ksps Delta-Sigma ADC
// Device Manufacturer = Maxim Integrated
// Device PartNumber = MAX11043ATL+
// Device RegValue_Width = DataWidth16bit_HL
// ADC MaxOutputDataRate = 200ksps
// ADC NumChannels = 4
// ADC ResolutionBits = 24
// SPI CS = ActiveLow
// SPI FrameStart = CS
// SPI CPOL = 0
// SPI CPHA = 0
// SPI MOSI and MISO Data are both stable on Rising edge of SCLK
// SPI SCLK Idle Low
// SPI SCLKMaxMHz = 40
// SPI SCLKMinMHz = 0
// InputPin Name = CONVRUN
// InputPin Description = CONVRUN (digital input). Convert Run. Drive high to start continuous conversions on all 4 channels. The device is idle when
// CONVRUN is low.
// InputPin Function = Configuration
// InputPin Name = SHDN
// InputPin Description = Shutdown (digital input). Active-High Shutdown Input. Drive high to shut down the MAX11043.
// InputPin Function = Configuration
// InputPin Name = DACSTEP
// InputPin Description = DACSTEP (digital input). DAC Step Input. Drive high to move the DAC output in the direction of UP/DWN on the next rising
// edge of the system clock.
// InputPin Function = Configuration
// InputPin Name = UP/DWN#
// InputPin Description = UP/DWN# (digital input). DAC Step Direction Select. Drive high to step up, drive low to step down when DACSTEP is toggled.
// InputPin Function = Configuration
// OutputPin Name = EOC
// OutputPin Description = End of Conversion Output. Active-Low End-of-Conversion Indicator. EOC asserts low to indicate that new data is ready.
// OutputPin Function = Event

// CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition
MAX11043::MAX11043(SPI &spi, DigitalOut &cs_pin, // SPI interface
                 // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition gpio InputPin pins
                 DigitalOut &CONVRUN_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
                 DigitalOut &SHDN_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
                 DigitalOut &DACSTEP_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
                 DigitalOut &UP_slash_DWNb_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
                 // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition gpio OutputPin pins
                 DigitalIn &EOC_pin, // Digital Event Output from MAX11043 device
                 // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition ic_variant
                 MAX11043_ic_t ic_variant)
    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor initializer list
    : m_spi(spi), m_cs_pin(cs_pin), // SPI interface
    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor initializer list gpio InputPin pins
    m_CONVRUN_pin(CONVRUN_pin), // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
    m_SHDN_pin(SHDN_pin), // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
    m_DACSTEP_pin(DACSTEP_pin), // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
    m_UP_slash_DWNb_pin(UP_slash_DWNb_pin), // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor initializer list gpio OutputPin pins
    m_EOC_pin(EOC_pin), // Digital Event Output from MAX11043 device
    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor initializer list ic_variant
    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition SPI interface initialization
    // SPI CS = ActiveLow
    // SPI FrameStart = CS
    m_SPI_cs_state = 1;
    m_cs_pin = m_SPI_cs_state;

    // SPI CPOL = 0
    // SPI CPHA = 0
    // SPI MOSI and MISO Data are both stable on Rising edge of SCLK
    // SPI SCLK Idle Low
    m_SPI_dataMode = 0; //SPI_MODE0; // CPOL=0,CPHA=0: Rising Edge stable; SCLK idle Low
    m_spi.format(8,m_SPI_dataMode);         // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=0,CPHA=0

    // SPI SCLKMaxMHz = 40
    // SPI SCLKMinMHz = 0
    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 48000000 // 48MHz
    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 24000000 // 24MHz
    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 12000000 // 12MHz
    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 6000000 // 6MHz
    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 4000000 // 4MHz
    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 2000000 // 2MHz
    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 1000000 // 1MHz
    m_SPI_SCLK_Hz = 12000000; // 12MHz; MAX11043 limit is 40MHz

    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition gpio InputPin (Input to device) initialization
    // CONVRUN Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
    m_CONVRUN_pin = 1; // output logic high -- initial value in constructor
    // SHDN Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
    m_SHDN_pin = 1; // output logic high -- initial value in constructor
    // DACSTEP Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
    m_DACSTEP_pin = 1; // output logic high -- initial value in constructor
    // UP_slash_DWNb Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
    m_UP_slash_DWNb_pin = 1; // output logic high -- initial value in constructor
    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition gpio OutputPin (Output from MAX11043 device) initialization
    // EOC Event Output from device

