This program is given as a sample exercise. It has all the functionality to be used on a BLE Nano device and to connect to SimpleChat application for Android/ iOS from RebBearLab. The aim of the exercise is to read a voltage and then to convert as good as possible the appropriate temperature in Celsius degrees. AI5 pin is considered for reading the voltage for the termistor. The ADC of AI5 is called every second. The function to be updated : update_measurements() from main.cpp file.

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822

Fork of nRF51822_DataLogger_with_Chat by Valentin Tanasa

--- a/myData.h	Fri May 06 18:14:18 2016 +0000
+++ b/myData.h	Sat Oct 08 10:30:15 2016 +0000
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #define MAX_WORD_PAGE_DATA 254u // to be computed as round_next_int(MAXBUFFER*sizeof(myDataL_t)+sizeof(myData_t))
 #define MAX_PAGE_NUM (NRF_FICR->CODESIZE - 1) // 255
-#define MIN_PAGE_NUM 155u
+#define MIN_PAGE_NUM 180u
 typedef struct{
@@ -32,11 +32,10 @@
 } connection_update_t;
 typedef struct {
-    uint16_t light;
-    uint16_t gndV;
+    int16_t x;
+    int16_t y;
+    int16_t z;
     uint16_t temp;
-    bool led_on;
-    bool led2_on;    
 } myPayload_t;