This is code is part of a Technion course project in advanced IoT, implementing a device to read and transmit sensors data from a Formula racing car built by students at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
Fork of DISCO-L072CZ-LRWAN1_LoRa_PingPong by
This is code is part of a Technion course project in advanced IoT, implementing a device to read and transmit sensors data from a Formula racing car built by students at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
How to install
- Create an account on Mbed: https://os.mbed.com/account/signup/
- Import project into Compiler
- In the Program Workspace select "Formula_Nucleo_Reader"
- Select a Platform like so:
- Click button at top-left
- Add Board
- Search "B-L072Z-LRWAN1" and then "Add to your Mbed Compiler"
- Finally click "Compile", if the build was successful, the binary would download automatically
- To install it on device simply plug it in to a PC, open device drive and drag then drop binary file in it
- Committer:
- wardm
- Date:
- 2018-05-19
- Revision:
- 12:02d779e8c4f6
File content as of revision 12:02d779e8c4f6:
/* * The file is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (c) 2017 Helmut Tschemernjak * 30826 Garbsen (Hannover) Germany */ #ifdef ARDUINO #ifndef __ARDUINO_MBED_H__ #define __ARDUINO_MBED_H__ #include <arduino.h> #include "Callback-A.h" #include <SPI.h> #undef min #undef max #undef map typedef int PinName; #define NC -1 /* we need to redefine out dprintf because stdio.h uses the same name */ #define dprint dxprintf #if ARDUINO_SAMD_VARIANT_COMPLIANCE >= 10606 #define MYdigitalPinToInterrupt(x) digitalPinToInterrupt(x) #else #define MYdigitalPinToInterrupt(x) (x) #endif void InitSerial(Stream *serial, int timeout_ms); extern Stream *ser; extern bool SerialUSB_active; /* * Arduino_d21.cpp */ extern void startTimer(Tcc *t, uint64_t delay_ns); extern void stopTimer(Tcc *t); extern uint64_t ns_getTicker(void); extern Tcc *getTimeout_tcc(void); extern int CPUID(uint8_t *buf, int maxSize, uint32_t xorval); extern void sleep(void); extern void deepsleep(void); #define MAX_TIMEOUTS 10 class Timeout; struct TimeoutVector { Timeout *timer; }; extern TimeoutVector TimeOuts[]; /* * Arduino-mbed.cpp */ extern uint32_t s_getTicker(void); extern uint32_t ms_getTicker(void); extern uint32_t us_getTicker(void); extern void wait_ms(uint32_t ms); enum PinMode { PullUp = 1, PullDown = 2, }; class DigitalInOut { public: DigitalInOut(PinName pin) { _gpioPin = pin; } void write(int value) { digitalWrite(_gpioPin, value == 0 ? LOW : HIGH); }; void output() { pinMode(_gpioPin, OUTPUT); }; void input() { pinMode(_gpioPin, INPUT); }; void mode(PinMode pull) { switch(pull) { case PullUp: pinMode(_gpioPin, INPUT_PULLUP); break; case PullDown: pinMode(_gpioPin, INPUT_PULLDOWN); break; } } int read() { if (digitalRead(_gpioPin) == HIGH) return 1; else return 0; }; operator int() { return read(); }; DigitalInOut& operator= (int value) { // Underlying write is thread safe write(value); return *this; } DigitalInOut& operator= (DigitalInOut& rhs) { write(rhs.read()); return *this; } private: int _gpioPin; }; class DigitalOut : public DigitalInOut { public: DigitalOut(PinName pin) : DigitalInOut(pin) { output(); } DigitalOut& operator= (int value) { write(value); return *this; } }; class