Pubnub demo for AT&T IoT Starter Kit. Functionally similar to the Flow demo.

Dependencies:   FXOS8700CQ MODSERIAL mbed

Pubnub demo for AT&T IoT Starter Kit

This demo is functionally similar to the Flow demo, so you can find general information here:

The only difference is that we use Pubnub to publish the measurements and subscribe to receiving the instructions to set the LED.


Pubnub related settings are:

Pubnub settings in `config_me.h`


All are documented in their respective comments.

Pubnub context class

Similar to Pubnub SDKs, we provide a Pubnub context class. It is defined in pubnub.h header file and implemented in pubnub.cpp.

It provides only the fundamental "publish" and "subscribe" methods. They are documented in the header file.

This class is reusable in other code (it is not specific to this demo), it has a very narrow interface to the AT&T IoT cellular modem code. For example of use, you can look at the main() (in main.c).

Sample of published data

Published message w/measurement data


Don't worry, nobody got burnt, the temperature is in degrees Fahrenheit. :)

Publish a message (from, say, the Pubnub console of the form {"LED":<name-of-the-color>} on the channel that this demo listens to (default is hello_world) to turn the LED to that color on the Starter Kit:

Turn LED to red


Turn LED to green


Turn LED to blue

--- a/sensors.cpp	Wed Jul 27 01:58:25 2016 +0000
+++ b/sensors.cpp	Thu Jul 28 15:52:37 2016 +0000
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "hardware.h"
 #include "sensors.h"
 //I2C for pmod sensors:
 #define Si1145_PMOD_I2C_ADDR   0xC0 //this is for 7-bit addr 0x60 for the Si7020
 #define Si7020_PMOD_I2C_ADDR   0x80 //this is for 7-bit addr 0x4 for the Si7020
-#include "hardware.h"
-//I2C i2c(PTC11, PTC10); //SDA, SCL
 #include "FXOS8700CQ.h"
 // Pin names for the motion sensor FRDM-K64F board:
 FXOS8700CQ fxos(PTE25, PTE24, FXOS8700CQ_SLAVE_ADDR1); // SDA, SCL, (addr << 1)
@@ -354,8 +352,137 @@
     } //bMotionSensor_present
 } //read_motion_sensor
+bool bUsbConnected = false;
+volatile uint8_t usb_uart_rx_buff[256];
+//volatile uint8_t usb_uart_tx_buff[256];
+volatile unsigned char usb_uart_rx_buff_putptr = 0;
+volatile unsigned char usb_uart_rx_buff_getptr = 0;
+//volatile unsigned char usb_uart_tx_buff_putptr = 0;
+//volatile unsigned char usb_uart_tx_buff_getptr = 0;
+char usbhost_rx_string[256];
+unsigned char usbhost_rxstring_index;
+char usbhost_tx_string[256];
+float f_sensor1_value = 12.3;
+float f_sensor2_value = 45.6;
+float f_sensor3_value = 78.9;
+float f_sensor4_value = 78.9;
+float f_sensor5_value = 78.9;
+float f_sensor6_value = 78.9;
+float f_sensor7_value = 78.9;
+float f_sensor8_value = 78.9;
+char usb_sensor_string[110];
+//* Parse the input sensor data from the USB host
+int parse_usbhost_message()
+    //printf("String = %s\n", usbhost_rx_string); //test
+    uint8_t length;
+    uint8_t x ;
+    //It seems that sscanf needs 11 characters to store a 7-character number.  There must be some formatting and termination values...
+    char Record[8][11]; //There are 8 sensors with up to 7 characters each
+    char StringRecord[110]; //There are is a sensor "string" with up to 100 characters in it
+    // Data format is:  "S1:1234,S2:5678,S3:1234,S4:5678,S5:1234,S6:5678,S7:5678,S8:5678,S9:abcde...\n"
+    int args_assigned = sscanf(usbhost_rx_string, "%[^','],%[^','],%[^','],%[^','],%[^','],%[^','],%[^','],%[^','],%[^\n]", Record[0], Record[1], Record[2], Record[3], Record[4], Record[5], Record[6], Record[7],  StringRecord);
+    //StringRecord[109] = '\0';
+    //printf("Last = %s\n", StringRecord); //test
