IMU 10dof MEMS from DR Robot adapted from HK10DOF Changed gyro to ITG3200

Fork of HK10DOF by Aloïs Wolff

WARNING: This project is not complete, but this library seems ok so far.

I have the module 10DOF MEMS IMU. I wanted a concise module for resolving direction and movement.

I found HK10DOF library ( with quaternions. But it used a different gyro. So I modified that code to use the same higher level calls but use the ITG3200 low level calls.



File content as of revision 0:9a1682a09c50:

 * BMP085.h
 *  Created on: 13 juil. 2013
 *      Author: Vincent

#ifndef BMP085_H_
#define BMP085_H_

#include "mbed.h"

class BMP085{

public :

    static const int I2C_ADDRESS = 0xEE;  // sensor address

    BMP085(PinName sda, PinName scl);

    BMP085(I2C &i2c) : i2c_(i2c) {


    void writeRegister(unsigned char r, unsigned char v);

    // read a 16 bit register
    int readIntRegister(unsigned char r);

    // read uncompensated temperature value
    unsigned int readUT();

    // read uncompensated pressure value
    long readUP();

    // Below there are the utility functions to get data from the sensor.

    // read temperature and pressure from sensor
    void readSensor();

    void  getCalibrationData();

    float press(void);

    float temp(void);

    float altitud(void);

private :

    I2C &i2c_;
    // variables to keep the values
    float temperature;
    float pressure;

    char i2cRaw[sizeof(I2C)];

#endif /* BMP085_H_ */