DigitalIn : public DigitalInOut { public: DigitalIn(PinName pin) : DigitalInOut(pin) { input(); } }; class XSPI { public: XSPI(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk) { _mosi = mosi; _miso = miso; _sclk = sclk; if (mosi == PIN_SPI_MOSI && miso == PIN_SPI_MISO && sclk == PIN_SPI_SCK) _spi = &SPI; #if SPI_INTERFACES_COUNT > 1 else if (mosi == PIN_SPI1_MOSI && miso == PIN_SPI1_MISO && sclk == PIN_SPI1_SCK) _spi = &SPI1; #endif #if SPI_INTERFACES_COUNT > 2 else if (mosi == PIN_SPI2_MOSI && miso == PIN_SPI2_MISO && sclk == PIN_SPI2_SCK) _spi = &SPI2; #endif else { _spi = NULL; return; } _hz = 1000000; _mode = SPI_MODE0; _spi->beginTransaction(SPISettings(_hz, MSBFIRST, _mode)); } ~XSPI() { _spi->endTransaction(); }; void format(int bits, int mode = 0) { if (mode == 0) _mode = SPI_MODE0; else if (mode == 1) _mode = SPI_MODE1; else if (mode == 2) _mode = SPI_MODE2; else if (mode == 3) _mode = SPI_MODE3; else _mode = SPI_MODE0; _bits = bits; _spi->endTransaction(); _spi->beginTransaction(SPISettings(_hz, MSBFIRST, _mode)); } void frequency(int hz) { _hz = hz; _spi->endTransaction(); _spi->beginTransaction(SPISettings(_hz, MSBFIRST, _mode)); } int write(int value) { int ret = _spi->transfer(value); return ret; } private: SPIClass *_spi; int _hz; int _mode; int _bits; int _mosi, _miso, _sclk; }; class InterruptIn { public: static void donothing(void) { } InterruptIn(PinName pin) : _func() { _gpioPin = pin; _func = InterruptIn::donothing; pinMode(_gpioPin, INPUT); } ~InterruptIn() { detachInterrupt(MYdigitalPinToInterrupt(_gpioPin)); }; static void _irq_handler(InterruptIn *id) { if (id) id->_func(); } void rise(Callback<void()> func); void fall(Callback<void()> func); void mode(PinMode pull) { switch(pull) { case PullUp: pinMode(_gpioPin, INPUT_PULLUP); break; case PullDown: pinMode(_gpioPin, INPUT_PULLDOWN); break; } } private: int _gpioPin; Callback<void()> _func; }; class Timer { public: void start(void) { _time = ns_getTicker(); } uint32_t read_sec(void) { int64_t n = ns_getTicker() - (uint64_t)_time; n /= (uint64_t)1000000000; return n; } uint32_t read_ms(void) { int64_t n = ns_getTicker() - (uint64_t)_time; n /= (uint64_t)1000000; return n; } uint32_t read_us(void) { int64_t n = ns_getTicker() - (uint64_t)_time; n /= (uint64_t)1000; return n; } private: uint64_t _time; }; class Timeout { public: Timeout() : _func() { } ~Timeout() { detach(); } void attach_sec(Callback<void()> func, uint32_t secs) { if (secs == 0) return detach(); _func = func; _timeout = ns_getTicker() + (uint64_t)secs * (uint64_t)1000000000; insert(); restart(); } void attach(Callback<void()> func, uint32_t msecs) { if (msecs == 0) return detach(); _func = func; _timeout = ns_getTicker() + (uint64_t)msecs * (uint64_t)1000000; insert(); restart(); } void attach_us(Callback<void()> func, long usecs) { if (usecs == 0) return detach(); _func = func; _timeout = ns_getTicker() + (uint64_t)usecs * (uint64_t)1000; insert(); restart(); } void detach(void) { _func = NULL; remove(); restart(); } static void _irq_handler(Timeout *tp) { if (tp) { tp->_func(); } } static void restart(void); uint64_t _timeout; // in ns this lasts for 539 years. protected: void insert(void); void remove(void); private: Callback<void()> _func; }; #endif // __ARDUINO_MBED_H__ #endif // ARDUINO