Demo program for the Oled display
- Committer:
- star297
- Date:
- 2015-01-09
- Revision:
- 1:793dbd6d6498
- Parent:
- 0:94bf5ec759da
- Child:
- 2:1eac3ea8c6e8
File content as of revision 1:793dbd6d6498:
#include "mbed.h" #include "OLED32028P1T.h" OLED32028P1T oled(PTE0,PTE1,PTA12); // Oled Display tx, rx, rs InterruptIn SignalIn(PTC1); // conection of output NON-inverting DCF module DigitalOut SignalLED(LED3); // indicates DCF signal on Mbed Timer T1,T2,T3; Ticker Ticker50ms; // DCF IRQ timer #define clkx 110 //this point represent the x center of the clock where maths is done #define clky 138 //this point represent the y center of the clock where maths is done char timebuf[40]; char datebuf[40]; char paritycheck,paritym,parityu,paritydmy; char testu,testm,testdmy,summertime; char min,minh,minl,hourh,hourl,day,dayh,dayl,monthh,monthl,yearh,yearl; char weekDayName[7][4] = {"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu", "Fri","Sat"}; char monthName[12][4] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}; char MAX_DAY[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; // Max days in a month for a non-leap year char statusText[6][20] = {"Waiting Synchronise"," Wait for 21st bit ","Reading Signal data"," Checking Parity "," Last Minute Okay "," Signal error "}; char leapSymbol[2][10] = {" ", "Leap Year"}; int hour,minute,second,dayofweek,dayofmonth,month,year,nextsec,DCF; int RTCsecond,RTCminute,RTChour,RTCdayofweek,RTCdayofmonth,RTCmonth,RTCyear; int xbuffer,ybuffer,IRQ; int xs,ys,xm,ym,xh,yh,x,y; int handHour=60,handMin=75,handSec=78; //RTC clock hand sizes int numposx=105,numposy=135; // RTC clock number screen posistion int start,sync,SignalStatus,nosignal,laststart,loop,interrupt_counter,dcf_sec,error_count; int tz,rtcset,rtcset_times; int r=255,g=255,b=255; int draw_graph,dcf_good,signal_error,dcf_error,display; int p_minute,p_hour,p_dayofweek,p_dayofmonth,p_month,p_year; int dcf_array[61]; float angleH,angleM,angleS; float fsecond,fminute; typedef unsigned char byte; struct tm t; void RTCsetclock(),RTCset(),RTCread(),RTCclock(),RTCclockdraw(),RTCclockupdate(); void dcfISR(),dcfIRQ(),checkSIGNAL(),signal(),DCFbitprint(); void DCFclock(),DCFloop(),DCFshowClock(),DCFtestparity(); void DCFcheck(),bitprint(),DCFdrawgraph(); void DCFbitmapdraw(),DCFparitycalc(),DCFbitstatus(),DCFbitstatus2(); void DCFsetTime(); struct SignalStatus { bool is_leap; // Leap year flag (NOT actually transmitted but calculated) bool DCFsample50; // dcf sample at 50mS into the start of the second, seocnd marker pulse bool DCFsample150; // dcf sample at 150mS into the start of the second, bit=1 if high, 0 if low bool DCFsample300; // dcf sample at 300mS into the start of the second, error if high bool DCFsample500; // dcf sample at 500mS into the start of the second, error if high bool DCFsample600; // dcf sample at 600mS into the start of the second, error if high unsigned char frame; // Received MSF framing code 01111110 int second; // MSF-DCF second (NOT actually transmitted but calculated) } dcf_status; // Return the maximum day in month for a given month & year byte maxDay(byte year, byte month) { byte lastday, leap; leap = year%4 == 0 && year%100 !=0 || year%400 == 0; lastday = MAX_DAY[month - 1]; dcf_status.is_leap = leap > 0 ? 