This is code is part of a Technion course project in advanced IoT, implementing a device to receive and present sensors data from a Formula racing car built by students at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.

Dependencies:   mbed Buffer

Fork of DISCO-L072CZ-LRWAN1_LoRa_PingPong by ST

This is code is part of a Technion course project in advanced IoT, implementing a device to receive sensors data from another L072CZ-LRWAN1 installed on a Formula racing car (built by students at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology), and sends it to a GUI presenting the data (GUI project:

How to install

  • Create an account on Mbed:
  • Import project into Compiler
  • In the Program Workspace select "Formula_Nucleo_Receiver"
  • Select a Platform like so:
  1. Click button at top-left
  2. Add Board
  3. Search "NUCLEO F103RB" and then "Add to your Mbed Compiler"
  • Finally click "Compile", if the build was successful, the binary would download automatically
  • To install it on device simply plug it in to a PC, open device drive and drag then drop binary file in it
diff -r 9d7409ebfa57 -r 046346a16ff4 SX1276GenericLib/Arduino-mbed-APIs/arduino-mbed.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SX1276GenericLib/Arduino-mbed-APIs/arduino-mbed.cpp	Sat May 19 15:42:38 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+ * The file is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (c) 2017 Helmut Tschemernjak
+ * 30826 Garbsen (Hannover) Germany
+ */
+#ifdef ARDUINO
+using namespace std;
+#include "arduino-mbed.h"
+#include "arduino-util.h"
+Stream *ser;
+bool SerialUSB_active = false;
+void InitSerial(Stream *serial, int timeout_ms) {
+    ser = serial;
+    if (serial == (Stream *)&SerialUSB) {
+        uint32_t start = ms_getTicker();
+        SerialUSB_active = true;
+        while(!SerialUSB) {
+            if (ms_getTicker() > start + timeout_ms) {
+                SerialUSB_active = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!SerialUSB_active) {
+            USB->DEVICE.CTRLA.bit.SWRST = 1; // disconnect the USB Port
+            while (USB->DEVICE.CTRLA.bit.SWRST == 1);
+        }
+    }
+static void pinInt00(void);
+static void pinInt01(void);
+static void pinInt02(void);
+static void pinInt03(void);
+static void pinInt04(void);
+static void pinInt05(void);
+static void pinInt06(void);
+static void pinInt07(void);
+static void pinInt08(void);
+static void pinInt09(void);
+static void pinInt10(void);
+static void pinInt11(void);
+static void pinInt12(void);
+static void pinInt13(void);
+static void pinInt14(void);
+static void pinInt15(void);
+static void pinInt16(void);
+static void pinInt17(void);
+static void pinInt18(void);
+static void pinInt19(void);
+static void pinInt20(void);
+static void pinInt21(void);
+static void pinInt22(void);
+static void pinInt23(void);
+static void pinInt24(void);
+static void pinInt25(void);
+static void pinInt26(void);
+static void pinInt27(void);
+static void pinInt28(void);
+static void pinInt29(void);
+static void pinInt30(void);
+static void pinInt31(void);
+static void pinInt32(void);
+static void pinInt33(void);
+static void pinInt34(void);
+static void pinInt35(void);
+static void pinInt36(void);
+static void pinInt37(void);
+static void pinInt38(void);
+static void pinInt39(void);
+static void pinInt40(void);
+static void pinInt41(void);
+static void pinInt42(void);
+static void pinInt43(void);
+static void pinInt44(void);
+static void pinInt45(void);
+static void pinInt46(void);
+static void pinInt47(void);
+#define MAX_MCU_PINS	48
+class InterruptIn;
+struct intPtrTable {
+    void (*func)(void);
+    InterruptIn	*context;
+} intPtrTable[MAX_MCU_PINS]  = {
+    { pinInt00, NULL },
+    { pinInt01, NULL },
+    { pinInt02, NULL },
+    { pinInt03, NULL },
+    { pinInt04, NULL },
+    { pinInt05, NULL },
+    { pinInt06, NULL },
+    { pinInt07, NULL },
+    { pinInt08, NULL },
+    { pinInt09, NULL },
+    { pinInt10, NULL },
+    { pinInt11, NULL },
+    { pinInt12, NULL },
+    { pinInt13, NULL },
+    { pinInt14, NULL },
+    { pinInt15, NULL },
+    { pinInt16, NULL },
+    { pinInt17, NULL },
+    { pinInt18, NULL },
+    { pinInt19, NULL },
+    { pinInt20, NULL },
+    { pinInt21, NULL },
+    { pinInt22, NULL },
+    { pinInt23, NULL },
+    { pinInt24, NULL },
+    { pinInt25, NULL },
+    { pinInt26, NULL },
+    { pinInt27, NULL },
+    { pinInt28, NULL },
+    { pinInt29, NULL },
+    { pinInt30, NULL },
+    { pinInt31, NULL },
+    { pinInt32, NULL },
+    { pinInt33, NULL },
+    { pinInt34, NULL },
+    { pinInt35, NULL },
+    { pinInt36, NULL },
+    { pinInt37, NULL },
+    { pinInt38, NULL },
+    { pinInt39, NULL },
+    { pinInt40, NULL },
+    { pinInt41, NULL },
+    { pinInt42, NULL },
+    { pinInt43, NULL },
+    { pinInt44, NULL },
+    { pinInt45, NULL },
+    { pinInt46, NULL },
+    { pinInt47, NULL }
+}; // our max MCUs pins
+static void pinInt00(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[0].context); }
+static void pinInt01(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[1].context); }
+static void pinInt02(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[2].context); }
+static void pinInt03(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[3].context); }
+static void pinInt04(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[4].context); }
+static void pinInt05(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[5].context); }
+static void pinInt06(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[6].context); }
+static void pinInt07(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[7].context); }
+static void pinInt08(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[8].context); }
+static void pinInt09(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[9].context); }
+static void pinInt10(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[10].context); }
+static void pinInt11(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[11].context); }
+static void pinInt12(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[12].context); }
+static void pinInt13(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[13].context); }
