BaseJpegDeocde exampe program
Dependencies: BaseJpegDecode Terminal BaseUsbHost mbed mbed-rtos
Fork of BaseJpegDecode by
- Committer:
- va009039
- Date:
- 2013-01-27
- Revision:
- 7:3ad9c948bc06
File content as of revision 7:3ad9c948bc06:
// BaseJpegDecode_example/main.cpp 2013/1/27 // simple color tracking // #include "mbed.h" #include "rtos.h" #include "BaseUsbHost.h" #include "UvcCam.h" #include "BaseJpegDecode.h" #include "Terminal.h" #include "MyThread.h" #define WIDTH 160 #define HEIGHT 120 #define THRESHOLD 200 DigitalOut led1(LED1), led2(LED2), led3(LED3), led4(LED4); Terminal term(USBTX, USBRX); class CalcCenter : public MyThread, public BaseJpegDecode { public: int y_center, x_center; int m_x_sum, m_y_sum, m_sum; uint32_t EOI_count; int16_t buf_Cb[WIDTH/16*HEIGHT/8]; // debug int16_t buf_Cr[WIDTH/16*HEIGHT/8]; // debug CalcCenter(BaseUvc* cam) { m_cam = cam; m_cam->setOnResult(this, &CalcCenter::callback_motion_jpeg); EOI_count = 0; } protected: void callback_motion_jpeg(uint16_t frame, uint8_t* buf, int len) { input(buf+12, len-12); if (buf[1]&1) { // FID led1 = !led1; } } virtual void outputDC(int mcu, int block, int value) { if (mcu >= (WIDTH/16*HEIGHT/8)) { return; } if (block == 2) { buf_Cb[mcu] = value * qt[1][0]; } else if (block == 3) { // 0-1:Y 2:Cb 3:Cr buf_Cr[mcu] = value * qt[1][0]; value *= qt[1][0]; if (value >= THRESHOLD) { // red m_x_sum += value*(mcu%(WIDTH/16)); m_y_sum += value*(mcu/(WIDTH/16)); m_sum += value; } } } virtual void outputAC(int mcu, int block, int scan, int value){}; virtual void outputMARK(uint8_t c){ if (c == 0xd9) { // EOI if(m_sum == 0) { x_center = y_center = -1; // not found } else { x_center = m_x_sum / m_sum; y_center = m_y_sum / m_sum; } m_x_sum = m_y_sum = m_sum = 0; // reset EOI_count++; led3 = !led3; } } virtual void run() { while(true) { if (m_cam) { m_cam->poll(); } } } BaseUvc* m_cam; }; BaseUvc* cam = NULL; CalcCenter* calc = NULL; class display_Thread : public MyThread { virtual void run() { term.cls(); int fg, old_fg = 0xffffff; while(1) { int column = 0; for(int y = 0; y < HEIGHT/8; y++) { term.locate(0, column++); for(int x = 0; x < WIDTH/16; x++) { int value = calc->buf_Cr[y*WIDTH/16+x]; if (value >= THRESHOLD) { fg = 0xff0000; // red } else { fg = 0xffffff; // white } if (fg != old_fg) { term.foreground(fg); old_fg = fg; } term.printf("%+4d,", value); Thread::yield(); } } term.locate(0, column++); term.printf("Cr:(%d,%d)", calc->x_center, calc->y_center); term.locate(0, column++); term.printf("width=%d height=%d yblock=%d EOI: %u]\nCC:", calc->width, calc->height, calc->yblock, calc->EOI_count); for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { term.printf(" %u", cam->report_cc_count[i]); } term.printf("]\nPS:"); for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { term.printf(" %u", cam->report_ps_cc_count[i]); } term.printf("]\n"); Thread::wait(150); led2 = !led2; } } }; void no_memory () { error("Failed to allocate memory!\n"); } int main() { term.baud(921600); term.printf("%s\n", __FILE__); set_new_handler(no_memory); BaseUsbHost* UsbHost = new BaseUsbHost; ControlEp* ctlEp = new ControlEp; // root hub if (UsbHub::check(ctlEp)) { // hub? UsbHub* hub = new UsbHub(ctlEp); ctlEp = hub->search<UvcCam>(); } if (!UvcCam::check(ctlEp)) { error("UVC camera is not connected\n"); } cam = new UvcCam(UVC_MJPEG, UVC_160x120, _15FPS, ctlEp); calc = new CalcCenter(cam); calc->start(); display_Thread* display_th = new display_Thread; display_th->start(osPriorityBelowNormal); Thread::wait(osWaitForever); }