adaptation for bkap
Fork of X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 by
- Committer:
- Vincent Coubard
- Date:
- 2016-09-15
- Branch:
- 8247cc25d48b37d6a78a3e91c728cbbf0fd9ba29
- Revision:
- 293:5a1f577bf92f
- Parent:
- 278:a5209d8cfd61
File content as of revision 293:5a1f577bf92f:
/* mbed Microcontroller Library * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @file BlueNRGGattServer.cpp * @author STMicroelectronics * @brief Implementation of BlueNRG BLE_API GattServer Class ****************************************************************************** * @copy * * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE * TIME. AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING * FROM THE CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE * CODING INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. * * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT 2013 STMicroelectronics</center></h2> */ /** @defgroup BlueNRGGATTSERVER * @brief BlueNRG BLE_API GattServer Adaptation * @{ */ #include "BlueNRGGattServer.h" #ifdef YOTTA_CFG_MBED_OS #include "mbed-drivers/mbed.h" #else #include "mbed.h" #endif #include "BlueNRGGap.h" #include "ble_utils.h" #include "ble_debug.h" /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Adds a new service to the GATT table on the peripheral @params[in] service Pointer to instance of the Gatt Server to add @returns ble_error_t @retval BLE_ERROR_NONE Everything executed properly @section EXAMPLE @code @endcode */ /**************************************************************************/ ble_error_t BlueNRGGattServer::addService(GattService &service) { /* ToDo: Make sure we don't overflow the array, etc. */ /* ToDo: Make sure this service UUID doesn't already exist (?) */ /* ToDo: Basic validation */ tBleStatus ret; uint8_t type; uint16_t short_uuid; uint8_t primary_short_uuid[2]; uint8_t primary_base_uuid[16]; uint8_t char_base_uuid[16]; const uint8_t *base_uuid; const uint8_t *base_char_uuid; uint8_t charsCount = service.getCharacteristicCount(); const uint8_t available_characteristics = BLE_TOTAL_CHARACTERISTICS - characteristicCount; // check that there is enough characteristics left in the // characteristic array. if (charsCount > available_characteristics) { PRINTF("charCount = %u and characteristicCount = %u\r\n", charsCount, available_characteristics); return BLE_ERROR_NO_MEM; } const uint16_t maxAttrRecords = computeAttributesRecord(service); type = (service.getUUID()).shortOrLong(); PRINTF("AddService(): Type:%d\n\r", type); /* Add the service to the BlueNRG */ short_uuid = (service.getUUID()).getShortUUID(); STORE_LE_16(primary_short_uuid, short_uuid); if(type==UUID::UUID_TYPE_LONG) { base_uuid = (service.getUUID()).getBaseUUID(); COPY_UUID_128(primary_base_uuid, base_uuid[15],base_uuid[14],primary_short_uuid[1],primary_short_uuid[0],base_uuid[11],base_uuid[10],base_uuid[9],base_uuid[8],base_uuid[7],base_uuid[6],base_uuid[5],base_uuid[4],base_uuid[3],base_uuid[2],base_uuid[1],base_uuid[0]); } ret = BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS; if(type==UUID::UUID_TYPE_SHORT) { ret = aci_gatt_add_serv(UUID_TYPE_16, primary_short_uuid, PRIMARY_SERVICE, maxAttrRecords/*7*/, &servHandle); PRINTF("aci_gatt_add_serv UUID_TYPE_SHORT ret=%d\n\r", ret); } else if(type==UUID::UUID_TYPE_LONG) { ret = aci_gatt_add_serv(UUID_TYPE_128, primary_base_uuid, PRIMARY_SERVICE, maxAttrRecords/*7*/, &servHandle); PRINTF("aci_gatt_add_serv UUID_TYPE_LONG ret=%d\n\r", ret); } switch (ret) { case BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS: break; case BLE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER: return BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; case BLE_STATUS_OUT_OF_HANDLE: case BLE_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: case ERR_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR: return BLE_ERROR_NO_MEM; case BLE_STATUS_ERROR: default: return BLE_ERROR_INTERNAL_STACK_FAILURE; } service.setHandle(servHandle); //serviceHandleVector.push_back(servHandle); PRINTF("added