Firebase example. demonstrating PUT, POST and GET functions. Requires target MCU with at least 280kB Flash/33kB RAM. Tested on STM32F767 and STM32F446 boards using ETHERNET (STM32F767) and ESP8266 WIFI. Edit the mbed_app.json file to change interface, currently set to ESP8266 WIFI at 460800 baud, the default is 115200 baud. however its much more responsive at 460800 if you can use the AT command AT+UART_DEF? (see Espressif instruction set). Using TLSSocket reuse function(default) or can be set to open a new socket per request. Random dummy sensor values are used, just add some real sensors and edit the getSENSORS function. The data format is .json style and need to be wrapped in curly braces. Go to: and set up a real-time database, takes a couple of minutes, and get your Project ID and Web API key from the Database/settings page. These are entered in the Firebase.h file. Added NTP RTC time set function.

Dependencies:   NTPclient Firebase-https


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
1:7f0e80fcb3a0 2020-03-08 star297 Added NTP set RTC function. default tip
0:76248fdccc2a 2020-01-23 star297 Initial revision