for child

Fork of TRP105F_Spline by Akifumi Takahashi



File content as of revision 0:e85788b14028:

#define DEBUG
#include "TRP105F_Spline.h"

//  To get voltage of TRP105F
AnalogIn g_Sensor_Voltage(p16);
//  To get sample distance via seral com
Serial g_Serial_Signal(USBTX, USBRX);

LocalFileSystem local("local");  // マウントポイントを定義(ディレクトリパスになる)
// for debug
#ifdef DEBUG
DigitalOut led1(LED1);
DigitalOut led2(LED2);
DigitalOut led3(LED3);
DigitalOut led4(LED4);

    _Sample_Num = 5;
    _Sample_Set = (VDset *)malloc(_Sample_Num * sizeof(VDset));
    _u_spline   = (double*)malloc(_Sample_Num * sizeof(double));


    unsigned int arg_num
    if(arg_num > _ENUM) _Sample_Num = _ENUM;
    else _Sample_Num = arg_num;

    _Sample_Set = (VDset *)malloc(_Sample_Num * sizeof(VDset));
    _u_spline   = (double*)malloc(_Sample_Num * sizeof(double));


    unsigned int arg_num,
    DataInType arg_dit
    if(arg_num > _ENUM) _Sample_Num = _ENUM;
    else _Sample_Num = arg_num;

    _Sample_Set = (VDset *)malloc(_Sample_Num * sizeof(VDset));
    _u_spline   = (double*)malloc(_Sample_Num * sizeof(double));



unsigned short TRP105FS::getDistance()
    int idx;
    unsigned short pv = 0;

    //low pass filter
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        pv += g_Sensor_Voltage.read_u16() / 10;

    idx = _getNearest(_LIDX, _RIDX, pv);

    if (idx != 0xFFFF)    //  unless occuring error
        return _Set[idx].dst;
        return 0xFFFF;

    Function to find a set whose vol member is nearest a voltage from the sensor, recursively.

                   SHORT                                                          LONG
    +------------>  HIGH[lidx , ... , cidx , threshold[cidx], cidx+1 , ... , ridx]LOW <-----------+
    |(if voltage form sensor < threshold[cidx])   |||   (if threshold[cidx] < voltage form sensor)|
    |               HIGH[lidx , ... , cidx]LOW    |||    HIGH[cidx+1 , ... , ridx]LOW             |
    |                |                                                            |               |
    +----------------+                                                            +---------------+
int TRP105FS::_getNearest(
    int arg_lidx,
    int arg_ridx,
    unsigned short arg_vol
    int cidx = (arg_lidx + arg_ridx) / 2;

    //  When the number of element to compare is only one, return it as result.
    if(arg_lidx == arg_ridx)
        return cidx;
    //  If the voltage from the sensor is lower than the center threshold
    //  (_set[cidx] > _threshold[cidx] > _set[cidx+1])
    else if(arg_vol > _Threshold[cidx])
        return _getNearest(arg_lidx, cidx,     arg_vol);
    //  If the voltage from the sensor is higher than the center threshold
    else if(arg_vol < _Threshold[cidx])
        return _getNearest(cidx + 1, arg_ridx, arg_vol);
    //  If the voltage from the sensor eauals the center threshold
    else //(arg_vol == _Treshold[cidx].vol)
        return cidx;

void TRP105FS::_sampleData()
    int     tmp;
    char    sig;
    unsigned short tmp_vol;
    VDset tmp_set[_ENUM];   // for bucket sort

    //  Evry set, first get dst data via serai com,
    //  next, get vol data,
    //  and then do same for next index set.
    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
        //  Recieve a Distance datus and store it into member
        if(_Data_Input_Type == KEYBORD) {
            _Sample_Set[i].dst = 0;
            do {
                sig = g_Serial_Signal.getc();
                if('0' <= sig && sig <= '9') {
                    _Sample_Set[i].dst = 10 * _Sample_Set[i].dst + sig - 48;
                } else if(sig == 0x08) {
                    _Sample_Set[i].dst = 0;
            } while (!(sig == 0x0a || sig == 0x0d));
        } else { //_Data_Input_Type == SYSTEM
            _Sample_Set[i].dst = g_Serial_Signal.getc();

