Version 3 is with update to the test rig with a linear actuator

Dependencies:   SPTE_10Bar_5V mbed AS5048 SDFileSystem MODSERIAL PinDetect LCM101 LinearActuator



File content as of revision 13:219c16e7d32c:

#include "bench.h"

 * Create an object representing the test rig
 * @param mosi: mosi pin for sensor chain (SPI angle sensors)
 * @param miso: miso pin for sensor chain (SPI angle sensors)
 * @param sck: clock pin for sensor chain (SPI angle sensors)
 * @param cs: chip select pin for sensor chain (SPI angle sensors)
 * @param use5kNLoadCell: if 5kN load cell is used (if false, 1kN sensor is used)
 * @param p_lcm101: analog input pin for load cell
 * @param p_spte0: analog input pin for pressure sensor 0
 * @param p_spte1: analog input pin for pressure sensor 1
 * @param p_valve: digital output for valve (on/off) that inflates leg actuator
 * @param p_laDir: digital output for linear actuator direction (retract/extend)
 * @param p_laPwm: pwm output for linear actuator speed
 * @param mosi: mosi pin for sd card
 * @param miso: miso pin for sd card
 * @param sck: clock pin for sd card
 * @param cs: chip select pin for sd card
 * @param tx: serial transmission line
 * @param rx: serial receive line
Bench::Bench(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sck, PinName cs,
             bool use5kNLoadCell,PinName p_lcm101, PinName p_spte0, PinName p_spte1, PinName p_valve,PinName p_laDir, PinName p_laPwm,
             PinName sd_mosi, PinName sd_miso, PinName sd_sck, PinName sd_cs,
             PinName tx, PinName rx) :
    as5048_(mosi, miso, sck, cs, sensors::kNumJoints),
    loadCell5kN(p_lcm101, sensors::kGen5kNOffset, sensors::kGen5kNFactor),
    loadCell1kN(p_lcm101, sensors::kLcm101Offset, sensors::kLcm101Factor),
    spte0(p_spte0, sensors::kSPTE0Offset, sensors::kSPTE0Factor),
    spte1(p_spte1, sensors::kSPTE1Offset, sensors::kSPTE1Factor),
    sd(sd_mosi, sd_miso, sd_sck, sd_cs, "sd")
    //init serial things
    pc.baud(timing::kSerialBaudrate);//set the serial rate
    sd_card_present = false;
    fname_prepend = 0;
    is_logging = false;
    is_printing = false;
    was_printing = false;
    usedExtraCols = 0;
    firstReadMS = 0; //first timer value read
    startedLogging = false; //in the middle of a logging cycle
    keyIntOffset = timing::minKeyInt;//any right keypress is ok at the start
    k = '\0'; //keyboard value starts off as a null value
    //set data logging frequency
    loggingUS = timing::kTimeLogDataUs;    
    loggingHz = (int)(1000000/timing::kTimeLogDataUs); 
    for (int i=0; i<sensors::kNumJoints; ++i) {

 * Initialises: timers, SD card
 * Prints a welcome message and information on the logging frequency and sensor
 * reading rate
void Bench::initialise()
    //setup the timing
    // set rate at which data is printed
    //setup the timer to read key presses
    //display welcome message
    pc.printf("Version: 3/12/2019 - 00:00\r\n\n");
    Bench::pc.printf("5kN load cell? %s\r\n\n",sensors::use5kN?"Yes":"No");
    pc.printf("Bench update rate (Hz): %i\r\n",timing::TimeControlHertz);
    pc.printf("Logging rate (Hz): %i\r\n\n",(int)loggingHz);
    //startup the SD card
    //Display the menu

 * Sets the rate at which data is logged in an experiment
 * @param hertz: logging frequency in Hz
void Bench::setLoggingFrequency(float hertz)
    //set data logging frequency
    if (hertz > 0) {
        loggingUS = 1000000/hertz;
        loggingHz = hertz;
    } else {
        loggingUS = timing::kTimeLogDataUs;
        loggingHz = (int)(1000000/timing::kTimeLogDataUs);

 * Sets names of extra columns of data to be recorded
 * @param extraColumnNames: string array of the column names
 * @param numCols: number of elements in the string array
void Bench::setExtraColumns(string extraColumnNames[], int numCols)
    usedExtraCols = numCols;
    //pc.printf("Length: %i\r\n",usedExtraCols);
    // save the names   
    for(int i=0; i<maxCols; i++) {
        if (i<numCols) {
            extraColNames[i] = extraColumnNames[i];
            //pc.printf("\r\nS%d: %s\r\n",i,extraColNames[i]);
        } else {
            extraColNames[i] = ""; //less columns than the max possible are filled with a null space

 * Sets values of extra columns of data to be recorded
 * @param data: data to be logged with the extra columns
void Bench::setExtraData(float data[])
    for (int i=0; i<usedExtraCols; i++) {
        extraColValues[i] = data[i];
        //pc.printf("\r\nD%d: %f\r\n",i,extraColValues[i]);