+static void pinInt14(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[14].context); }
+static void pinInt15(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[15].context); }
+static void pinInt16(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[16].context); }
+static void pinInt17(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[17].context); }
+static void pinInt18(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[18].context); }
+static void pinInt19(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[19].context); }
+static void pinInt20(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[20].context); }
+static void pinInt21(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[21].context); }
+static void pinInt22(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[22].context); }
+static void pinInt23(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[23].context); }
+static void pinInt24(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[24].context); }
+static void pinInt25(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[25].context); }
+static void pinInt26(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[26].context); }
+static void pinInt27(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[27].context); }
+static void pinInt28(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[28].context); }
+static void pinInt29(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[29].context); }
+static void pinInt30(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[30].context); }
+static void pinInt31(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[31].context); }
+static void pinInt32(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[32].context); }
+static void pinInt33(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[33].context); }
+static void pinInt34(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[34].context); }
+static void pinInt35(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[35].context); }
+static void pinInt36(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[36].context); }
+static void pinInt37(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[37].context); }
+static void pinInt38(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[38].context); }
+static void pinInt39(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[39].context); }
+static void pinInt40(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[40].context); }
+static void pinInt41(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[41].context); }
+static void pinInt42(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[42].context); }
+static void pinInt43(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[43].context); }
+static void pinInt44(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[44].context); }
+static void pinInt45(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[45].context); }
+static void pinInt46(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[46].context); }
+static void pinInt47(void) { InterruptIn::_irq_handler(intPtrTable[47].context); }
+void wait_ms(uint32_t ms)
+    uint32_t start = ms_getTicker();
+    while (true) {
+        uint32_t t = ms_getTicker();
+        if (t < start) // warp.
+            start = 0;
+        if (t > (start + ms))
+            break;
+    }
+struct TimeoutVector TimeOuts[MAX_TIMEOUTS];
+InterruptIn::rise(Callback<void()> func) {
+    if (_gpioPin >= MAX_MCU_PINS-1)
+        return;
+    if (func) {
+        _func = func;
+        intPtrTable[_gpioPin].context = this;
+        attachInterrupt(MYdigitalPinToInterrupt(_gpioPin), intPtrTable[_gpioPin].func, RISING);
+    } else {
+        _func = InterruptIn::donothing;
+        intPtrTable[_gpioPin].context = NULL;
+        detachInterrupt(_gpioPin);
+    }
+InterruptIn::fall(Callback<void()> func) {
+    if (func) {
+        _func = func;
+        intPtrTable[_gpioPin].context = this;
+        attachInterrupt(MYdigitalPinToInterrupt(_gpioPin), intPtrTable[_gpioPin].func, FALLING);
+    } else {
+        _func = InterruptIn::donothing;
+        intPtrTable[_gpioPin].context = NULL;
+        detachInterrupt(_gpioPin);
+    }
+uint32_t s_getTicker(void)
+    long long ns = ns_getTicker();
+    ns /= (long long)1000000000; // to secs
+    int secs = ns;
+    return secs;
+uint32_t ms_getTicker(void)
+    uint32_t us = us_getTicker();
+    us /= 1000; // to ms
+    return us;
+uint32_t us_getTicker(void)
+    long long ns = ns_getTicker();
+    ns /= (long long)1000; // to us
+    uint32_t us = ns & 0xffffffff;
+    return us;
+    noInterrupts();
+    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TIMEOUTS-1; i++) {
+        struct TimeoutVector *tvp = &TimeOuts[i];
+        if (tvp->timer == this) // already here, timer has been restartet.
+            break;
+        if (tvp->timer == NULL) {
+            tvp->timer = this;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    interrupts();
+    noInterrupts();
+    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TIMEOUTS-1; i++) {
+        struct TimeoutVector *tvp = &TimeOuts[i];
+        if (tvp->timer == this) {
+            tvp->timer = NULL;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    interrupts();
+    Tcc *t = getTimeout_tcc();
+    uint64_t timeout = ~0;
+    /*
+     * find the lowest timeout value which is our the next timeout
+     * zero means stop the timer.
+     */
+    noInterrupts();
+    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TIMEOUTS-1; i++) {
+        struct TimeoutVector *tvp = &TimeOuts[i];
+        if (tvp->timer) {
+            if (tvp->timer->_timeout < timeout) {
+                timeout = tvp->timer->_timeout;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    interrupts();
+    if (timeout == (uint64_t)~0) {
+        stopTimer(t);
+        return;
+    }
+    uint64_t nsecs = ns_getTicker();
+    if (timeout > nsecs) {
+        startTimer(t, (uint64_t)timeout - (uint64_t)nsecs);
+        return;
+    } else {
+        startTimer(t, (uint64_t)1); // just one nsec to trigger interrrupt
+    }
+#endif // ARDUINO