Servo controlled by soil moisture

Dependencies:   mbed C12832 Servo

Sun Oct 17 10:26:17 2021 +0000
Strawberry Forever Soil Moisture Sensor & Servo

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 1 #include "mbed.h"
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 2 #include "Servo.h"
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 3 #include "C12832.h"
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 4
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 5 C12832 lcd(p5, p7, p6, p8, p11); //LCD screen
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 6 AnalogIn soil_moisture(p20); //soil moisture sensor
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 7 Servo myservo(p21); //servo
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 8
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 9 int main()
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 10 {
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 11
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 12
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 13 /*lcd.printf("Servo Calibration Controls:\n");
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 14 lcd.printf("1,2,3 - Position Servo (full left, middle, full right)\n");
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 15 lcd.printf("4,5 - Decrease or Increase range\n");*/
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 16
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 17 float range = 0.0005;
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 18 float position = 0.5;
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 19
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 20 float moisture_value = 0.0f;
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 21
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 22
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 23 while(1) {
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 24
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 25 moisture_value = soil_moisture; //soil moisture value
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 26 lcd.locate(0,0); //text location on screen
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 27 lcd.cls();
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 28 lcd.printf("Moisture reading is: %2.2f\n", moisture_value); //display soil moisture value as a percentage
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 29 wait(1.0f);
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 30 // lcd.printf("Moisture reading is: %2.2f\n", value);
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 31
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 32 if (moisture_value > 30&& moisture_value <= 65) { //if soil moisture level is between 30 and 60 moisture level okay
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 33 lcd.printf("Moisture level okay");
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 34 position = 0.0;
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 35 }
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 36
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 37 else if (moisture_value <= 30) { //if soil moisture level is below 30, soil is dry
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 38 position = 1.0; //move servo to open position to water plant
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 39
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 40
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 41 } else {
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 42 position = 0.0; //if soil moisture is above 65 soil is wet, do not water
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 43 }
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 44
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 45
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 46
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 47 lcd.printf("position = %.1f, range = +/-%0.4f\n", position, range);
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 48 myservo.calibrate(range, 45.0);
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 49 myservo = position;
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 50 }
tollidal 0:8badbe8e934c 51 }