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ble_hids_init_t Struct Reference

ble_hids_init_t Struct Reference
[Human Interface Device Service]

HID Service init structure. More...

#include <ble_hids.h>

Data Fields

ble_hids_evt_handler_t evt_handler
 Event handler to be called for handling events in the HID Service.
ble_srv_error_handler_t error_handler
 Function to be called in case of an error.
bool is_kb
 TRUE if device is operating as a keyboard, FALSE if it is not.
bool is_mouse
 TRUE if device is operating as a mouse, FALSE if it is not.
uint8_t inp_rep_count
 Number of Input Report characteristics.
 Information about the Input Report characteristics.
uint8_t outp_rep_count
 Number of Output Report characteristics.
 Information about the Output Report characteristics.
uint8_t feature_rep_count
 Number of Feature Report characteristics.
 Information about the Feature Report characteristics.
ble_hids_rep_map_init_t rep_map
 Information nedeed for initialization of the Report Map characteristic.
ble_hids_hid_information_t hid_information
 Value of the HID Information characteristic.
uint8_t included_services_count
 Number of services to include in HID service.
uint16_t * p_included_services_array
 Array of services to include in HID service.
ble_srv_security_mode_t security_mode_protocol
 Security settings for HID service protocol attribute.
ble_srv_security_mode_t security_mode_ctrl_point
 Security settings for HID service Control Point attribute.
ble_srv_cccd_security_mode_t security_mode_boot_mouse_inp_rep
 Security settings for HID service Mouse input report attribute.
ble_srv_cccd_security_mode_t security_mode_boot_kb_inp_rep
 Security settings for HID service Keyboard input report attribute.
ble_srv_security_mode_t security_mode_boot_kb_outp_rep
 Security settings for HID service Keyboard output report attribute.

Detailed Description

HID Service init structure.

This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service.

Definition at line 172 of file ble_hids.h.

Field Documentation

Function to be called in case of an error.

Definition at line 175 of file ble_hids.h.

Event handler to be called for handling events in the HID Service.

Definition at line 174 of file ble_hids.h.

Number of Feature Report characteristics.

Definition at line 182 of file ble_hids.h.

Value of the HID Information characteristic.

Definition at line 185 of file ble_hids.h.

Number of services to include in HID service.

Definition at line 186 of file ble_hids.h.

uint8_t inp_rep_count

Number of Input Report characteristics.

Definition at line 178 of file ble_hids.h.

bool is_kb

TRUE if device is operating as a keyboard, FALSE if it is not.

Definition at line 176 of file ble_hids.h.

bool is_mouse

TRUE if device is operating as a mouse, FALSE if it is not.

Definition at line 177 of file ble_hids.h.

uint8_t outp_rep_count

Number of Output Report characteristics.

Definition at line 180 of file ble_hids.h.

Information about the Feature Report characteristics.

Definition at line 183 of file ble_hids.h.

Array of services to include in HID service.

Definition at line 187 of file ble_hids.h.

Information about the Input Report characteristics.

Definition at line 179 of file ble_hids.h.

Information about the Output Report characteristics.

Definition at line 181 of file ble_hids.h.

Information nedeed for initialization of the Report Map characteristic.

Definition at line 184 of file ble_hids.h.

Security settings for HID service Keyboard input report attribute.

Definition at line 191 of file ble_hids.h.

Security settings for HID service Keyboard output report attribute.

Definition at line 192 of file ble_hids.h.

Security settings for HID service Mouse input report attribute.

Definition at line 190 of file ble_hids.h.

Security settings for HID service Control Point attribute.

Definition at line 189 of file ble_hids.h.

Security settings for HID service protocol attribute.

Definition at line 188 of file ble_hids.h.