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Fork of TRP105F_Spline by Akifumi Takahashi


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
27:1f38ee841153 2017-10-24 tanaken0605 ????????? default tip
26:062b89351253 2016-10-14 tanaken0605 smallupdate
25:1dba430435cf 2016-10-14 tanaken0605 small update
24:4e12e2fd088f 2016-09-01 tanaken0605 bugfix
23:772a9736ee59 2016-09-01 tanaken0605 test
22:eaaaa42a0ccb 2016-06-30 aktk The filename that SPT::TRP105FS::printCalibrationLOG() makes has become ADLOG%2d.TXT.
21:cd20537290f9 2016-06-30 aktk trivial debug
20:0453919a76b2 2016-06-30 aktk snum the local static variable in _setSample(ns, ns) has come to be declared as _snum the TRP105FS class' member field. It's because it was not expected that local static variable is shared by the instances of the same class.
19:ee2558b13570 2016-06-30 aktk Constructor SPI_TRP105FS(unsinged int, unsigned int) has been implemented.
18:b046bba4ffa7 2016-06-24 aktk In constructors, the type of arg_num was changed to unsigned short.; In constructor(ushort, PinName), the defalt useTpe came to be set to AsMODULE.
17:f6ec7796dafd 2016-06-08 aktk Some comment
16:c2b0f3ca63dd 2016-06-08 aktk getDistance(any), getVoltage() have come to be inline function.
15:1d643b831a03 2016-06-08 aktk getSampleNum has been implemented.
14:a99bf22b919d 2016-06-08 aktk saveSetting_intoSerial(Serial) has briefly been implemented.
13:16fc61b41eff 2016-06-07 aktk type of _Sample_Num was modified: int -> unsigned short.; in saveSetting(any), size of _Sample_num to write into savedata file was modified: int -> unsigned short.
12:db5110d9d494 2016-06-07 aktk void loadSetting_fromSerial(Serial) has been implemented.
11:d60fb729eacf 2016-06-06 aktk make it come to be platform variation selective
10:b50e4bb40571 2016-06-06 aktk New Constructor TRP105FS(unsigned int, PinName) has implemented.
9:ec1ee4a6b6a4 2016-06-06 aktk New Member variable "AnalogIn ai" has added, which is a unique member to get analog data for each instance.
8:9eaa9772e1e7 2016-06-06 aktk Debugged SPI wrapper.
7:f2e139f8bd68 2016-06-06 aktk file divided into TPR105FS_SPIWrapper.h,.c;
6:d2363b50aeaf 2016-06-06 aktk debuged;
5:7d4fc0979976 2016-06-06 aktk printOutData(no arg) -> printOutData(filename)
4:701f958d137a 2016-06-06 aktk debug,; printOut(no arg)-> printOut(filename);
3:b56e933bebc2 2016-06-01 aktk ??to SPI
2:40ae18445079 2016-02-16 aktk my first publish><
1:2053662b1167 2016-02-16 aktk data list range [0,255]. message has been little changed.
0:e85788b14028 2016-02-12 aktk Distance data range : [0:1024] -> [0:256];