1 : 0; if ((leap > 0) && (month == 2)) lastday++; return lastday; } int main() { SignalLED=1; oled.init(); oled.clear(); oled.setTextBackgroundType(TEXT_OPAQUE); oled.setFontSize(FONT12X16);oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.drawText(2,0,(FONT12X16),"--drawText vs. printf--",oled.toRGB(255,0,255)); oled.drawText(2,22,(FONT5X7),"Use drawText as much as possible, it's nearly twice",oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.drawText(2,23,(FONT5X7),"as fast as printf. Make sure the serial stream is",oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.drawText(2,24,(FONT5X7),"NOT",oled.toRGB(255,0,0)); oled.drawText(6,24,(FONT5X7),"interrupted when printing.",oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); if (time(NULL) < 1396310400) {set_time(1396310400);} T3.start(); while(T3<10){ oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(0,255,255)); oled.locate (12,18); oled.printf("Next page in %2.1f seconds ",10 -; time_t seconds = time(NULL); strftime(timebuf, 32, "RTC %I:%M:%S %p", localtime(&seconds)); strftime(datebuf, 32, "%a %d %b %Y ", localtime(&seconds)); T1.start(); oled.drawText(2,2,(FONT12X16),timebuf,oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.drawText(2,3,(FONT12X16),datebuf,oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); T1.stop(); T2.start(); oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(0,255,0)); oled.setFontSize(FONT12X16); oled.locate (2,6); oled.printf("%s",timebuf); oled.locate (2,7); oled.printf("%s",datebuf); T2.stop(); oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.setFontSize(FONT8X12); oled.locate (4,6); oled.printf("drawText time %3.2f mS",*1000);T1.reset(); oled.locate (4,11); oled.printf("printf time %3.2f mS",*1000);T2.reset(); } T3.reset(); while(1){ IRQ=0; SignalLED=1; RTCclock(); } } void RTCclock() { while(IRQ==0){ oled.disableTouch();oled.clear(); oled.setTextBackgroundType (TEXT_TRANSPARENT); RTCclockdraw(); oled.drawTextButton(1, 200, 210,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT12X16),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, "DCF Clock"); oled.drawTextButton(1, 252, 185,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, "Set RTC"); oled.setTextBackgroundType (TEXT_OPAQUE); oled.drawText(0,0,(FONT12X16),"RTC Clock",oled.toRGB(255,0,0)); oled.enableTouch();oled.resetTouchArea(); while(IRQ==0){ oled.setFontSize(FONT12X16);oled.locate(0,1); oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); time_t seconds = time(NULL); strftime(timebuf, 32, "%I:%M:%S %p", localtime(&seconds)); strftime(datebuf, 32, "%a %d %b %Y ", localtime(&seconds)); oled.drawText(11,0,(FONT12X16),timebuf,oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.drawText(11,1,(FONT12X16),datebuf,oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); if (seconds != nextsec) {RTCclockupdate();nextsec=seconds;} oled.getTouch(&xbuffer,&ybuffer); oled.setFontSize(FONT5X7);oled.locate(40,6); // this shows touch position oled.printf("X %03d Y %03d ",xbuffer,ybuffer); // and can be removed if((xbuffer>195 && xbuffer<300) && (ybuffer>205 && ybuffer<220)){DCFclock();} if((xbuffer>240 && xbuffer<300) && (ybuffer>182 && ybuffer<200)){RTCsetclock();} } } } void RTCclockdraw() { (x)=0; while ((x)<60){ x++;angleS=(x)*6; // clock minute markers in angle form xs=(sin((angleS*3.14)/180)) * 90; // X component of markers ys=(cos((angleS*3.14)/180)) * 90; // Y component of markers