IMU 10dof MEMS from DR Robot adapted from HK10DOF Changed gyro to ITG3200

Fork of HK10DOF by Aloïs Wolff

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for IMU10DOF


HMC5883L The HMC5883L 3-Axis Digital Compass IC
ITG3200 ITG-3200 triple axis digital gyroscope


ADXL345_I2C.cpp [code]
ADXL345_I2C.h [code]
BMP085.cpp [code]
BMP085.h [code]
helper_3dmath.h [code]
HMC5883L.cpp [code]
HMC5883L.h [code]
IMU10DOF.cpp [code]
IMU10DOF.h [code]
ITG3200.cpp [code]
ITG3200.h [code]
vector_math.h [code]