// CODE GENERATOR: class destructor definition
    // do nothing

// CODE GENERATOR: spi_frequency setter definition
/// set SPI SCLK frequency
void MAX11043::spi_frequency(int spi_sclk_Hz)
    m_SPI_SCLK_Hz = spi_sclk_Hz;

// CODE GENERATOR: omit global g_MAX11043_device
// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declarations
// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::SPIoutputCS
// Assert SPI Chip Select
// SPI chip-select for MAX11043
void MAX11043::SPIoutputCS(int isLogicHigh)
    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function SPIoutputCS
    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for standard SPI interface function SPIoutputCS(int isLogicHigh)
    m_SPI_cs_state = isLogicHigh;
    m_cs_pin = m_SPI_cs_state;

// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::SPIwrite16bits
// SPI write 16 bits
// SPI interface to MAX11043 shift 16 bits mosiData into MAX11043 DIN
void MAX11043::SPIwrite16bits(int16_t mosiData16)
    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function SPIwrite16bits
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for standard SPI interface function SPIwrite16bits(int16_t mosiData16)
    size_t byteCount = 2;
    static char mosiData[2];
    static char misoData[2];
    mosiData[0] = (char)((mosiData16 >> 8) & 0xFF); // MSByte
    mosiData[1] = (char)((mosiData16 >> 0) & 0xFF); // LSByte
    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
    //~ noInterrupts();
    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, LOW); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
    unsigned int numBytesTransferred = m_spi.write(mosiData, byteCount, misoData, byteCount);
    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData8_FF0000);
    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_00FF00);
    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_0000FF);
    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, HIGH); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
    //~ interrupts();
    // Optional Diagnostic function to print SPI transactions
    if (onSPIprint)
        onSPIprint(byteCount, (uint8_t*)mosiData, (uint8_t*)misoData);
    // VERIFY: SPIwrite24bits print diagnostic information
    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" MOSI->"));
    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
    //Serial.print( (mosiData8_FF0000 & 0xFF), HEX);
    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_00FF00 & 0xFF), HEX);
    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_0000FF & 0xFF), HEX);
    // hex dump mosiData[0..byteCount-1]
    if (byteCount > 7) {
        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" ");
    if (byteCount > 7) {
        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" ");
    // VERIFY: DIAGNOSTIC: print MAX5715 device register write
    // TODO: MAX5715_print_register_verbose(mosiData8_FF0000, mosiData16_00FFFF);
    // TODO: print_verbose_SPI_diagnostic(mosiData16_FF00, mosiData16_00FF, misoData16_FF00, misoData16_00FF);
    // int misoData16 = (misoData16_FF00 << 8) | misoData16_00FF;
    // return misoData16;

// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::SPIreadWrite16bits
// SPI read and write 16 bits
// SPI interface to MAX11043 shift 16 bits mosiData16 into MAX11043 DIN
// while simultaneously capturing 16 bits miso data from MAX11043 DOUT
int16_t MAX11043::SPIreadWrite16bits(int16_t mosiData16)
    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function SPIreadWrite16bits
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for standard SPI interface function SPIreadWrite16bits(int16_t mosiData16)
    size_t byteCount = 2;
    static char mosiData[2];
    static char misoData[2];
    mosiData[0] = (char)((mosiData16 >> 8) & 0xFF); // MSByte
    mosiData[1] = (char)((mosiData16 >> 0) & 0xFF); // LSByte
    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
    //~ noInterrupts();
    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, LOW); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
    unsigned int numBytesTransferred = m_spi.write(mosiData, byteCount, misoData, byteCount);
    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData8_FF0000);
    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_00FF00);
    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_0000FF);
    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, HIGH); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
    //~ interrupts();
    // Optional Diagnostic function to print SPI transactions
    if (onSPIprint)
        onSPIprint(byteCount, (uint8_t*)mosiData, (uint8_t*)misoData);
    // VERIFY: SPIwrite24bits print diagnostic information
    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" MOSI->"));
    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
    //Serial.print( (mosiData8_FF0000 & 0xFF), HEX);
    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_00FF00 & 0xFF), HEX);
    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_0000FF & 0xFF), HEX);
    // hex dump mosiData[0..byteCount-1]
    if (byteCount > 7) {
        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" ");
    if (byteCount > 7) {
        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" ");
    // VERIFY: DIAGNOSTIC: print MAX5715 device register write
    // TODO: MAX5715_print_register_verbose(mosiData8_FF0000, mosiData16_00FFFF);
    // TODO: print_verbose_SPI_diagnostic(mosiData16_FF00, mosiData16_00FF, misoData16_FF00, misoData16_00FF);
    //int misoData16 = (misoData16_FF00 << 8) | misoData16_00FF;
    int misoData16 = (misoData[0] << 8) | misoData[1];
    return misoData16;

// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::SPIreadWrite32bits
// SPI read and write 32 bits
// SPI interface to MAX11043 shift 32 bits mosiData into MAX11043 DIN
// while simultaneously capturing 32 bits miso data from MAX11043 DOUT
int32_t MAX11043::SPIreadWrite32bits(int32_t mosiData32)
    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function SPIreadWrite32bits
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for standard SPI interface function SPIreadWrite32bits(int32_t mosiData32)
    size_t byteCount = 4;
    static char mosiData[4];
    static char misoData[4];
    mosiData[0] = (char)((mosiData32 >> 24) & 0xFF); // MSByte
    mosiData[1] = (char)((mosiData32 >> 16) & 0xFF);
    mosiData[2] = (char)((mosiData32 >>  8) & 0xFF);
    mosiData[3] = (char)((mosiData32 >>  0) & 0xFF); // LSByte
    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
    //~ noInterrupts();
    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, LOW); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
    unsigned int numBytesTransferred = m_spi.write(mosiData, byteCount, misoData, byteCount);
    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData8_FF0000);
    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_00FF00);
    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_0000FF);
    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, HIGH); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
    //~ interrupts();
    // Optional Diagnostic function to print SPI transactions
    if (onSPIprint)
        onSPIprint(byteCount, (uint8_t*)mosiData, (uint8_t*)misoData);
    // VERIFY: SPIwrite24bits print diagnostic information
    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" MOSI->"));
    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
    //Serial.print( (mosiData8_FF0000 & 0xFF), HEX);
    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_00FF00 & 0xFF), HEX);
    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_0000FF & 0xFF), HEX);
    // hex dump mosiData[0..byteCount-1]
    if (byteCount > 7) {
        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" ");
    if (byteCount > 7) {
        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" ");
    // VERIFY: DIAGNOSTIC: print MAX5715 device register write
    // TODO: MAX5715_print_register_verbose(mosiData8_FF0000, mosiData16_00FFFF);
    // TODO: print_verbose_SPI_diagnostic(mosiData16_FF00, mosiData16_00FF, misoData16_FF00, misoData16_00FF);
    //int misoData32 = (misoData32_FF000000 << 24) | (misoData32_FF0000 << 16) | (misoData32_0000FF00 << 8) | misoData32_000000FF;
    int misoData32 = (misoData[0] << 24) | (misoData[1] << 16) | (misoData[2] << 8) | misoData[3];
    return misoData32;

// TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function GPIOoutputSHDN alias SHDNoutputValue
// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::SHDNoutputValue
// Assert MAX11043 SHDN pin : High = _____, Low = _____.
void MAX11043::SHDNoutputValue(int isLogicHigh)
    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function SHDNoutputValue
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for gpio interface function SHDNoutputValue
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio pin SHDN assuming member function m_SHDN_pin
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio direction output
    // m_SHDN_pin.output(); // only applicable to DigitalInOut
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio function Value
    m_SHDN_pin = isLogicHigh;

// TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function GPIOoutputCONVRUN alias CONVRUNoutputValue
// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::CONVRUNoutputValue
// Assert MAX11043 CONVRUN pin : High = _____, Low = _____.
void MAX11043::CONVRUNoutputValue(int isLogicHigh)
    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function CONVRUNoutputValue
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for gpio interface function CONVRUNoutputValue
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio pin CONVRUN assuming member function m_CONVRUN_pin
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio direction output
    // m_CONVRUN_pin.output(); // only applicable to DigitalInOut
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio function Value
    m_CONVRUN_pin = isLogicHigh;

// TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function GPIOoutputDACSTEP alias DACSTEPoutputValue
// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::DACSTEPoutputValue
// Assert MAX11043 DACSTEP pin : High = _____, Low = _____.
void MAX11043::DACSTEPoutputValue(int isLogicHigh)
    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function DACSTEPoutputValue
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for gpio interface function DACSTEPoutputValue
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio pin DACSTEP assuming member function m_DACSTEP_pin
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio direction output
    // m_DACSTEP_pin.output(); // only applicable to DigitalInOut
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio function Value
    m_DACSTEP_pin = isLogicHigh;

// TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function GPIOoutputUP_slash_DWNb alias UP_slash_DWNboutputValue
// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::UP_slash_DWNboutputValue
// Assert MAX11043 UP_slash_DWNb pin : High = _____, Low = _____.
void MAX11043::UP_slash_DWNboutputValue(int isLogicHigh)
    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function UP_slash_DWNboutputValue
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for gpio interface function UP_slash_DWNboutputValue
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio pin UP_slash_DWNb assuming member function m_UP_slash_DWNb_pin
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio direction output
    // m_UP_slash_DWNb_pin.output(); // only applicable to DigitalInOut
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio function Value
    m_UP_slash_DWNb_pin = isLogicHigh;

// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::EOCinputWaitUntilLow
// Wait for MAX11043 EOC pin low, indicating end of conversion.
// Required when using any of the InternalClock modes.
void MAX11043::EOCinputWaitUntilLow()
    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function EOCinputWaitUntilLow
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for gpio interface function EOCinputWaitUntilLow
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio pin EOC assuming member function m_EOC_pin
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio direction input
    // m_EOC_pin.input(); // only applicable to DigitalInOut
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio function WaitUntilLow
    while (m_EOC_pin != 0)
        // spinlock waiting for logic low pin state

// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::EOCinputValue
// Return the status of the MAX11043 EOC pin.
int MAX11043::EOCinputValue()
    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function EOCinputValue
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for gpio interface function EOCinputValue
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio pin EOC assuming member function m_EOC_pin
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio direction input
    // m_EOC_pin.input(); // only applicable to DigitalInOut
    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio function Value
    return m_EOC_pin.read();

// CODE GENERATOR: class member function definitions
// Menu item '!'
// Initialize device
// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
uint8_t MAX11043::Init(void)
    // TODO1: AC79 MAX11043 AIN0-AIN1 reference voltage, in Volts
    VRef_xxxxxx = 2.500;
    // shadow of register ctrl CMD_r000_1001_dddd_dddd_CTRL
    ctrl = 0x01;
    // set by Configure_PGA gain index register pga CMD_r000_1110_xxdd_xddd_PGA
    pgaGain = 1;
    // init (based on old EV kit GUI)
    #warning "Not Implemented Yet: MAX11043::Init init..."
    // bool bOpResult = false;
    // String FWVersionString = "00";
    // bool bDemoMode = true;
    // int scan_resolution = 0;
    // int scan_channels = 0;
    // int scan_bits = 0;
    // int sampleRateFactore = 0;
    // double sampleRate = 0;
    // unsigned long banks_requested = 0;
    // bool bScanMode = 0;
    // Device ID Validation
    #warning "Not Implemented Yet: MAX11043::Init Device ID Validation..."
    // const uint32_t part_id_expect = 0x000F02;
    // uint32_t part_id_readback;
    // RegRead(xxxxxxxxxxxxCMD_r001_0001_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xddd_PART_ID, &part_id_readback);
    // if (part_id_readback != part_id_expect) return 0;
    // write8 0x00 PD = 0x03 (Reset Registers; enter Standby mode)
    // RegWrite(xxxxxxxxxxxCMD_r000_0000_xxxx_xxdd_PD, PD_11_Reset);
    // write8 0x00 PD = 0x00 (NOP)
    // RegWrite(xxxxxxxxxxxxCMD_r000_0000_xxxx_xxdd_PD, PD_00_Normal);
    // success
    return 1;