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 * Update routine for the test rig
 * - Updates the angle buffer of the sensor array
 * - ... that's it for now (add filtering?)
 * Note that angles lag one update() behind, due to the way the SPI
 * protocol works.
void Bench::update() 

 * Obtain the joint angle in degrees
 * These are the angles at the time of two Update() calls back
 * @param joint: the joint for which the angle is requested (as enumerated in 
 * class header - TOES, KNEE, ANKLE, HIP
 * @return: joint angle
float Bench::getDegrees(Joint joint) 
    return getDegrees(joint);

 * Obtain the joint angle in degrees
 * These are the angles at the time of two Update() calls back
 * @param joint: the joint for which the angle is requested (a number starting 
 * from 0 indicating the position in the sensor daisy chain)
 * @return: joint angle
float Bench::getDegrees(int i_joint) 
    float ang = as5048_.getAngleDegrees(i_joint);
    if (ang>kCutOffDegrees) {
        return ang-As5048::kDegPerRev;
    return ang;

 * Obtain the joint angle in radians
 * These are the angles at the time of two Update() calls back
 * @param joint: the joint for which the angle is requested (as enumerated in 
 * class header - TOES, KNEE, ANKLE, HIP
 * @return: joint angle
float Bench::getRadians(Joint joint) 
    return getRadians(joint);

 * Obtain the joint angle in radians
 * These are the angles at the time of two Update() calls back
 * @param joint: the joint for which the angle is requested (a number starting 
 * from 0 indicating the position in the sensor daisy chain)
 * @return: joint angle
float Bench::getRadians(int i_joint) 
    float ang = as5048_.getAngleRadians(i_joint);
    if (ang>kCutOffRadians) {
        return ang-As5048::kRadPerRev;
    return ang;

const char* Bench::getJointName(int i_joint) 
    return sensors::kJointNames[i_joint];

const char* Bench::getJointName(Joint joint) 
    return getJointName(joint);

As5048* Bench::get_as5048() 
    return &as5048_;

 * The force applied vertically at the hip joint in N
 * @return: force
float Bench::getForce() 
    if (Bench::use5kN) {
        return loadCell5kN.getForce();
    } else {
        return loadCell1kN.getForce();

void Bench::nullForce()
    if (use5kN) {
        return loadCell5kN.nullForce();
    } else {
        return loadCell1kN.nullForce();

 * The pressure measured by pressure sensor 0 in bar
 * @return: pressure
float Bench::getPressure0() 
    return spte0.getPressure();

void Bench::nullPressure0()
    return spte0.nullPressure();

float Bench::getPressure1() 
    return spte1.getPressure();

void Bench::nullPressure1()
    return spte1.nullPressure();

 * Control the valve (true turns the valve on to pressurise, false turns 
 * the valve off to depressurise)
 * @param set: valve state
void Bench::setValve(bool set)

 * The valve state (true is on/pressurising and false is off/depressurising).
 * @return: valve state
bool Bench::getValve() {
    return valveFesto.getValve();   

 * The linear actuator state (true is retracting and false is extending)
 * @return: linear actuator state
bool Bench::getDir() {
    return LinAct.getDirection();   

 * Control the linear actuator direction (true retracts and false extends)
 * @param set: direction
void Bench::setDir(bool dir)

 * Control the linear actuator speed (0-100% integer of pwm. generally need 
 * above 50% to get it moving)
 * @param pwm: pwm duty cycle percentage
void Bench::setPWM(int pwm)
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 * Check contents of SD card and count files in order
 * to ensure unique file name for logging data.
void Bench::InitSdCard()
    pc.printf("\r\nINITIALISING SD CARD\r\n");

    int num_files = 0;

    // scan dir
    DIR *d;
    struct dirent *p;

    d = opendir("/sd");
    if (d != NULL) {
        sd_card_present = true;

        pc.printf("\t> Contents of SD Card:\r\n");
        while ((p = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
            if (p->d_name[0] != '.') {
                // skip files starting with '.'
                pc.printf("\t  %s",p->d_name);
        pc.printf("\r\n\t> Counted %d visible files.\r\n",num_files);

    } else {
        sd_card_present = false;

        pc.printf("\t> No SD Card present. Data cannot be logged.\r\n");

    // id to be appended to logged data files
    fname_prepend = num_files;

 * Start logging data
 * param fname_append: a string describing the name appended to each logged file
 * (along with its unique loggging number).
void Bench::StartLogging(const char * fname_append)
    pc.printf("\r\nDATA LOGGING");
    if (sd_card_present) {

        // create unique file name
        char fname[50];
        sprintf(fname, "/sd/%d_%s.csv",fname_prepend,fname_append);

        pc.printf("\t> Opening data log file '%s'...\r\n",fname);