oled.drawLine(clkx,clky,clkx+xs,clky-ys,oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); } (x)=0; while ((x)<13){ x++;angleS=(x)*30; // clock hour markers in angle form xs=(sin((angleS*3.14)/180)) * 90; // X component of markers ys=(cos((angleS*3.14)/180)) * 90; // Y component of markers oled.drawLine(clkx,clky,clkx+xs,clky-ys,oled.toRGB(0,255,255)); if (x==1) oled.drawTextGraphic(numposx +(xs+8),numposy + (ys+8), FONT5X7, "5", 1, 1, oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); if (x==2) oled.drawTextGraphic(numposx +(xs+10),numposy + (ys+4), FONT5X7, "4", 1, 1, oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); if (x==3) oled.drawTextGraphic(numposx +(xs+10),numposy + (ys), FONT5X7, "3", 1, 1, oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); if (x==4) oled.drawTextGraphic(numposx +(xs+10),numposy + (ys-4), FONT5X7, "2", 1, 1, oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); if (x==5) oled.drawTextGraphic(numposx +(xs+8),numposy + (ys-8), FONT5X7, "1", 1, 1, oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); if (x==6) oled.drawTextGraphic(numposx +(xs),numposy + (ys-8), FONT5X7, "12", 1, 1, oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); if (x==7) oled.drawTextGraphic(numposx +(xs-4),numposy + (ys-8), FONT5X7, "11", 1, 1, oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); if (x==8) oled.drawTextGraphic(numposx +(xs-10),numposy + (ys-4), FONT5X7, "10", 1, 1, oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); if (x==9) oled.drawTextGraphic(numposx +(xs-4),numposy + (ys), FONT5X7, "9", 1, 1, oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); if (x==10) oled.drawTextGraphic(numposx +(xs-4),numposy + (ys+4), FONT5X7, "8", 1, 1, oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); if (x==11) oled.drawTextGraphic(numposx +(xs),numposy + (ys+8), FONT5X7, "7", 1, 1, oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); if (x==12) oled.drawTextGraphic(numposx +(xs+3),numposy + (ys+8), FONT5X7, "6", 1, 1, oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); } oled.setPenSize(0); oled.drawCircle(clkx,clky,80,oled.toRGB(0,0,0)); oled.setPenSize(1); oled.drawCircle(clkx,clky,80,oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.drawCircle(clkx,clky,90,oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); (x)=0; } void RTCsetclock() { oled.disableTouch();oled.clear(); oled.drawText(0,0,(FONT12X16)," --Manual set RTC Time--",oled.toRGB(0,255,0)); oled.setTextBackgroundType (TEXT_TRANSPARENT); oled.drawTextButton(1, 265, 200,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT5X7),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, " Back "); oled.drawTextButton(1, 10, 200,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, " Reset RTC "); oled.drawTextButton(1, 120, 200,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, " Set RTC "); oled.drawTextButton(1, 16, 115,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, "+"); oled.drawTextButton(1, 16, 140,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, "-"); oled.drawTextButton(1, 52, 115,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, "+"); oled.drawTextButton(1, 52, 140,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, "-"); oled.drawTextButton(1, 88, 115,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, "+"); oled.drawTextButton(1, 88, 