servHandle handle =%u\n\r", servHandle); uint16_t bleCharacteristic; //iterate to include all characteristics for (uint8_t i = 0; i < charsCount; i++) { GattCharacteristic *p_char = service.getCharacteristic(i); uint16_t char_uuid = (p_char->getValueAttribute().getUUID()).getShortUUID(); uint8_t int_8_uuid[2]; STORE_LE_16(int_8_uuid, char_uuid); type = (p_char->getValueAttribute().getUUID()).shortOrLong(); if(type==UUID::UUID_TYPE_LONG) { base_char_uuid = (p_char->getValueAttribute().getUUID()).getBaseUUID(); #ifdef DEBUG for(uint8_t j=0; j<16; j++) { PRINTF("base_char_uuid[%d] 0x%02x ", j, base_char_uuid[j]); } PRINTF("\n\r"); #endif COPY_UUID_128(char_base_uuid,base_char_uuid[15],base_char_uuid[14],int_8_uuid[1],int_8_uuid[0],base_char_uuid[11],base_char_uuid[10],base_char_uuid[9],base_char_uuid[8],base_char_uuid[7],base_char_uuid[6],base_char_uuid[5],base_char_uuid[4],base_char_uuid[3],base_char_uuid[2],base_char_uuid[1],base_char_uuid[0]); } PRINTF("Char Properties 0x%x\n\r", p_char->getProperties()); /* * Gatt_Evt_Mask -> HardCoded (0) * Encryption_Key_Size -> Hardcoded (16) * isVariable (variable length value field) -> Hardcoded (1) */ uint8_t Gatt_Evt_Mask = 0x0; if((p_char->getProperties() & (GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE| GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE))) { PRINTF("Setting up Gatt GATT_NOTIFY_ATTRIBUTE_WRITE Mask\n\r"); Gatt_Evt_Mask = Gatt_Evt_Mask | GATT_NOTIFY_ATTRIBUTE_WRITE | GATT_NOTIFY_WRITE_REQ_AND_WAIT_FOR_APPL_RESP; } if((p_char->getProperties() & (GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ| GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY| GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_INDICATE))) { PRINTF("Setting up Gatt GATT_NOTIFY_READ_REQ_AND_WAIT_FOR_APPL_RESP Mask\n\r"); Gatt_Evt_Mask = Gatt_Evt_Mask | GATT_NOTIFY_READ_REQ_AND_WAIT_FOR_APPL_RESP; } //This will support also GATT_SERVER_ATTR_READ_WRITE since it will be covered by previous if() check. if(type==UUID::UUID_TYPE_SHORT) { ret = aci_gatt_add_char(service.getHandle(), UUID_TYPE_16, int_8_uuid, p_char->getValueAttribute().getMaxLength() /*2*/ /*Value Length*/, p_char->getProperties(), ATTR_PERMISSION_NONE, Gatt_Evt_Mask /*Gatt_Evt_Mask*/, 16 /*Encryption_Key_Size*/, 1 /*isVariable*/, &bleCharacteristic); PRINTF("aci_gatt_add_char UUID_TYPE_16 props=%d MaxLength=%d ret=%d\n\r", p_char->getProperties(), p_char->getValueAttribute().getMaxLength(), ret); } else if(type==UUID::UUID_TYPE_LONG) { ret = aci_gatt_add_char(service.getHandle(), UUID_TYPE_128, char_base_uuid, p_char->getValueAttribute().getMaxLength() /*2*/ /*Value Length*/, p_char->getProperties(), ATTR_PERMISSION_NONE, Gatt_Evt_Mask /*Gatt_Evt_Mask*/, 16 /*Encryption_Key_Size*/, 1 /*isVariable*/, &bleCharacteristic); PRINTF("aci_gatt_add_char UUID_TYPE_128 props=%d MaxLength=%d ret=%d\n\r", p_char->getProperties(), p_char->getValueAttribute().getMaxLength(), ret); } switch (ret) { case BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS: break; case ERR_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR: case BLE_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: case BLE_STATUS_OUT_OF_HANDLE: // TODO remove characteristics and the service previously added. // remove service in the stack by using: Aci_Gatt_Del_Service // remove characteristics in the stack by using: Aci_Gatt_Del_Char // update service counter // destroy registered characteristic and updat echaracteristic counter return BLE_ERROR_NO_MEM; case BLE_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE: case BLE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER: case BLE_STATUS_CHARAC_ALREADY_EXISTS: // TODO remove characteristics and the service previously added. // remove service in the stack by using: Aci_Gatt_Del_Service // remove characteristics in the stack by using: Aci_Gatt_Del_Char // update service counter // destroy registered characteristic and updat echaracteristic counter return BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; case BLE_STATUS_ERROR: default: // TODO remove characteristics and the service previously added. // remove service in the stack by using: Aci_Gatt_Del_Service // remove characteristics in the stack by using: Aci_Gatt_Del_Char // update service counter // destroy registered characteristic and updat echaracteristic counter return BLE_ERROR_INTERNAL_STACK_FAILURE; } bleCharHandleMap.insert(std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t>(bleCharacteristic, servHandle)); p_characteristics[characteristicCount++] = p_char; /* Set the characteristic value handle */ p_char->getValueAttribute().setHandle(bleCharacteristic+BlueNRGGattServer::CHAR_VALUE_HANDLE); PRINTF("added bleCharacteristic (value handle =%u)\n\r", p_char->getValueAttribute().getHandle()); if ((p_char->getValueAttribute().getValuePtr() != NULL) && (p_char->getValueAttribute().getLength() > 0)) { ble_error_t err = write(p_char->getValueAttribute().getHandle(), p_char->getValueAttribute().getValuePtr(), p_char->getValueAttribute().getLength(), false /* localOnly */); if (err) { PRINTF("ERROR HERE !!!!\r\n"); return err; } } // add descriptors now uint16_t descHandle = 0; PRINTF("p_char->getDescriptorCount()=%d\n\r", p_char->getDescriptorCount()); for(uint8_t descIndex=0; descIndex<p_char->getDescriptorCount(); descIndex++) { GattAttribute *descriptor = p_char->getDescriptor(descIndex); uint8_t desc_uuid[16] = { 0 }; uint8_t desc_uuid_type = CHAR_DESC_TYPE_16_BIT; STORE_LE_16(desc_uuid, descriptor->getUUID().getShortUUID()); if((descriptor->getUUID()).shortOrLong() == UUID::UUID_TYPE_LONG) { desc_uuid_type = CHAR_DESC_TYPE_128_BIT; const uint8_t* base_desc_uuid = descriptor->getUUID().getBaseUUID(); COPY_UUID_128(desc_uuid, base_desc_uuid[15], base_desc_uuid[14],base_desc_uuid[13],base_desc_uuid[12], base_desc_uuid[11], base_desc_uuid[10], base_desc_uuid[9], base_desc_uuid[8], base_desc_uuid[7], base_desc_uuid[6], base_desc_uuid[5], base_desc_uuid[4], base_desc_uuid[3], base_desc_uuid[2], base_desc_uuid[1], base_desc_uuid[0]); } ret = aci_gatt_add_char_desc(service.getHandle(), bleCharacteristic, desc_uuid_type, desc_uuid, descriptor->getMaxLength(), descriptor->getLength(), descriptor->getValuePtr(), CHAR_DESC_SECURITY_PERMISSION, CHAR_DESC_ACCESS_PERMISSION, GATT_NOTIFY_ATTRIBUTE_WRITE, MIN_ENCRY_KEY_SIZE, CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_LEN_IS_FIXED, &descHandle); PRINTF("Adding Descriptor descriptor handle=%d ret=%d\n\r", descHandle, ret); switch (ret) { case BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS: PRINTF("Descriptor added successfully, descriptor handle=%d\n\r", descHandle); descriptor->setHandle(descHandle); break; case ERR_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR: case BLE_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: case BLE_STATUS_OUT_OF_HANDLE: // TODO remove characteristics and the service previously added. // remove service in the stack by using: Aci_Gatt_Del_Service // remove characteristics in the stack by using: Aci_Gatt_Del_Char // update service counter // destroy registered characteristic and updat echaracteristic counter return BLE_ERROR_NO_MEM; case BLE_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE: case BLE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER: // TODO remove characteristics and the service previously added. // remove service in the stack by using: Aci_Gatt_Del_Service // remove characteristics in the stack by using: Aci_Gatt_Del_Char // update service counter // destroy registered characteristic and updat echaracteristic counter return BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; case BLE_STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION: return BLE_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED; case BLE_STATUS_ERROR: default: // TODO remove characteristics and the service previously added. // remove service in the stack by using: Aci_Gatt_Del_Service // remove