        //  if input data is over the bound calibrate it below
        if (_Sample_Set[i].dst < 0)
            _Sample_Set[i].dst = 0;
        else if (_ENUM < _Sample_Set[i].dst)
            _Sample_Set[i].dst = _ENUM;
        //  Recieve a Voltage datus and store it into member
        //  Get 10 data and store mean as a sample.
        //  After get one original sample, system waits for 0.1 sec,
        //  thus it takes 1 sec evry sampling.
        _Sample_Set[i].vol = 0;
        for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
            //unsigned short 's range [0 , 65535]
            //the Number of significant figures of read voltage is 3 or 4.
            tmp_vol = g_Sensor_Voltage.read_u16();
#ifdef DEBUG
            _Sample_Set[i].vol += (tmp_vol / 10);
#ifdef DEBUG
    //  Sort set data array in distanceAscending order
    //  Bucket sort
    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++)
        tmp_set[i].dst = 0xaaaa;
    tmp = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
        //  use dst as index for dst range [2,20]
        if (tmp_set[_Sample_Set[i].dst].dst == 0xaaaa) {
            tmp_set[_Sample_Set[i].dst].dst = _Sample_Set[i].dst;
            tmp_set[_Sample_Set[i].dst].vol = _Sample_Set[i].vol;
        } else { // if a same dst has been input, calcurate mean.
            tmp_set[_Sample_Set[i].dst].vol += _Sample_Set[i].vol;
            tmp_set[_Sample_Set[i].dst].vol /= 2;
#ifdef DEBUG
    g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d\n", _Sample_Num );
    //  substruct tmp from number of sample.
    _Sample_Num -= tmp;

#ifdef DEBUG
    g_Serial_Signal.printf("tmp: %d\n", tmp );
    //  apply sort on _Sample_Set
    tmp = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {
        if(tmp_set[i].dst != 0xaaaa) {
            _Sample_Set[i - tmp].dst = tmp_set[i].dst;
            _Sample_Set[i - tmp].vol = tmp_set[i].vol;
        } else //  if no data, skip it

//  Function to define _u_spline, specific constants of spline.
void TRP105FS::_makeSpline()
    //  x: dst, distance
    //  y: vol, voltage
    //  N: max of index <=> (_Sample_Num - 1)
    //  _u_spline[i] === d^2/dx^2(Spline f)[i]
    //  i:[0,N]
    //  _u_spline[0] = _u_spline[N] = 0
    //  h[i] = x[i+1] - x[i]
    //  i:[0,N-1]; num of elm: N<=>_Sample_Num - 1
    double *h = (double*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 1) * sizeof(double));
    //unsigned short *h __attribute__((at(0x20080000)));
    //h = (unsigned short*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 1) * sizeof(unsigned short));
    //  v[i] = 6*((y[i+2]-y[i+1])/h[i+1] + (y[i+1]-y[i])/h[i])
    //  i:[0,N-2]
    double *v = (double*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(double));
    //unsigned short *v __attribute__((at(0x20080100)));
    //v = (unsigned short*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(unsigned short));
    //  temporary array whose num of elm equals v array
    double *w = (double*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(double));
    //unsigned short *w __attribute__((at(0x20080200)));
    //w = (unsigned short*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(unsigned short));
    //  [ 2(h[0]+h[1])  , h[1]          ,                                 O                 ]   [_u[1]  ]   [v[0]  ]
    //  [ h[1]          , 2(h[1]+h[2])  , h[2]                                              ]   [_u[2]  ]   [v[1]  ]
    //  [                       ...                                                         ] * [...    ] = [...   ]
    //  [                   h[j]          , 2(h[j]+h[j+1])  , h[j+1]                        ]   [_u[j+1]]   [v[j]  ]
    //  [                                   ...                                             ]   [ ...   ]   [ ...  ]
    //  [                               h[N-3]        , 2(h[N-3]+h[N-2]), h[N-2]            ]   [_u[j+1]]   [v[j]  ]
    //  [       O                                       h[N-2]          , 2(h[N-2]+h[N-1])  ]   [_u[N-1]]   [v[N-2]]
    // For LU decomposition
    double *Upper = (double*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(double));
    //unsigned short *Upper __attribute__((at(0x20080300)));
    //Upper = (unsigned short*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(unsigned short));
    double *Lower = (double*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(double));
    //unsigned short *Lower __attribute__((at(0x20080400)));
    //Lower = (unsigned short*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(unsigned short));
#ifdef DEBUG
    _printOutData(_Sample_Set, _Sample_Num, "\nSampleSet");
    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num - 1; i++)
        h[i] =  (double)(_Sample_Set[i + 1].dst - _Sample_Set[i].dst);
    //(unsigned short)(_Sample_Set[i + 1].dst - _Sample_Set[i].dst);

    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num - 2; i++)
        v[i] = 6 * (
                   ((double)(_Sample_Set[i + 2].vol - _Sample_Set[i + 1].vol)) / h[i + 1]
                   //(unsigned short)(_Sample_Set[i + 2].vol - _Sample_Set[i + 1].vol) / h[i + 1]
                   ((double)(_Sample_Set[i + 1].vol - _Sample_Set[i].vol))     / h[i]
                   //(unsigned short)(_Sample_Set[i + 1].vol - _Sample_Set[i].vol) / h[i]

