SPKDisplay - A mbed display class and processing imaging tools for 128x64 OLEDs using the SSD1305 driver, connected via SPI.

Dependents:   SPK-DVIMXR SPK-DMXer

diff -r dd3faa2ab1dd -r 8187d69071f8 spk_oled_fontByteMaker--processing.h
--- a/spk_oled_fontByteMaker--processing.h	Sun Apr 15 19:39:17 2012 +0000
+++ b/spk_oled_fontByteMaker--processing.h	Sun Apr 15 19:48:11 2012 +0000
@@ -1,95 +1,102 @@
-int w = 132;
-int h = 64;
-int scaleFactor = 5;
-PImage imgPixel;
-color white = color(255, 255, 255, 255);
-color black = color(0, 0, 0, 255);
-void setup()
-  imgPixel = loadImage("spk_dvimxr_font.png");
-  w = imgPixel.width;
-  h = imgPixel.height;
-  size(w*scaleFactor, h*scaleFactor);
-  noSmooth();
-void draw()
-  background(0);
-  image(imgPixel, 0, 0, w*scaleFactor, h*scaleFactor);
-void mouseDragged() 
-  int x = mouseX/scaleFactor;
-  int y = mouseY/scaleFactor;
-  imgPixel.set(x, y, white);
-void mousePressed()
-  int x = mouseX/scaleFactor;
-  int y = mouseY/scaleFactor;
-  if (imgPixel.get(x, y) == white)
-  {
-    imgPixel.set(x, y, black);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    imgPixel.set(x, y, white);
-  }
-void keyPressed()
-  int startID = 33;
-  int stopID = 126;
-  for (int charID = startID; charID <= stopID; charID++)
-  {
-    boolean blank = false;
-    String output = "";
-    int counter = 0;
-    while (blank == false)
-    {
-      int x = (charID-startID)*8 + counter;
-      byte theByte = 0;
-      for (int b = 0; b < 8; b++)
-      {
-        if (imgPixel.get(x, b) == white)
-        {
-          theByte += pow(2, b);
-        }
-      }
-      if (theByte > 0)
-      {
-        if (output.length() > 0) output = output + ", ";
-        output = output + "0x" + hex(theByte, 2);
-      } 
-      else
-      {
-        blank = true;
-        println("const uint8_t char" + charID + "[] = {" + counter + ", " + output + "};");
-      }
-      counter++;
-    }
-  }
-  println();
-  println("const int characterBytesStartChar = " + startID + ";");
-  println("const int characterBytesEndChar = " + stopID + ";");
-  print("const uint8_t* characterBytes[] = {");
-  for (int charID = startID; charID <= stopID; charID++)
-  {
-    print("char" + charID + ", ");
-  }
-  println("};");
+// OLED display using SSD1305 driver
+// Copyright *spark audio-visual 2012
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+int w = 132;
+int h = 64;
+int scaleFactor = 5;
+PImage imgPixel;
+color white = color(255, 255, 255, 255);
+color black = color(0, 0, 0, 255);
+void setup()
+  imgPixel = loadImage("spk_dvimxr_font.png");
+  w = imgPixel.width;
+  h = imgPixel.height;
+  size(w*scaleFactor, h*scaleFactor);
+  noSmooth();
+void draw()
+  background(0);
+  image(imgPixel, 0, 0, w*scaleFactor, h*scaleFactor);
+void mouseDragged() 
+  int x = mouseX/scaleFactor;
+  int y = mouseY/scaleFactor;
+  imgPixel.set(x, y, white);
+void mousePressed()
+  int x = mouseX/scaleFactor;
+  int y = mouseY/scaleFactor;
+  if (imgPixel.get(x, y) == white)
+  {
+    imgPixel.set(x, y, black);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    imgPixel.set(x, y, white);
+  }
+void keyPressed()
+  int startID = 33;
+  int stopID = 126;
+  for (int charID = startID; charID <= stopID; charID++)
+  {
+    boolean blank = false;
+    String output = "";
+    int counter = 0;
+    while (blank == false)
+    {
+      int x = (charID-startID)*8 + counter;
+      byte theByte = 0;
+      for (int b = 0; b < 8; b++)
+      {
+        if (imgPixel.get(x, b) == white)
+        {
+          theByte += pow(2, b);
+        }
+      }
+      if (theByte > 0)
+      {
+        if (output.length() > 0) output = output + ", ";
+        output = output + "0x" + hex(theByte, 2);
+      } 
+      else
+      {
+        blank = true;
+        println("const uint8_t char" + charID + "[] = {" + counter + ", " + output + "};");
+      }
+      counter++;
+    }
+  }
+  println();
+  println("const int characterBytesStartChar = " + startID + ";");
+  println("const int characterBytesEndChar = " + stopID + ";");
+  print("const uint8_t* characterBytes[] = {");
+  for (int charID = startID; charID <= stopID; charID++)
+  {
+    print("char" + charID + ", ");
+  }
+  println("};");