140,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, "-"); oled.drawTextButton(1, 174, 115,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, "+"); oled.drawTextButton(1, 174, 140,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, "-"); oled.drawTextButton(1, 208, 115,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, " + "); oled.drawTextButton(1, 208, 140,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, " - "); oled.drawTextButton(1, 270, 115,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, " + "); oled.drawTextButton(1, 270, 140,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT8X12),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, " - "); oled.setTextBackgroundType (TEXT_OPAQUE); RTCread(); second=RTCsecond;minute=RTCminute;hour=RTChour;dayofweek=RTCdayofweek;dayofmonth=RTCdayofmonth;month=RTCmonth;year=RTCyear; while(IRQ==0){ oled.enableTouch(); time_t seconds = time(NULL); strftime(timebuf, 32, "%H:%M:%S", localtime(&seconds)); strftime(datebuf, 32, "%a %d %b' %Y", localtime(&seconds)); oled.drawText(0,2,(FONT12X16),timebuf,oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.drawText(10,2,(FONT12X16),datebuf,oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.getTouch(&xbuffer,&ybuffer); if((xbuffer>240 && xbuffer<290) && (ybuffer>190 && ybuffer<210)){RTCclock();} if((xbuffer>20 && xbuffer<109) && (ybuffer>190 && ybuffer<210)){set_time(1396310400);} if((xbuffer>120 && xbuffer<195) && (ybuffer>195 && ybuffer<210)){RTCset();RTCread(); second=RTCsecond;minute=RTCminute;hour=RTChour;dayofweek=RTCdayofweek;dayofmonth=RTCdayofmonth;month=RTCmonth;year=RTCyear; } if((xbuffer>25 && xbuffer<40) && (ybuffer>124 && ybuffer<140)){hour++;} if((xbuffer>25 && xbuffer<40) && (ybuffer>146 && ybuffer<160)){hour--;} if((xbuffer>58 && xbuffer<74) && (ybuffer>124 && ybuffer<140)){minute++;} if((xbuffer>58 && xbuffer<74) && (ybuffer>146 && ybuffer<160)){minute--;} if((xbuffer>90 && xbuffer<105) && (ybuffer>124 && ybuffer<140)){second++;} if((xbuffer>90 && xbuffer<105) && (ybuffer>146 && ybuffer<160)){second--;} if((xbuffer>170 && xbuffer<186) && (ybuffer>124 && ybuffer<140)){dayofmonth++;} if((xbuffer>170 && xbuffer<186) && (ybuffer>146 && ybuffer<160)){dayofmonth--;} if((xbuffer>200 && xbuffer<230) && (ybuffer>124 && ybuffer<140)){month++;} if((xbuffer>200 && xbuffer<230) && (ybuffer>146 && ybuffer<160)){month--;} if((xbuffer>258 && xbuffer<288) && (ybuffer>124 && ybuffer<140)){year++;} if((xbuffer>258 && xbuffer<288) && (ybuffer>146 && ybuffer<160)){year--;} oled.disableTouch(); if (second >= 60) {second = 0;} if (second < 0) {second = 59;} if (minute >= 60) {minute = 0;} if (minute < 0) {minute = 59;} if (hour >= 24) {hour = 0;} if (hour < 0) {hour = 23;} if (dayofweek > 6){dayofweek = 0;} if (dayofweek < 0){dayofweek = 6;} if (month > 12) {month = 1;} if (month < 1) {month = 12;} if (dayofmonth <1) {dayofmonth = maxDay(year, month);} if (dayofmonth > maxDay(year, month)) {dayofmonth = 1;} if (year > 99) {year = 1;} if (year < 0) {year = 99;} oled.setFontSize(FONT12X16);oled.locate(1,6); oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(60,255,255)); oled.printf("%2d:%02d:%02d ",hour,minute,second); oled.printf("%s %02d %s' 20%02d",weekDayName[dayofweek],dayofmonth,monthName[month-1],year); } } void RTCclockupdate() { RTCread(); fsecond = (RTCsecond/12); fminute = (RTCminute/12); if (x==1){ //Erase all hands oled.drawLine(clkx,clky,clkx+xs,clky-ys,oled.toRGB(0,0,0)); // Erase Second's hand oled.drawLine(clkx,clky,clkx+xm,clky-ym,oled.toRGB(0,0,0)); // Erase Minute's hand oled.drawLine(clkx,clky,clkx+xh,clky-yh,oled.toRGB(0,0,0)); // Erase Hour's hand } //Calculations to get the second point of the clock hands. (first point is always the center of the clock) angleS=(RTCsecond*6); //seconds in angle form, 360 degrees divided by 60 seconds = 6, x6 to get current angle xs=(sin((angleS*3.14)/180)) * handSec; //get X component of the second's hand ys=(cos((angleS*3.14)/180)) * handSec; //get Y component of the second's hand angleM=((RTCminute*6) + fsecond); //minutes in angle form, 360 degrees divided by 60 minutes = 6, add seconds fraction, x6 to get current angle xm=(sin((angleM*3.14)/180)) * handMin; //get X component of the minutes's hand ym=(cos((angleM*3.14)/180)) * handMin; //get Y component of the minutes's hand angleH=(((RTChour*5) + (fminute))*6); //hours in angle form, 360 degrees multiply hours by 5 hours = 60, add minute fraction, x6 to get angle xh=(sin((angleH*3.14)/180)) * handHour; //get X component of the hours's hand yh=(cos((angleH*3.14)/180)) * handHour; //get Y component of the hours's hand x=1; //Draw current time hands oled.drawLine(clkx,clky,clkx+xm,clky-ym,oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.drawLine(clkx,clky,clkx+xh,clky-yh,oled.toRGB(0,255,255)); oled.drawLine(clkx,clky,clkx+xs,clky-ys,oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.setPenSize(0); oled.drawCircle(clkx,clky,5,oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); // Draw the center of the second's hand } void RTCread() { time_t seconds = time(NULL); char buffer[80]; strftime(buffer, 2,"%S", localtime(&seconds)); RTCsecond = atoi(buffer); strftime(buffer, 2,"%M", localtime(&seconds)); RTCminute = atoi(buffer); strftime(buffer, 2,"%H", localtime(&seconds)); RTChour = atoi(buffer); strftime(buffer, 2,"%d", localtime(&seconds)); RTCdayofmonth = atoi(buffer); strftime(buffer, 2,"%w", localtime(&seconds)); RTCdayofweek = atoi(buffer); strftime(buffer, 2,"%m", localtime(&seconds)); RTCmonth = atoi(buffer); strftime(buffer, 2,"%y", localtime(&seconds)); RTCyear = atoi(buffer); } void RTCset() { t.tm_sec = (second); // 0-59 t.tm_min = (minute); // 0-59 t.tm_hour = (hour); // 0-23 t.tm_mday = (dayofmonth); // 1-31 t.tm_mon = (month-1); // 0-11 DCF "0" = Jan, -1 added for Mbed RCT clock format t.tm_year = ((year)+100); // year since 1900, current DCF year + 100 + 1900 = correct year if (DCF==1) {set_time(mktime(&t)-3600);} // set RTC clock to DCF -1 hour for GMT time zone else {set_time(mktime(&t));} // set RTC clock to local time zone DCF=0; } // **************************** DCF clock ********************************************** void DCFclock() { oled.clear();DCFbitmapdraw();RTCread(); second=RTCsecond;minute=RTCminute;hour=RTChour;dayofweek=RTCdayofweek;dayofmonth=RTCdayofmonth;month=RTCmonth;year=RTCyear; if(tz==0) {oled.drawText(0,0,(FONT8X12)," RTC Clock Time (GMT)",oled.toRGB(255,0,0));} if (tz==1) {oled.drawText(0,0,(FONT8X12)," RTC Clock Time (CET)",oled.toRGB(255,0,0));} if (tz==2) {oled.drawText(0,0,(FONT8X12)," RTC Clock Time (EET)",oled.toRGB(255,0,0));} if (tz==3) {oled.drawText(0,0,(FONT8X12)," RTC Clock Time (MSK)",oled.toRGB(255,0,0));} oled.drawText(22,5,(FONT8X12)," DCF