    //  LU decomposition
    Upper[0] = 2 * (h[0] + h[1]);
    Lower[0] = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < _Sample_Num - 2; i++) {
        Lower[i] = h[i] / Upper[i - 1];
        Upper[i] = 2 * (h[i] + h[i + 1]) - Lower[i] * h[i];

    //  forward substitution
    w[0] = v[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < _Sample_Num - 2; i ++) {
        w[i] = v[i] - Lower[i] * w[i-1];

    //  backward substitution
    _u_spline[_Sample_Num - 2] =  w[_Sample_Num - 3]                         / Upper[_Sample_Num - 3];
    for(int i = _Sample_Num - 3; i > 0; i--) {
        _u_spline[i]           = (w[(i - 1)] -  h[(i)] * _u_spline[(i) + 1]) / Upper[(i - 1)];

    // _u_spline[i] === d^2/dx^2(Spline f)[i]
    _u_spline[0] = _u_spline[_Sample_Num - 1] = 0.0;

#ifdef DEBUG
    _printOutData(h, _Sample_Num - 1, "h");
    _printOutData(v, _Sample_Num - 2, "v");
    _printOutData(w, _Sample_Num - 2, "w");
    _printOutData(Upper, _Sample_Num - 2, "Upper");
    _printOutData(Lower, _Sample_Num - 2, "Lower");
    _printOutData(_u_spline, _Sample_Num, "u");
//  Function to return Voltage for distance.
unsigned short TRP105FS:: _getSplineYof(
    double arg_x       //  the argument is supposed as distance [mm]
    double y;       //  voltage calculated by spline polynomial
    double a,b,c,d; //  which is specific constant of spline, and can be expressed with _u.
    int itv = 0;    //  interval(section) of interpolation
    //  the number of interval is less 1 than the number of sample sets,
    //  which means the max number of interval is _Sample_num - 2.
    if((double)(_Sample_Set[0].dst) <= arg_x) {
        while (!((double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst) <= arg_x && arg_x < (double)(_Sample_Set[itv + 1].dst))) {
            if(itv > _Sample_Num - 2) {
                itv = _Sample_Num - 2;
    a = (double)(_u_spline[itv + 1] - _u_spline[itv]) / 6.0 / (double)(_Sample_Set[itv + 1].dst - _Sample_Set[itv].dst);
    b = (double)(_u_spline[itv]) / 2.0;
    c = (double)(_Sample_Set[itv + 1].vol - _Sample_Set[itv].vol) / (double)(_Sample_Set[itv + 1].dst - _Sample_Set[itv].dst)
        (double)(_Sample_Set[itv + 1].dst - _Sample_Set[itv].dst) * (double)(_u_spline[itv + 1] + 2.0 * _u_spline[itv]) / 6.0;
    d = (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].vol);
    //  cubic spline expression
    y = a * (arg_x - (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst)) * (arg_x - (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst)) * (arg_x - (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst))
        b * (arg_x - (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst)) * (arg_x - (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst))
        c * (arg_x - (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst))

#ifdef DEBUG2
    g_Serial_Signal.printf("%f(interval: %d)", arg_x, itv);
    g_Serial_Signal.printf("a:%f, b:%f, c:%f, d:%f, ", a,b,c,d);
    g_Serial_Signal.printf("(y:%f -> %d)\n", y, (unsigned short)y);

    return ((unsigned short)(int)y);

void TRP105FS::calibrateSensor()

    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {
        _Set[i].dst     = i;
        _Set[i].vol     = _getSplineYof((double)(_Set[i].dst));
        _Threshold[i]   = _getSplineYof((double)(_Set[i].dst) + 0.5);
#ifdef DEBUG2
        g_Serial_Signal.printf("(get...threashold:%d)\n", _Threshold[i]);

void TRP105FS::saveSetting()
    FILE *fp;

    fp = fopen("/local/savedata.log", "wb");

    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {
        fwrite(&_Set[i].dst,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fputc(0x2c, fp);
        fwrite(&_Set[i].vol,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fputc(0x2c, fp);
        fwrite(&_Threshold[i],  sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fputc(0x3b, fp);
    fwrite(&_Sample_Num, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
    fputc(0x3b, fp);
    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
        fwrite(&_Sample_Set[i].dst,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fputc(0x2c, fp);
        fwrite(&_Sample_Set[i].vol,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fputc(0x3b, fp);


void TRP105FS::printThresholds()
    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++)
void TRP105FS::loadSetting()
    FILE *fp;
    char tmp;