characteristics in the stack by using: Aci_Gatt_Del_Char // update service counter // destroy registered characteristic and updat echaracteristic counter return BLE_ERROR_INTERNAL_STACK_FAILURE; } } } serviceCount++; //FIXME: There is no GattService pointer array in GattServer. // There should be one? (Only the user is aware of GattServices!) Report to forum. return BLE_ERROR_NONE; } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Reads the value of a characteristic, based on char handle @param[in] attributeHandle The handle of the GattCharacteristic to read from @param[in] buffer Buffer to hold the the characteristic's value (raw byte array in LSB format) @param[in] lengthP The number of bytes read into the buffer @returns ble_error_t @retval BLE_ERROR_NONE Everything executed properly @section EXAMPLE @code @endcode */ /**************************************************************************/ ble_error_t BlueNRGGattServer::read(GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, uint8_t buffer[], uint16_t *lengthP) { tBleStatus ret; uint16_t charHandle = attributeHandle; ret = aci_gatt_read_handle_value(charHandle, *lengthP, lengthP, buffer); if(ret == BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return BLE_ERROR_NONE; } switch (ret) { case ERR_INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARAMS: return BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; default: return BLE_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED; } } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Reads the value of a characteristic, based on the connection and char handle @param[in] connectionHandle The handle of the connection @param[in] attributeHandle The handle of the GattCharacteristic to write to @param[in] buffer Data to use when updating the characteristic's value (raw byte array in LSB format) @param[in] lengthP The number of bytes in buffer @returns ble_error_t @retval BLE_ERROR_NONE Everything executed properly @section EXAMPLE @code @endcode */ /**************************************************************************/ ble_error_t BlueNRGGattServer::read(Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle, GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, uint8_t buffer[], uint16_t *lengthP) { /* avoid compiler warnings about unused variables */ (void)connectionHandle; (void)attributeHandle; (void)buffer; (void)lengthP; return BLE_ERROR_NONE; } ble_error_t BlueNRGGattServer::write(Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle, GattAttribute::Handle_t, const uint8_t[], uint16_t, bool localOnly) { /* avoid compiler warnings about unused variables */ (void)connectionHandle; (void)localOnly; return BLE_ERROR_NONE; } ble_error_t BlueNRGGattServer::write(GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, const uint8_t buffer[], uint16_t len, bool localOnly) { /* avoid compiler warnings about unused variables */ (void)localOnly; // check that the len of the data to write are compatible with the characteristic GattCharacteristic* characteristic = getCharacteristicFromHandle(attributeHandle); if (!characteristic) { PRINTF("characteristic not found\r\n"); return BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } // if the attribute handle is the attribute handle of the characteristic value then // write the value if (attributeHandle == characteristic->getValueHandle()) { // assert the len in input is correct for this characteristic const GattAttribute& value_attribute = characteristic->getValueAttribute(); // reject write if the lenght exceed the maximum lenght of this attribute if (value_attribute.getMaxLength() < len) { PRINTF("invalid variable length: %u, max length is: %u\r\n", len, value_attribute.getMaxLength()); return BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } // reject write if the attribute size is fixed and the lenght in input is different than the // length of the attribute. if (value_attribute.hasVariableLength() == false && value_attribute.getMaxLength() != len) { PRINTF("invalid