Nordic stack and drivers for the mbed BLE API Modified for HRM1017 for library 0.1.0

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Health Thermometer Service

Health Thermometer Service

Health Thermometer Service module. More...

Data Structures

struct  ble_hts_evt_t
 Health Thermometer Service event. More...
struct  ieee_float32_t
 FLOAT format (IEEE-11073 32-bit FLOAT, defined as a 32-bit value with a 24-bit mantissa and an 8-bit exponent. More...
struct  ble_hts_init_t
 Health Thermometer Service init structure. More...
struct  ble_hts_s
 Health Thermometer Service structure. More...
struct  ble_hts_meas_s
 Health Thermometer Service measurement structure. More...


typedef struct ble_hts_s ble_hts_t
 Health Thermometer Service structure.
typedef void(* ble_hts_evt_handler_t )(ble_hts_t *p_hts, ble_hts_evt_t *p_evt)
 Health Thermometer Service event handler type.
typedef struct ble_hts_meas_s ble_hts_meas_t
 Health Thermometer Service measurement structure.



Health Thermometer Service event type.



uint32_t ble_hts_init (ble_hts_t *p_hts, const ble_hts_init_t *p_hts_init)
 Function for initializing the Health Thermometer Service.
void ble_hts_on_ble_evt (ble_hts_t *p_hts, ble_evt_t *p_ble_evt)
 Function for handling the Application's BLE Stack events.
uint32_t ble_hts_measurement_send (ble_hts_t *p_hts, ble_hts_meas_t *p_hts_meas)
 Function for sending health thermometer measurement if indication has been enabled.
uint32_t ble_hts_is_indication_enabled (ble_hts_t *p_hts, bool *p_indication_enabled)
 Function for checking if indication of Temperature Measurement is currently enabled.

Detailed Description

Health Thermometer Service module.

This module implements the Health Thermometer Service.

If an event handler is supplied by the application, the Health Thermometer Service will generate Health Thermometer Service events to the application.

The application must propagate BLE stack events to the Health Thermometer Service module by calling ble_hts_on_ble_evt() from the from the ble_stack_handler function.
Attention! To maintain compliance with Nordic Semiconductor ASA Bluetooth profile qualification listings, this section of source code must not be modified.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* ble_hts_evt_handler_t)(ble_hts_t *p_hts, ble_hts_evt_t *p_evt)

Health Thermometer Service event handler type.

Definition at line 70 of file ble_hts.h.

Health Thermometer Service measurement structure.

This contains a Health Thermometer measurement.

typedef struct ble_hts_s ble_hts_t

Health Thermometer Service structure.

This contains various status information for the service.

Definition at line 67 of file ble_hts.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Health Thermometer Service event type.


Health Thermometer value indication enabled event.


Health Thermometer value indication disabled event.


Confirmation of a temperature measurement indication has been received.

Definition at line 53 of file ble_hts.h.

Function Documentation

uint32_t ble_hts_init ( ble_hts_t p_hts,
const ble_hts_init_t p_hts_init 

Function for initializing the Health Thermometer Service.

[out]p_htsHealth Thermometer Service structure. This structure will have to be supplied by the application. It will be initialized by this function, and will later be used to identify this particular service instance.
[in]p_hts_initInformation needed to initialize the service.
NRF_SUCCESS on successful initialization of service, otherwise an error code.
uint32_t ble_hts_is_indication_enabled ( ble_hts_t p_hts,
bool *  p_indication_enabled 

Function for checking if indication of Temperature Measurement is currently enabled.

[in]p_htsHealth Thermometer Service structure.
[out]p_indication_enabledTRUE if indication is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
uint32_t ble_hts_measurement_send ( ble_hts_t p_hts,
ble_hts_meas_t p_hts_meas 

Function for sending health thermometer measurement if indication has been enabled.

The application calls this function after having performed a Health Thermometer measurement. If indication has been enabled, the measurement data is encoded and sent to the client.

[in]p_htsHealth Thermometer Service structure.
[in]p_hts_measPointer to new health thermometer measurement.
NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
void ble_hts_on_ble_evt ( ble_hts_t p_hts,
ble_evt_t p_ble_evt 

Function for handling the Application's BLE Stack events.

Handles all events from the BLE stack of interest to the Health Thermometer Service.

[in]p_htsHealth Thermometer Service structure.
[in]p_ble_evtEvent received from the BLE stack.