Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822

--- a/main.cpp	Mon Oct 24 16:10:48 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jan 12 16:04:37 2017 +0000
@@ -26,13 +26,17 @@
 //#include "mbed.h"
 #include "PID.h"
+#include "RST.h"
 #include "ble/BLE.h"
+#include "StateMachine.h"
+#include <Gap.h>
 #define BLE_UUID_TXRX_SERVICE            0x0000 /**< The UUID of the Nordic UART Service. */
 #define BLE_UUID_TX_CHARACTERISTIC       0x0002 /**< The UUID of the TX Characteristic. */
 #define BLE_UUIDS_RX_CHARACTERISTIC      0x0003 /**< The UUID of the RX Characteristic. */
+//#define MyASSERT(cond , serialpc, errVal) assert_error_app((bool)cond, serialpc, (uint16_t)errVal, __LINE__, __FILE__)
 #define TXRX_BUF_LEN                     20
 BLE  ble;
@@ -49,10 +53,28 @@
 uint8_t txPayload[TXRX_BUF_LEN] = {0,};
 uint8_t rxPayload[TXRX_BUF_LEN] = {0,};
+//static uint32_t GlobalTime = 1;
+Ticker periodicCommandRST;
+Ticker periodicCommandPID;
+static float PIDGlobalCommand = 0;
+static float RSTGlobalCommand = 0;
+static const float GlobalSamplingTime = 0.5;
+//static const float DecodeTime = 0.1;
 static uint8_t rx_buf[TXRX_BUF_LEN];
 static uint8_t rx_len=0;
+static States sm_states;
+bool g_bIsConnected = false;
+bool g_bIsAdvertising = false;
+bool g_bConnDisabled = false;
+bool apply_PIDCommand = false;
+bool apply_RSTCommand = false;
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+AnalogIn input(P0_4);
+PwmOut output(D4);
 GattCharacteristic  txCharacteristic (uart_tx_uuid, txPayload, 1, TXRX_BUF_LEN, GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE);
@@ -62,13 +84,239 @@
 GattService         uartService(uart_base_uuid, uartChars, sizeof(uartChars) / sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));
+void connectionCallback(const Gap::ConnectionCallbackParams_t *params)
+    pc.printf("Connected \r\n");
+    g_bIsConnected = true;
+    g_bIsAdvertising = false;
+    g_bConnDisabled = false;
 void disconnectionCallback(const Gap::DisconnectionCallbackParams_t *params)
     pc.printf("Disconnected \r\n");
     pc.printf("Restart advertising \r\n");
+    g_bIsConnected = false;
+    g_bConnDisabled = true;
+void connectionUpdate(conn_update option)
+    switch(option)
+    {
+        case start_advertising:
+        {
+            g_bIsAdvertising = true;
+            g_bIsConnected = true;
+            g_bConnDisabled = false;
+            pc.printf("Start advertising \n");
+            ble.startAdvertising(); 
+            break;
+        }
+        case stop_advertising:
+        {
+            g_bIsAdvertising = false;
+            g_bIsConnected = true;
+            g_bConnDisabled = false;
+            pc.printf("Stop advertising \n");
+            break;
+        }
+        case stop_connection:
+        {
+            pc.printf("All stop \n");
+            g_bIsAdvertising = false;  
+            g_bConnDisabled = true;
+            g_bIsConnected = false;
+            break;
+        }
+        case connected:
+        {
+            pc.printf("Connected \n");
+            g_bIsConnected = true;
+            g_bConnDisabled = false;
+            g_bIsAdvertising = false;
+        }
+    }
+void sendMsg(const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length)
+    ble.updateCharacteristicValue(rxCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), buf, length);
+void WriteBuffer(char* myBuf)
+    uint16_t bytesRead = 20;
+    sendMsg((uint8_t *)myBuf, bytesRead);
+void computeCommand()
+      static PIDClass PID(0.05,0.02,0.01,0.6);
+      //float out;
+      if(apply_PIDCommand){
+        float out = PID.ComputeCommand(;
+        PIDGlobalCommand = out;
+      }else
+      {
+        PIDGlobalCommand = 0;    
+      }
+void computeRSTCommand()
+        static RST_aditionalData PolinomialGrades;
+        PolinomialGrades.gradR = 3;
+        PolinomialGrades.gradT = 4;
+        PolinomialGrades.gradS = 5;
+        PolinomialGrades.setpoint = 0.8;
+        static uint8_t R_pol[10] = {1,2,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+        static uint8_t T_pol[10] = {1,3,2,3,5,0,0,0,0,0};
+        static uint8_t S_pol[10] = {1,5,3,2,1,5,0,0,0,0};
+        static RST new_RST((float*)R_pol, (float*)T_pol, (float*)S_pol, PolinomialGrades);
+      if(apply_RSTCommand)
+      { 
+        float out = new_RST.ComputeCommand(;
+        RSTGlobalCommand = out;
+      }else
+      {
+        RSTGlobalCommand = 0;
+      }
+void decode(uint8_t* buf)
+    char myBuf[TXRX_BUF_LEN];
+    switch(buf[0])
+    {
+        case 'P':
+        {
+            sprintf(myBuf,"command=%2f", PIDGlobalCommand);
+            WriteBuffer(myBuf);
+        }
+        case 'm':