+    if (args_assigned == 9)
+    { //sscanf was able to assign all 9 values
+        for (x=0; x < 8; x++)  // loop through the 8 sensors
+        {
+            // Strip the "Sx:" label characters from the field value
+            length = strlen(Record[x]);             // max of 7 characters but could be less
+            strncpy(Record[x], Record[x] + 3, length);
+            Record[x][length] = '\0';              // null termination character manually added
+        }
+        length = strlen(StringRecord);
+        strncpy(StringRecord, StringRecord + 3, length);
+        StringRecord[length] = '\0';   // null termination character manually added
+        if ((usbhost_rx_string[0] == 'S') && (usbhost_rx_string[1] == '1')) //The message starts with "S1"
+        {
+            f_sensor1_value = atof(Record[0]);
+            f_sensor2_value = atof(Record[1]);
+            f_sensor3_value = atof(Record[2]);
+            f_sensor4_value = atof(Record[3]);
+            f_sensor5_value = atof(Record[4]);
+            f_sensor6_value = atof(Record[5]);
+            f_sensor7_value = atof(Record[6]);
+            f_sensor8_value = atof(Record[7]);
+            sprintf(usb_sensor_string,StringRecord);
+            //printf("Received = %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n", Record[0], Record[1], Record[2], Record[3], Record[4], Record[5], Record[6], Record[7], usb_sensor_string); //test
+            sprintf(SENSOR_DATA.Virtual_Sensor1, "%s", Record[0]);
+            sprintf(SENSOR_DATA.Virtual_Sensor2, "%s", Record[1]);
+            sprintf(SENSOR_DATA.Virtual_Sensor3, "%s", Record[2]);
+            sprintf(SENSOR_DATA.Virtual_Sensor4, "%s", Record[3]);
+            sprintf(SENSOR_DATA.Virtual_Sensor5, "%s", Record[4]);
+            sprintf(SENSOR_DATA.Virtual_Sensor6, "%s", Record[5]);
+            sprintf(SENSOR_DATA.Virtual_Sensor7, "%s", Record[6]);
+            sprintf(SENSOR_DATA.Virtual_Sensor8, "%s", Record[7]);
+        }
+    } //sscanf was able to assign all values
+    return args_assigned;
+} //parse_usbhost_message()
+//* Process any received message from the USB host
+void process_usb_rx(unsigned char ucNewRxByte)
+    if (ucNewRxByte == '?')
+    { //just pinging
+        usbhost_rxstring_index = 0;
+        return;
+    } //just pinging
+    usbhost_rx_string[usbhost_rxstring_index++] = ucNewRxByte;
+    if (ucNewRxByte == '\n')
+    { //end of message
+        usbhost_rx_string[usbhost_rxstring_index] = 0; //null terminate string
+        usbhost_rxstring_index = 0;
+        parse_usbhost_message();
+    } //end of message
+} //process_usb_rx()
+void ProcessUsbInterface(void)
+    //Process the USB host UART receive commands:
+    if (usb_uart_rx_buff_getptr != usb_uart_rx_buff_putptr)
+    {
+        bUsbConnected = true;
+        while (usb_uart_rx_buff_getptr != usb_uart_rx_buff_putptr)
+        {
+            unsigned char ucByteFromHost = usb_uart_rx_buff[usb_uart_rx_buff_getptr++]; //Copy latest received byte
+            process_usb_rx(ucByteFromHost);
+        }  //while (usb_uart_rx_buff_getptr != usb_uart_rx_buff_putptr)
+    } // if there are USB UART bytes to receive
+    //USB host UART transmit:
+    //while (usb_uart_tx_buff_getptr != usb_uart_tx_buff_putptr)
+    //{
+        //pc.putc(usb_uart_tx_buff[usb_uart_tx_buff_getptr++]);
+    //}
+} //ProcessUsbInterface()
+void pcrx_callback() //Rx interrupt for USB serial port
+    // Note: you need to actually read from the serial to clear the RX interrupt
+    usb_uart_rx_buff[usb_uart_rx_buff_putptr++] = pc.getc();
 void sensors_init(void)
+    pc.attach(&pcrx_callback);