BaseJpegDeocde exampe program
Dependencies: BaseJpegDecode Terminal BaseUsbHost mbed mbed-rtos
Fork of BaseJpegDecode by
- Committer:
- va009039
- Date:
- 2012-10-07
- Revision:
- 0:7121d9fb45f4
File content as of revision 0:7121d9fb45f4:
#ifndef BASE_JPEG_DECODE_H #define BASE_JPEG_DECODE_H #include "HuffmanDecode.h" #include "BitPattern.h" #define JPEG_MCU_YBLOCKS 2 class BaseJpegDecode { public: BaseJpegDecode(); void clear(); void input(uint8_t c); void input(uint8_t* buf, int len); virtual void outputDC(int mcu, int block, int value) = 0; virtual void outputAC(int mcu, int block, int scan, int value) = 0; virtual void outputMARK(uint8_t c) = 0; private: void inputScan(uint8_t c); void restart(); protected: int m_seq; int m_mcu; int m_block; int m_scan; Huff* m_huff; int m_old_DC_value[2]; BitPattern m_bitpat; int m_skip; uint8_t m_mark; HuffmanDecode* pHD; int m_yblocks; }; #endif // BASE_JPEG_DECODE_H