+        {
+            sprintf(myBuf,"ReadADC=%2f",;
+            WriteBuffer(myBuf);
+        }
+        case 'R':
+        {
+            sprintf(myBuf,"RSTcommand=%2f", RSTGlobalCommand);
+            WriteBuffer(myBuf);    
+        }
+        case 's':
+        {
+            sprintf(myBuf,"Safe mode=%2f", PIDGlobalCommand);
+            WriteBuffer(myBuf);    
+        }
+        default:
+        {
+            sprintf(myBuf,"Default Case %d", 0);
+            WriteBuffer(myBuf);
+        }     
+    }
+void decode_state_machine()
+   char buf; 
+   switch(sm_states)
+   {
+       case shut_down:
+       {
+            //do nothing
+            apply_PIDCommand = false;
+            apply_RSTCommand = false;
+            break;
+       }
+       case safe_state:
+       {
+            apply_PIDCommand = false;
+            apply_RSTCommand = false;
+            buf = 's';
+            decode((uint8_t*)buf);
+            break;    
+       }
+       case monitoring:
+       {
+            apply_PIDCommand = false;
+            apply_RSTCommand = false;
+            buf = 'm';
+            decode((uint8_t*)buf);
+            break;    
+       }
+       case local_control_PID:
+       {
+            apply_PIDCommand = true;
+            apply_RSTCommand = false;
+            buf = 'P';
+            decode((uint8_t*)buf);
+            break;   
+       }
+       case local_control_RST:
+       {
+             apply_PIDCommand = false;
+             apply_RSTCommand = true;
+             buf = 'R';
+             decode((uint8_t*)buf);
+             break;   
+       }
+   }         
+void conn_state_machine(uint8_t *letter, uint8_t *letter_2)
+    switch(letter[0]){
+        case 'a':
+        {
+            connectionUpdate(start_advertising);
+            sm_states = safe_state;
+            break;
+        }
+        case 'c':
+        {
+            connectionUpdate(connected);
+            switch(letter_2[0])
+            {
+                case 'm':
+                {
+                    sm_states = monitoring;
+                    break;    
+                }
+                case 'P':
+                {
+                    sm_states = local_control_PID;
+                    break;    
+                }
+                case 'R':
+                {
+                    sm_states = local_control_RST;
+                    break;    
+                }
+                case 'r':
+                {
+                    sm_states = remote_control;
+                    break;    
+                }
+            }
+            break; 
+        }
+        case 's':
+        {
+            connectionUpdate(stop_advertising);
+            sm_states = safe_state;    
+        }
+        case 'd':
+        {
+            connectionUpdate(stop_connection);
+            sm_states = shut_down;    
+        }
+    }
 void WrittenHandler(const GattWriteCallbackParams *Handler)
@@ -80,17 +328,10 @@
         ble.readCharacteristicValue(txCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), buf, &bytesRead);
         memset(txPayload, 0, TXRX_BUF_LEN);
-        memcpy(txPayload, buf, TXRX_BUF_LEN);       
-        pc.printf("WriteHandler \r\n");
-        pc.printf("Length: ");
-        pc.putc(bytesRead);
-        pc.printf("\r\n");
-        pc.printf("Data: ");
-        for(index=0; index<bytesRead; index++)
-        {
-            pc.putc(txPayload[index]);        
-        }
-        pc.printf("\r\n");
+        memcpy(txPayload, buf, TXRX_BUF_LEN);
+        //decode();
+        //WriteBuffer(GlobalCommand);
+        conn_state_machine(&buf[0], &buf[1]);
@@ -102,24 +343,17 @@
         if(rx_len>=20 || rx_buf[rx_len-1]=='\0' || rx_buf[rx_len-1]=='\n')
             ble.updateCharacteristicValue(rxCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), rx_buf, rx_len); 
-            pc.printf("RecHandler \r\n");
-            pc.printf("Length: ");
-            pc.putc(rx_len);
-            pc.printf("\r\n");
             rx_len = 0;
-DigitalOut myled(LED1);
-AnalogIn input(P0_4);
-PwmOut output(D4);
 int main(void)
+    ble.onConnection(connectionCallback);
@@ -139,35 +373,12 @@
+    //periodicActions.attach(&returnCommand, GlobalTime);
+    periodicCommandPID.attach(&computeCommand, GlobalSamplingTime);
     pc.printf("Advertising Start \r\n");
-    float out = 0;
-    PIDClass PID(5,2,1,100);
-        myled = 1;
-        wait(1);
-        myled = 0;
-        wait(1);
-        out = PID.ComputeCommand(;
-        output.write(out);
-        //ble.waitForEvent(); 
-        pc.printf("Gigel");
-        pc.putc(out);
+        decode_state_machine();
+        ble.waitForEvent(); 
\ No newline at end of file