// Write a MAX11043 register.
// CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ bit is cleared 0 indicating a write operation.
// MAX11043 register length can be determined by function RegSize.
// For 8-bit register size:
//     SPI 16-bit transfer
//     SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd
//     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
// For 16-bit register size:
//     SPI 24-bit or 32-bit transfer
//     SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
//     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
// For 24-bit register size:
//     SPI 32-bit transfer
//     SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
//     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
uint8_t MAX11043::RegWrite(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte, uint32_t regData)
    // switch based on register address szie RegSize(commandByte)
    //commandByte = (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)((commandByte &~ CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister) & 0xFF);
        case 8:  // 8-bit register size
                // SPI 16-bit transfer
                // SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd
                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
                int16_t mosiData16 = ((int16_t)commandByte << 8) | ((int16_t)regData & 0xFF);
        case 16:  // 16-bit register size
            #warning "Not Verified Yet: MAX11043::RegWrite 16-bit SPIreadWrite32bits"
                // SPI 24-bit or 32-bit transfer
                // SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
                // SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_0000_0000
                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
                int32_t mosiData32 = ((int32_t)commandByte << 24) | (((int32_t)regData & 0xFFFF) << 8);
        case 24:  // 24-bit register size
                // SPI 32-bit transfer
                // SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
                int32_t mosiData32 = ((int32_t)commandByte << 24) | ((int32_t)regData & 0x00FFFFFF);
    // success
    return 1;

// Read an 8-bit MAX11043 register
// CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ bit is set 1 indicating a read operation.
// MAX11043 register length can be determined by function RegSize.
// For 8-bit register size:
//     SPI 16-bit transfer
//     SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000
//     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd
// For 16-bit register size:
//     SPI 24-bit or 32-bit transfer
//     SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000_0000_0000
//     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
// For 24-bit register size:
//     SPI 32-bit transfer
//     SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
//     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
uint8_t MAX11043::RegRead(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte, uint32_t* ptrRegData)
    // switch based on register address szie RegSize(regAddress)
    //commandByte = (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)((commandByte &~ CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister) & 0xFF);
        case 8:  // 8-bit register size
                // SPI 16-bit transfer
                // SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000
                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd
                int16_t mosiData16 = ((CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister | (int16_t)commandByte) << 8) | ((int16_t)0);
                int16_t misoData16 = SPIreadWrite16bits(mosiData16);
                (*ptrRegData) = (misoData16 & 0x00FF);
        case 16:  // 16-bit register size
            #warning "Not Verified Yet: MAX11043::RegRead 16-bit SPIreadWrite32bits"
                // SPI 24-bit or 32-bit transfer
                // SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000_0000_0000
                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
                // SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_xxxx_xxxx
                int32_t mosiData32 = ((CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister | (int32_t)commandByte) << 24);
                int32_t misoData32 = SPIreadWrite32bits(mosiData32);
                (*ptrRegData) = ((misoData32 >> 8) & 0x00FFFF);
        case 24:  // 24-bit register size
                // SPI 32-bit transfer
                // SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
                int32_t mosiData32 = ((CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister | (int32_t)commandByte) << 24);
                int32_t misoData32 = SPIreadWrite32bits(mosiData32);
                (*ptrRegData) = (misoData32 & 0x00FFFFFF);
    // success
    return 1;