fixed length: %u, len should be %u\r\n", len, value_attribute.getMaxLength()); return BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } tBleStatus ret; uint16_t charHandle = characteristic->getValueHandle() - BlueNRGGattServer::CHAR_VALUE_HANDLE; PRINTF("updating bleCharacteristic valueHandle=%u,\ corresponding serviceHandle=%u len=%d\n\r", attributeHandle, bleCharHandleMap.find(charHandle)->second, len); /* * If notifications (or indications) are enabled on that characteristic, a notification (or indication) * will be sent to the client after sending this command to the BlueNRG. */ ret = aci_gatt_update_char_value(bleCharHandleMap.find(charHandle)->second, charHandle, 0, len, buffer); if (ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS){ PRINTF("Error while updating characteristic (ret=0x%x).\n\r", ret); switch (ret) { case BLE_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE: case BLE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER: return BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; default: return BLE_STACK_BUSY; } } return BLE_ERROR_NONE; } else { // write this handle has a descriptor handle uint16_t charHandle = characteristic->getValueHandle() - BlueNRGGattServer::CHAR_VALUE_HANDLE; uint16_t service_handle = bleCharHandleMap.find(charHandle)->second; tBleStatus ret = aci_gatt_set_desc_value( service_handle, charHandle, attributeHandle, 0, len, buffer ); if (ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS){ PRINTF("Error while updating characteristic descriptor (ret=0x%x).\n\r", ret); switch (ret) { case BLE_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE: case BLE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER: return BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; default: return BLE_STACK_BUSY; } } return BLE_ERROR_NONE; } } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Reads a value according to the handle provided @param[in] attributeHandle The handle of the attribute to read from @returns ble_error_t @retval BLE_ERROR_NONE Everything executed properly @section EXAMPLE @code @endcode */ /**************************************************************************/ ble_error_t BlueNRGGattServer::Read_Request_CB(uint16_t attributeHandle) { uint16_t gapConnectionHandle = BlueNRGGap::getInstance().getConnectionHandle(); GattReadCallbackParams readParams; readParams.handle = attributeHandle; //PRINTF("readParams.handle = %d\n\r", readParams.handle); HCIDataReadEvent(&readParams); //EXIT: if(gapConnectionHandle != 0){ //PRINTF("Calling aci_gatt_allow_read\n\r"); aci_gatt_allow_read(gapConnectionHandle); } return BLE_ERROR_NONE; } // ask if the write request should be accepted of rejected // return 0 in case of success or an ATT error response in // case of faillure uint8_t BlueNRGGattServer::Write_Request_CB( uint16_t connection_handle, uint16_t attr_handle, uint8_t data_length, const uint8_t* data) { GattCharacteristic* characteristic = getCharacteristicFromHandle(attr_handle); if(!characteristic) { return AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_HANDLE & 0xFF; } // check if the data length is in range if (characteristic->getValueAttribute().getMaxLength() < data_length) { return AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_ATT_VAL_LENGTH & 0xFF; } // if the length of the characteristic value is fixed // then the data in input should be of that length if (characteristic->getValueAttribute().hasVariableLength() == false && characteristic->getValueAttribute().getMaxLength() != data_length) { return AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_ATT_VAL_LENGTH & 0xFF; } GattWriteAuthCallbackParams params = { connection_handle, attr_handle, /* offset */ 0, data_length, data, /* authorizationReply */ AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED }; return characteristic->authorizeWrite(¶ms) & 0xFF; } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Returns the GattCharacteristic according to the