        // open file for writing and start logging after success
        fp_data = fopen(fname,"w");
        if (fp_data==NULL) {
            pc.printf("\t> ERROR: failed to open log file (t=%d ms)\r\n",
        } else {
            string fHeader = "time (s),theta_knee (deg),force (N),pressure (kPa)";
            for (int i=0; i<usedExtraCols; i++) {
                if (extraColNames[i] != "") {
                    fHeader = fHeader + "," + extraColNames[i];
            //pc.printf("%s", fHeader.c_str());
            fprintf(fp_data, "%s", fHeader.c_str());
            startedLogging = true;
            //pc.printf("\t> Logging started.\r\n");
            is_logging = true;
    } else {
        pc.printf("\t> No SD Card; no data will be logged.\r\n");
        startedLogging = false;

 * Restart logging data (opens data logging file)
 * @param fname_append: a string describing the name appended to each logged file
 * (along with its unique loggging number).
void Bench::RestartLogging(const char * fname_append)
    if (sd_card_present) {
        // file name carries on from what we last had
        char fname[50];
        sprintf(fname, "/sd/%d_%s.csv",fname_prepend,fname_append);
        pc.printf("\t> Opening data log file '%s'...\r\n",fname);
        // open file for writing and start logging after success
        fp_data = fopen(fname,"w");
        if (fp_data==NULL) {
            pc.printf("\t> ERROR: failed to open log file (t=%d ms)\r\n",
        } else {            
            startedLogging = true;
            pc.printf("\t> Logging file opened.\r\n");
            is_logging = true;
    } else {
        pc.printf("\t> No SD Card; no data will be logged.\r\n");
        startedLogging = false;

 * Stop logging data.
void Bench::StopLogging()
    Bench::pc.printf("\r\nDATA LOGGING:");
    if (sd_card_present) {
        // close data file, stop logging
        Bench::pc.printf("\r> Stopped.");
    } else {
        Bench::pc.printf("\t> No data was logged.");
    is_logging = false;

 * Stop logging data and print the menu
void Bench::stopLogging()
    if(is_logging) {
        is_logging = false;

 * Log data
void Bench::LogData()
    int currTime = timer.read_ms();
    if(startedLogging) {
        firstReadMS = currTime;
        startedLogging = false;
    double currTimeS = ((double)currTime - firstReadMS)/1000;
    // time

    // bench: joint angles and force sensor and pressure sensor values
    for (int i=0; i<usedExtraCols; i++) {

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 * Prints the values of the key measurements in the setup
void Bench::PrintStatus()
    if (is_printing) {
            Bench::pc.printf("\tFile number %15i\r\n", fname_prepend);
            Bench::pc.printf("\tLogging? %18s\r\n",is_logging?"Yes":"No");
        for (int i=0; i<sensors::kNumJoints; ++i)
            string jointName = sensors::kJointNames[i];
            jointName = jointName + " (deg)";
            Bench::pc.printf("\t%15s %7.2f\r\n",jointName, getDegrees(i));
        Bench::pc.printf("\t%15s %7.2f\r\n","Force (N)",  getForce()); 
        Bench::pc.printf("\t%15s %7.2f\r\n","Pressure0 (kPa)",  getPressure0()*100);   

 * Prints the user choices to be made
void Bench::PrintMenu()
    Bench::pc.printf("\t> Press s to toggle printing leg status\r\n");
    Bench::pc.printf("\t> Press l to toggle data logging\r\n");
    Bench::pc.printf("\tSD card detected? %9s\r\n",sd_card_present?"Yes":"No");    
        Bench::pc.printf("\tFile number %15i\r\n", fname_prepend);
        Bench::pc.printf("\tLogging? %18s\r\n",is_logging?"Yes":"No");

 * Stops the Bench class from printing data if it is
void Bench::pausePrint()
    was_printing = is_printing;
    is_printing = false;

 * Resumes printing in the Bench class
void Bench::resumePrint()
    is_printing = was_printing;

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 * d toggles printing state of sensors and l toggles logging of data
 * use the keyboard on the pc
 * do not press longer than a second or it will toggle back
void Bench::ToggleState(MODSERIAL_IRQ_INFO *q)
    //if we have data and it was not too soon since the last data
    if(Bench::pc.readable() && ((( + keyIntOffset) >= timing::minKeyInt))) {
    k = Bench::pc.getc();//read the keystroke
        //toggle status of logging
        if(k == 's') {//toggle printing of data
            Bench::pc.printf("\tInput: %c\r\n",k);
            keyIntOffset = 0;

        } else if (k == 'l') {
            Bench::pc.printf("\tInput: %c\r\n",k);
            keyIntOffset = 0;
        k = '\0';

 * toggles printing of data
void Bench::TogglePrinting()
    if (not is_printing) {
        is_printing = true;
    } else {
        is_printing = false;
    was_printing = is_printing;

 * toggles logging of data
void Bench::ToggleLogging()
    if (not is_logging) {
        is_logging = true;
    } else {
        is_logging = false;

 * Indicates if we are now data logging
 * @return: true if logging
bool Bench::isLogging()
    return is_logging;