working together with FATFileSystem

Fork of TinyJpgDec by Helmut Schmücker

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TinyJpgDec.h	Sat Mar 22 18:00:42 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+/ TJpgDec - Tiny JPEG Decompressor include file               (C)ChaN, 2012
+#ifndef _TJPGDEC
+#define _TJPGDEC
+/* System Configurations */
+#define JD_SZBUF        1024 /* Size of stream input buffer */
+#define JD_FORMAT       1   /* Output pixel format 0:RGB888 (3 BYTE/pix), 1:RGB565 (1 WORD/pix) */
+#define JD_USE_SCALE    1   /* Use descaling feature for output */
+#define JD_TBLCLIP      1   /* Use table for saturation (might be a bit faster but increases 1K bytes of code size) */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "integer.h"
+    /* Error code */
+    typedef enum {
+        JDR_OK = 0, /* 0: Succeeded */
+        JDR_INTR,   /* 1: Interrupted by output function */
+        JDR_INP,    /* 2: Device error or wrong termination of input stream */
+        JDR_MEM1,   /* 3: Insufficient memory pool for the image */
+        JDR_MEM2,   /* 4: Insufficient stream input buffer */
+        JDR_PAR,    /* 5: Parameter error */
+        JDR_FMT1,   /* 6: Data format error (may be damaged data) */
+        JDR_FMT2,   /* 7: Right format but not supported */
+        JDR_FMT3    /* 8: Not supported JPEG standard */
+    }
+    /* Rectangular structure */
+    typedef struct {
+        WORD left, right, top, bottom;
+    } JRECT;
+    /* Decompressor object structure */
+    typedef struct JDEC JDEC;
+    struct JDEC {
+        UINT dctr;              /* Number of bytes available in the input buffer */
+        BYTE* dptr;             /* Current data read ptr */
+        BYTE* inbuf;            /* Bit stream input buffer */
+        BYTE dmsk;              /* Current bit in the current read byte */
+        BYTE scale;             /* Output scaling ratio */
+        BYTE msx, msy;          /* MCU size in unit of block (width, height) */
+        BYTE qtid[3];           /* Quantization table ID of each component */
+        SHORT dcv[3];           /* Previous DC element of each component */
+        WORD nrst;              /* Restart inverval */
+        UINT width, height;     /* Size of the input image (pixel) */
+        BYTE* huffbits[2][2];   /* Huffman bit distribution tables [id][dcac] */
+        WORD* huffcode[2][2];   /* Huffman code word tables [id][dcac] */
+        BYTE* huffdata[2][2];   /* Huffman decoded data tables [id][dcac] */
+        LONG* qttbl[4];         /* Dequaitizer tables [id] */
+        void* workbuf;          /* Working buffer for IDCT and RGB output */
+        BYTE* mcubuf;           /* Working buffer for the MCU */
+        void* pool;             /* Pointer to available memory pool */
+        UINT sz_pool;           /* Size of momory pool (bytes available) */
+        UINT (*infunc)(JDEC*, BYTE*, UINT);/* Pointer to jpeg stream input function */
+        void* device;           /* Pointer to I/O device identifiler for the session */
+    };
+    /* TJpgDec API functions */
+    JRESULT jd_prepare (JDEC*, UINT(*)(JDEC*,BYTE*,UINT), void*, UINT, void*);
+    JRESULT jd_decomp (JDEC*, UINT(*)(JDEC*,void*,JRECT*), BYTE);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _TJPGDEC */