// Return the size of a MAX11043 register
// @return 8 for 8-bit, 16 for 16-bit, 24 for 24-bit, else 0 for undefined register size
uint8_t MAX11043::RegSize(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte)
    // switch based on register address value regAddress
    // commandByte = (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)((commandByte &~ CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister) & 0xFF);
        case CMD_0aaa_aa00_WrAddr_WriteAnyRegister:
        case CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister:
        case CMD_1111_1111_NoOperationMOSIidleHigh:
            return 0;  // undefined register size
        case CMD_0001_1110_d8_Rd07_Status:
        case CMD_0101_0100_d8_Wr15_FilterCAddress:
        case CMD_0101_0110_d8_Rd15_FilterCAddress:
        case CMD_0110_0000_d8_Wr18_FlashMode:
        case CMD_0110_0010_d8_Rd18_FlashMode:
            return 8;  // 8-bit register size
        case CMD_0010_0000_d16_Wr08_Configuration:
        case CMD_0010_0010_d16_Rd08_Configuration:
        case CMD_0010_0100_d16_Wr09_DAC:
        case CMD_0010_0110_d16_Rd09_DAC:
        case CMD_0010_1000_d16_Wr0A_DACStep:
        case CMD_0010_1010_d16_Rd0A_DACStep:
        case CMD_0010_1100_d16_Wr0B_DACHDACL:
        case CMD_0010_1110_d16_Rd0B_DACHDACL:
        case CMD_0011_0000_d16_Wr0C_ConfigA:
        case CMD_0011_0010_d16_Rd0C_ConfigA:
        case CMD_0011_0100_d16_Wr0D_ConfigB:
        case CMD_0011_0110_d16_Rd0D_ConfigB:
        case CMD_0011_1000_d16_Wr0E_ConfigC:
        case CMD_0011_1010_d16_Rd0E_ConfigC:
        case CMD_0011_1100_d16_Wr0F_ConfigD:
        case CMD_0011_1110_d16_Rd0F_ConfigD:
        case CMD_0100_0000_d16_Wr10_Reference:
        case CMD_0100_0010_d16_Rd10_Reference:
        case CMD_0100_0100_d16_Wr11_AGain:
        case CMD_0100_0110_d16_Rd11_AGain:
        case CMD_0100_1000_d16_Wr12_BGain:
        case CMD_0100_1010_d16_Rd12_BGain:
        case CMD_0100_1100_d16_Wr13_CGain:
        case CMD_0100_1110_d16_Rd13_CGain:
        case CMD_0101_0000_d16_Wr14_DGain:
        case CMD_0101_0010_d16_Rd14_DGain:
        case CMD_0110_0100_d16_Wr19_FlashAddr:
        case CMD_0110_0110_d16_Rd19_FlashAddr:
        case CMD_0110_1000_d16_Wr1A_FlashDataIn:
        case CMD_0110_1010_d16_Rd1A_FlashDataIn:
        case CMD_0110_1110_d16_Rd1B_FlashDataOut:
            return 16;  // 16-bit register size
        case CMD_0000_0010_d24_Rd00_ADCa:
        case CMD_0000_0110_d24_Rd01_ADCb:
        case CMD_0000_1010_d24_Rd02_ADCc:
        case CMD_0000_1110_d24_Rd03_ADCd:
            return 24;  // 24-bit register size
        case CMD_0001_0010_d24_d24_Rd04_ADCab:
        case CMD_0001_0110_d24_d24_Rd05_ADCcd:
            return 48;  // 24-bit register size
        case CMD_0001_1010_d24_d24_d24_d24_Rd06_ADCabcd:
            return 96;  // 24-bit register size
        case CMD_0101_1000_d32_Wr16_FilterCDataOut:
        case CMD_0101_1010_d32_Rd16_FilterCDataOut:
        case CMD_0101_1100_d32_Wr17_FilterCDataIn:
        case CMD_0101_1110_d32_Rd17_FilterCDataIn:
            return 32;  // 32-bit register size

// Return the address field of a MAX11043 register
// @return register address field as given in datasheet
uint8_t MAX11043::RegAddrOfCommand(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte)
    // extract register address value from command byte
    return (uint8_t)((commandByte &~ 0x83) >> 2); // CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister

// Test whether a command byte is a register read command
// @return true if command byte is a register read command
uint8_t MAX11043::IsRegReadCommand(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte)
    // Test whether a command byte is a register read command
    return (commandByte &~ 0x02) ? 1 : 0; // CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister

// Return the name of a MAX11043 register
// @return null-terminated constant C string containing register name or empty string
const char* MAX11043::RegName(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte)
    // switch based on register address value regAddress
    // commandByte = (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)((commandByte &~ CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister) & 0xFF);
            return "";  // undefined register
        // case CMD_0aaa_aa00_WrAddr_WriteAnyRegister: return "_______";
        // case CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister: return "_______";
        // case CMD_1111_1111_NoOperationMOSIidleHigh: return "_______";
        case CMD_0000_0010_d24_Rd00_ADCa: return "ADCa";
        case CMD_0000_0110_d24_Rd01_ADCb: return "ADCb";
        case CMD_0000_1010_d24_Rd02_ADCc: return "ADCc";
        case CMD_0000_1110_d24_Rd03_ADCd: return "ADCd";
        case CMD_0001_0010_d24_d24_Rd04_ADCab: return "ADCab";
        case CMD_0001_0110_d24_d24_Rd05_ADCcd: return "ADCcd";
        case CMD_0001_1010_d24_d24_d24_d24_Rd06_ADCabcd: return "ADCabcd";
        case CMD_0001_1110_d8_Rd07_Status: return "Status";
        case CMD_0010_0000_d16_Wr08_Configuration: return "Configuration";
        case CMD_0010_0010_d16_Rd08_Configuration: return "Configuration";
        case CMD_0010_0100_d16_Wr09_DAC: return "DAC";
        case CMD_0010_0110_d16_Rd09_DAC: return "DAC";
        case CMD_0010_1000_d16_Wr0A_DACStep: return "DACStep";
        case CMD_0010_1010_d16_Rd0A_DACStep: return "DACStep";
        case CMD_0010_1100_d16_Wr0B_DACHDACL: return "DACHDACL";
        case CMD_0010_1110_d16_Rd0B_DACHDACL: return "DACHDACL";
        case CMD_0011_0000_d16_Wr0C_ConfigA: return "ConfigA";
        case CMD_0011_0010_d16_Rd0C_ConfigA: return "ConfigA";
        case CMD_0011_0100_d16_Wr0D_ConfigB: return "ConfigB";
        case CMD_0011_0110_d16_Rd0D_ConfigB: return "ConfigB";
        case CMD_0011_1000_d16_Wr0E_ConfigC: return "ConfigC";
        case CMD_0011_1010_d16_Rd0E_ConfigC: return "ConfigC";
        case CMD_0011_1100_d16_Wr0F_ConfigD: return "ConfigD";
        case CMD_0011_1110_d16_Rd0F_ConfigD: return "ConfigD";
        case CMD_0100_0000_d16_Wr10_Reference: return "Reference";
        case CMD_0100_0010_d16_Rd10_Reference: return "Reference";
        case CMD_0100_0100_d16_Wr11_AGain: return "AGain";
        case CMD_0100_0110_d16_Rd11_AGain: return "AGain";
        case CMD_0100_1000_d16_Wr12_BGain: return "BGain";
        case CMD_0100_1010_d16_Rd12_BGain: return "BGain";
        case CMD_0100_1100_d16_Wr13_CGain: return "CGain";
        case CMD_0100_1110_d16_Rd13_CGain: return "CGain";
        case CMD_0101_0000_d16_Wr14_DGain: return "DGain";
        case CMD_0101_0010_d16_Rd14_DGain: return "DGain";
        case CMD_0101_0100_d8_Wr15_FilterCAddress: return "FilterCAddress";
        case CMD_0101_0110_d8_Rd15_FilterCAddress: return "FilterCAddress";
        case CMD_0101_1000_d32_Wr16_FilterCDataOut: return "FilterCDataOut";
        case CMD_0101_1010_d32_Rd16_FilterCDataOut: return "FilterCDataOut";
        case CMD_0101_1100_d32_Wr17_FilterCDataIn: return "FilterCDataIn";
        case CMD_0101_1110_d32_Rd17_FilterCDataIn: return "FilterCDataIn";
        case CMD_0110_0000_d8_Wr18_FlashMode: return "FlashMode";
        case CMD_0110_0010_d8_Rd18_FlashMode: return "FlashMode";
        case CMD_0110_0100_d16_Wr19_FlashAddr: return "FlashAddr";
        case CMD_0110_0110_d16_Rd19_FlashAddr: return "FlashAddr";
        case CMD_0110_1000_d16_Wr1A_FlashDataIn: return "FlashDataIn";
        case CMD_0110_1010_d16_Rd1A_FlashDataIn: return "FlashDataIn";
        case CMD_0110_1110_d16_Rd1B_FlashDataOut: return "FlashDataOut";

// End of file