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app_uart_evt_t Struct Reference

app_uart_evt_t Struct Reference
[UART module]

Struct containing events from the UART module. More...

#include <app_uart.h>

Data Fields

app_uart_evt_type_t evt_type
 Type of event.
uint32_t error_communication
 Field used if evt_type is: APP_UART_COMMUNICATION_ERROR.
uint32_t error_code
 Field used if evt_type is: NRF_ERROR_x.
uint8_t value
 Field used if evt_type is: NRF_ERROR_x.

Detailed Description

Struct containing events from the UART module.

The app_uart_evt_t is used to notify the application of asynchronous events when data are received on the UART peripheral or in case an error occured during data reception.

Definition at line 99 of file app_uart.h.

Field Documentation

uint32_t error_code

Field used if evt_type is: NRF_ERROR_x.

Additional status/error code if the error event type is APP_UART_FIFO_ERROR. This error code refer to errors defined in nrf_error.h.

Definition at line 105 of file app_uart.h.

Field used if evt_type is: APP_UART_COMMUNICATION_ERROR.

This field contains the value in the ERRORSRC register for the UART peripheral. The UART_ERRORSRC_x defines from nrf51_bitfields::h can be used to parse the error code. See also the nRF51 Series Reference Manual for specification.

Definition at line 104 of file app_uart.h.

Type of event.

Definition at line 101 of file app_uart.h.

uint8_t value

Field used if evt_type is: NRF_ERROR_x.

Additional status/error code if the error event type is APP_UART_FIFO_ERROR. This error code refer to errors defined in nrf_error.h.

Definition at line 106 of file app_uart.h.