handle provided @param[in] attrHandle The handle of the attribute @returns ble_error_t @retval BLE_ERROR_NONE Everything executed properly @section EXAMPLE @code @endcode */ /**************************************************************************/ GattCharacteristic* BlueNRGGattServer::getCharacteristicFromHandle(uint16_t attrHandle) { GattCharacteristic *p_char = NULL; int i; uint16_t handle, handle_1; PRINTF("BlueNRGGattServer::getCharacteristicFromHandle()>>Attr Handle received %d\n\r",attrHandle); for(i=0; i<characteristicCount; i++) { handle = p_characteristics[i]->getValueAttribute().getHandle()-BlueNRGGattServer::CHAR_VALUE_HANDLE; PRINTF("handle(%d)=%d\n\r", i, handle); if(i==characteristicCount-1)//Last Characteristic check { if(attrHandle>=handle) { p_char = p_characteristics[i]; PRINTF("Found Characteristic Properties 0x%x (handle=%d)\n\r",p_char->getProperties(), handle); break; } } else { handle_1 = p_characteristics[i+1]->getValueAttribute().getHandle()-BlueNRGGattServer::CHAR_VALUE_HANDLE; //Testing if attribute handle is between two Characteristic Handles if(attrHandle>=handle && attrHandle<handle_1) { p_char = p_characteristics[i]; PRINTF("Found Characteristic Properties 0x%x (handle=%d handle_1=%d)\n\r",p_char->getProperties(), handle, handle_1); break; } else continue; } } return p_char; } void BlueNRGGattServer::HCIDataWrittenEvent(const GattWriteCallbackParams *params) { this->handleDataWrittenEvent(params); } void BlueNRGGattServer::HCIDataReadEvent(const GattReadCallbackParams *params) { PRINTF("Called HCIDataReadEvent\n\r"); this->handleDataReadEvent(params); } void BlueNRGGattServer::HCIEvent(GattServerEvents::gattEvent_e type, uint16_t charHandle) { this->handleEvent(type, charHandle); } void BlueNRGGattServer::HCIDataSentEvent(unsigned count) { this->handleDataSentEvent(count); } ble_error_t BlueNRGGattServer::initializeGATTDatabase(void) { // <TODO> return (ble_error_t)0; } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Clear BlueNRGGattServer's state. @returns ble_error_t @retval BLE_ERROR_NONE Everything executed properly */ /**************************************************************************/ ble_error_t BlueNRGGattServer::reset(void) { /* Clear all state that is from the parent, including private members */ if (GattServer::reset() != BLE_ERROR_NONE) { return BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; } /* Clear class members */ memset(p_characteristics, 0, sizeof(p_characteristics)); memset(bleCharacteristicHandles, 0, sizeof(bleCharacteristicHandles)); serviceCount = 0; characteristicCount = 0; return BLE_ERROR_NONE; } /// compute the number of attributes needed by this service. uint16_t BlueNRGGattServer::computeAttributesRecord(GattService& service) { uint16_t attribute_records = 1; for (uint8_t characteristic_index = 0; characteristic_index < service.getCharacteristicCount(); ++characteristic_index) { // add two attributes, one for the characteristic declaration // and the other for the characteristic value. attribute_records += 2; const GattCharacteristic* characteristic = service.getCharacteristic(characteristic_index); const uint8_t properties = characteristic->getProperties(); // if notify or indicate are present, two attributes are // needed if ((properties & GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY) || (properties & GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_INDICATE)) { attribute_records += 2; } // if broadcast is set, two attributes are needed if (properties & GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_BROADCAST) { attribute_records += 2; } // if extended properties flag is set, two attributes are needed if (properties & GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES) { attribute_records += 2; } attribute_records += characteristic->getDescriptorCount(); } // for some reason, if there is just a service, this value should // be equal to 5 if (attribute_records == 1) { attribute_records = 5; } return attribute_records; }