    //sprintf(filepath, "/local/%s", filename);
    //fp = fopen(filepath, "rb");
    fp = fopen("/local/savedata.log", "rb");
    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {

        fread(&_Set[i].dst,     sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fread(&tmp,             sizeof(char),           1, fp);
#ifdef DEBUG2
        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c",  _Set[i].dst, tmp);

        fread(&_Set[i].vol,     sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fread(&tmp,             sizeof(char), 1, fp);
#ifdef DEBUG2
        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c",  _Set[i].vol, tmp);

        fread(&_Threshold[i],   sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fread(&tmp,             sizeof(char), 1, fp);
#ifdef DEBUG2
        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c\n",_Threshold[i],      tmp);

    fread(&_Sample_Num, sizeof(unsigned short),  1, fp);
    fread(&tmp,         sizeof(char), 1, fp);

    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
        fread(&_Sample_Set[i].dst, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fread(&tmp, sizeof(char),1,fp);
        fread(&_Sample_Set[i].vol, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fread(&tmp, sizeof(char),1,fp);

void TRP105FS::saveSetting(
    const char *filename
    FILE *fp;
    char *filepath;
    int fnnum = 0;

    while (filename[fnnum] != 0) fnnum++;
    filepath = (char *)malloc((fnnum + 8) * sizeof(char)); // "/local/" are 7 char and \0 is 1 char.

    sprintf(filepath, "/local/%s", filename);
    fp = fopen(filepath, "wb");

    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {
        fwrite(&_Set[i].dst,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fputc(0x2c, fp);
        fwrite(&_Set[i].vol,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fputc(0x2c, fp);
        fwrite(&_Threshold[i],  sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fputc(0x3b, fp);
    fwrite(&_Sample_Num, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
    fputc(0x3b, fp);
    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
        fwrite(&_Sample_Set[i].dst,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fputc(0x2c, fp);
        fwrite(&_Sample_Set[i].vol,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fputc(0x3b, fp);

void TRP105FS::loadSetting(
    const char *filename
    FILE *fp;
    char *filepath;
    char tmp;
    int fnnum = 0;

    while (filename[fnnum] != 0) fnnum++;
    filepath = (char *)malloc((fnnum + 8) * sizeof(char)); // "/local/" are 7 char and \0 is 1 char.

    sprintf(filepath, "/local/%s", filename);
    fp = fopen(filepath, "rb");
    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {

        fread(&_Set[i].dst,     sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fread(&tmp,             sizeof(char), 1, fp);
#ifdef DEBUG3
        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c",  _Set[i].dst, tmp);

        fread(&_Set[i].vol,     sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fread(&tmp,             sizeof(char), 1, fp);
#ifdef DEBUG3
        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c",  _Set[i].vol, tmp);

        fread(&_Threshold[i],   sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fread(&tmp,             sizeof(char), 1, fp);
#ifdef DEBUG3
        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c\n",_Threshold[i],      tmp);

    fread(&_Sample_Num, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
    fread(&tmp,         sizeof(char),           1, fp);
#ifdef DEBUG3
    g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c\n",_Sample_Num,      tmp);

    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
        fread(&_Sample_Set[i].dst,  sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fread(&tmp,                 sizeof(char),1,fp);
#ifdef DEBUG3
        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c",  _Sample_Set[i].dst, tmp);

        fread(&_Sample_Set[i].vol,  sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
        fread(&tmp,                 sizeof(char),1,fp);
#ifdef DEBUG3
        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c",  _Sample_Set[i].vol, tmp);

void TRP105FS::printOutData()
    FILE *fp;

    fp = fopen("/local/log.txt", "w");  // open file in writing mode
    fprintf(fp, "dst, vol,(threshold)\n");
    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {
        fprintf(fp, "%d,%d,(%d)\n", _Set[i].dst, _Set[i].vol, _Threshold[i]);
    fprintf(fp, "\nSample:dst, vol\n");
    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
        fprintf(fp, "%d,%d\n", _Sample_Set[i].dst, _Sample_Set[i].vol);

void TRP105FS::_printOutData(unsigned short *arg, int num, char* name)
    FILE *fp;
    fp = fopen("/local/varlog.txt", "a");  // open file in add mode
    fprintf(fp, "%10s\n", name);
    for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        fprintf(fp, "%d, ", arg[i]);
    fprintf(fp, "\n");
void TRP105FS::_printOutData(double *arg, int num, char* name)
    FILE *fp;

    fp = fopen("/local/varlog.txt", "a");  // open file in add mode
    fprintf(fp, "%10s\n", name);
    for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        fprintf(fp, "%.2f, ", arg[i]);
    fprintf(fp, "\n");
void TRP105FS::_printOutData(VDset *arg, int num, char* name)
    FILE *fp;

    fp = fopen("/local/varlog.txt", "a");  // open file in add mode
    fprintf(fp, "%10s\n", name);
    for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        fprintf(fp, "%d, ", arg[i].vol);
    fprintf(fp, "\n");