Time (CET)",oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.setTextBackgroundType (TEXT_TRANSPARENT); oled.drawTextButton(1, 270, 140,(oled.toRGB(0,100,100)),(FONT5X7),(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)), 1, 1, " Back "); oled.setTextBackgroundType (TEXT_OPAQUE); draw_graph=0;DCFdrawgraph(); oled.drawLine(155,190,169,190, oled.toRGB(225, 255, 255)); oled.drawLine(169,190,169,203, oled.toRGB(225, 255, 255)); oled.drawLine(170,203,287,203, oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.drawLine(287,190,287,203, oled.toRGB(225, 255, 255)); oled.drawLine(288,190,305,190, oled.toRGB(225, 255, 255)); oled.drawText(0,26,(FONT5X7)," 0 start min hour Dt dy mon year 60",oled.toRGB(255,0,0)); oled.setTouchArea(240,140,290,160); start=0;sync=0;x=0;y=5;r=0;SignalStatus=0;laststart=2;loop=0;interrupt_counter = 0;dcf_sec=0;error_count=0; Ticker50ms.attach(& dcfISR, .05); while (IRQ==0) { if (loop==0) { DCFloop(); // Continuously get dcf time and Display data every second interrupted by the Ticker every 50ms loop=1;} } oled.clear(); } void DCFloop() { if (interrupt_counter == 0) { if (start == 0) {dcf_sec=0;} if (dcf_sec == 0){dcf_array[58] = 0;} if (dcf_good==1 && dcf_sec==2) {DCF=1;RTCset();} } if (interrupt_counter == 1) { oled.setFontSize(FONT12X16); oled.locate(15,5);oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, minute, second); oled.locate(3,13);oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.setFontSize(FONT12X16);oled.printf("%02d",dcf_sec); } if (interrupt_counter==2){ if (rtcset==0) { oled.drawText(33,2,(FONT5X7),"RTC -- un-set -- ",oled.toRGB(255,0,0));} if (rtcset==1) { oled.drawText(33,2,(FONT5X7),"RTC *** set *** ",oled.toRGB(0,255,0));} oled.setFontSize(FONT12X16);oled.locate(0,1); oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); RTCread(); oled.printf("%2d:%02d:%02d",RTChour,RTCminute,RTCsecond); } if (interrupt_counter == 4) { if (dcf_sec > 59) {dcf_sec = 0;} if (dcf_sec>20 && signal_error==1) {DCFbitmapdraw();DCFdrawgraph();start=0;signal_error=0;SignalStatus=5;} if (dcf_sec == 57) {oled.drawText(36,7,(FONT8X12)," ",oled.toRGB(0,0,0));} if (start == 0 && signal_error==0) {SignalStatus=0;} } if (interrupt_counter == 6 && dcf_sec > 0){ if (dcf_sec==1){DCFdrawgraph();SignalStatus = 1;} oled.setPenSize(1); oled.drawRectangle(11, 229, (dcf_sec*5), 8, oled.toRGB(0,255,0));draw_graph=0; if (signal_error==1) {DCFdrawgraph();signal_error=0;SignalStatus=5;} } if (interrupt_counter == 7){ DCFbitstatus(); if (dcf_sec == 21){SignalStatus=2;r = !r;} if (dcf_sec > 20 && dcf_sec < 59 ) {DCFbitprint();} } if (interrupt_counter == 8){ if (start==1){dcf_array[dcf_sec]=dcf_status.DCFsample150;} oled.setFontSize(FONT12X16);oled.locate(0,2); oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.printf("%s %02d %s' 20%02d",weekDayName[RTCdayofweek],RTCdayofmonth,monthName[RTCmonth-1],RTCyear); } if (interrupt_counter == 10) { oled.setFontSize(FONT8X12);oled.locate(23,8);oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.printf("%s %02d %s' 20%02d", weekDayName[dayofweek], dayofmonth, monthName[month-1], year); if (summertime) oled.drawText(23,9,(FONT8X12),"Summer Time",oled.toRGB(255,128,0)); else oled.drawText(23,9,(FONT8X12),"Winter Time",oled.toRGB(0,255,255)); oled.drawText(23,10,(FONT8X12),leapSymbol[dcf_status.is_leap],oled.toRGB(0,255,160)); } if (interrupt_counter == 11 & second == 1) { oled.setFontSize(FONT5X7);oled.locate(34,5); oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.printf("RTC set x %d", rtcset_times); } if (interrupt_counter == 12){ if (SignalStatus==0) {oled.drawText(26,20,(FONT5X7),statusText[SignalStatus],oled.toRGB(255,255,255));} if (SignalStatus==1) {oled.drawText(26,20,(FONT5X7),statusText[SignalStatus],oled.toRGB(255,255,0));} if (SignalStatus==2) {oled.drawText(26,20,(FONT5X7),statusText[SignalStatus],oled.toRGB(0,255,255));} if (SignalStatus==3) {oled.drawText(26,20,(FONT5X7),statusText[SignalStatus],oled.toRGB(0,0,255));} if (SignalStatus==4) {oled.drawText(26,20,(FONT5X7),statusText[SignalStatus],oled.toRGB(0,255,0));} if (SignalStatus==5) { oled.drawText(26,20,(FONT5X7),statusText[SignalStatus],oled.toRGB(255,0,0)); oled.drawText(36,7,(FONT8X12)," ",oled.toRGB(0,0,0)); start=0;SignalStatus=0;sync=0; } } if (interrupt_counter==13){ if (start==0 && laststart != start) {oled.drawText(26,18,(FONT5X7),("No Sync"),oled.toRGB(255,0,0));laststart=start;} if (start==1 && laststart != start) {oled.drawText(26,18,(FONT5X7),("In Sync"),oled.toRGB(0,255,0));laststart=start;} } if (interrupt_counter>13){ oled.getTouch(&xbuffer,&ybuffer); if (display==0){ if((xbuffer>2 && xbuffer<318) && (ybuffer>2 && ybuffer<238)){ oled.displayControl(0x01,0x01);display=1; oled.resetTouchArea();}} if((xbuffer>240 && xbuffer<290) && (ybuffer>140 && ybuffer<160)){ SignalIn.rise(NULL);Ticker50ms.detach();IRQ=1;} } if (interrupt_counter == 19){DCFbitstatus();} } void DCFtestparity() { rtcset=0;DCFparitycalc(); paritycheck= testu or testm or testdmy; if (p_year>99) paritycheck=1; if (p_month>12) paritycheck=1; if (p_dayofmonth>31) paritycheck=1; if (p_hour>23) paritycheck=1; if (p_minute>59) paritycheck=1; if (paritycheck) {dcf_good=0;SignalStatus = 5;} // bad parity else {dcf_good=1;SignalStatus = 4;} // good parity } void DCFsetTime() { second = dcf_sec; minute=p_minute; hour=p_hour; dayofweek=p_dayofweek; dayofmonth=p_dayofmonth; month=p_month; year=p_year; oled.drawText(36,7,(FONT8X12),"*",oled.toRGB(0,255,0)); } void DCFbitprint() { if (r==1) {oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(0,0,255));} // alternate bit draw colour else {oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(255,255,255));} oled.setFontSize(FONT8X12); if (dcf_sec==21){x=5;y=7;} if (dcf_sec==28){x=5;y=15;oled.locate(5,15);oled.printf(" ");} if (dcf_sec==29){x=7;y=7;} if (dcf_sec==35){x=7;y=15;} if (dcf_sec==36){x=9;y=7;} if (dcf_sec==42){x=11;y=7;} if (dcf_sec==45){x=13;y=7;} if (dcf_sec==50){x=15;y=7;} oled.locate(x,y); oled.printf("%d",dcf_status.DCFsample150); y++; } void DCFbitmapdraw() { x=2,y=6; oled.drawText(x-2,y,(FONT8X12)," Dcf M H D d M Y",oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.drawText(x,y+1,(FONT8X12)," 1 i o a a o e",oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.drawText(x,y+2,(FONT8X12)," 2 n u t y n a",oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.drawText(x,y+3,(FONT8X12)," 4 u r e t r",oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.drawText(x,y+4,(FONT8X12)," 8 t h ",oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.drawText(x,y+5,(FONT8X12),"10 e ",oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.drawText(x,y+6,(FONT8X12),"20 ",oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.drawText(x,y+7,(FONT8X12),"40 ",oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.drawText(x,y+8,(FONT8X12),"80 ",oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.drawText(x,y+9,(FONT8X12)," P arity ",oled.toRGB(255,255,0)); oled.drawLine(8,83,135,83, oled.toRGB(0, 255, 0)); oled.drawLine(35,70,35,195, oled.toRGB(0, 255, 0)); } void DCFdrawgraph() { if (draw_graph==0){ oled.setPenSize(0); oled.drawRectangle(10,228,300,8,oled.toRGB(0,0,0)); oled.setPenSize(1); oled.drawRectangle(10,227,302,10,oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.drawLine(10,220,10,237,oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.drawLine(312,220,312,237,oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); oled.drawLine(111,220,111,237,oled.toRGB(255,255,255)); //start oled.drawLine(156,220,156,237,oled.toRGB(225,255,255)); //min oled.drawLine(186,220,186,237,oled.toRGB(255,255,225)); //hour oled.drawLine(216,220,216,237,oled.toRGB(225,255,225)); //date oled.drawLine(231,220,231,237, oled.toRGB(225, 255, 225));//day oled.drawLine(256,220,256,237, oled.toRGB(225, 255, 225));//month oled.drawLine(301,220,301,237, oled.toRGB(225, 255, 225));//year draw_graph=1; } } void DCFbitstatus() { oled.locate(29,22); oled.setFontSize(FONT5X7); oled.setFontColor(oled.toRGB(255,0,0)); oled.printf("%d %d %d %d %d",dcf_status.DCFsample50,dcf_status.DCFsample150,dcf_status.DCFsample300,dcf_status.DCFsample500,dcf_status.DCFsample600); oled.setPenSize(0); if (!dcf_status.DCFsample50) {oled.drawRectangle(170,190,11,12, oled.toRGB(0,0,0));} else {oled.drawRectangle(170,190,11,12, oled.toRGB(255,255,255));} if (!dcf_status.DCFsample150) {oled.drawRectangle(182,190,11,12, oled.toRGB(0,0,0));} else {oled.drawRectangle(182,190,11,12, oled.toRGB(255,255,255));} if (!dcf_status.DCFsample300) {oled.drawRectangle(194,190,11,12, oled.toRGB(0,0,0));} else {oled.drawRectangle(194,190,11,12, oled.toRGB(255,255,255));} if (!dcf_status.DCFsample500) {oled.drawRectangle(206,190,23,12, oled.toRGB(0,0,0));} else {oled.drawRectangle(206,190,23,12, oled.toRGB(255,255,255));} if (!dcf_status.DCFsample600) {oled.drawRectangle(230,190,56,12, oled.toRGB(0,0,0));} else {oled.drawRectangle(230,190,56,12, oled.toRGB(0,0,255));} } void DCFparitycalc() { //calculate summer/winter time---------------------------------------------------------------------- summertime = dcf_array[17] & 1; //calculate hour-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hourh = dcf_array[34] * 20 + dcf_array[33] * 10; hourl = dcf_array[32] * 8 + dcf_array[31] * 4 + dcf_array[30] * 2 + dcf_array[29] * 1; p_hour = hourh + hourl; //calculate minutes------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ minl = dcf_array[24] * 8 + dcf_array[23] * 4 + dcf_array[22] * 2 + dcf_array[21] * 1; minh = dcf_array[27] * 40 + dcf_array[26] * 20 +dcf_array[25] * 10; p_minute = minh + minl; //calculate day of week-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p_dayofweek = dcf_array[44] * 4 +dcf_array[43] * 2 + dcf_array[42] * 1; //calculate day---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dayl = dcf_array[39] * 8 + dcf_array[38] * 4 + dcf_array[37] * 2 + dcf_array[36] * 1; dayh = dcf_array[41] * 20 + dcf_array[40] * 10; p_dayofmonth=dayh+dayl; //calculate month-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- monthh = dcf_array[49] * 10; monthl = dcf_array[48] * 8 + dcf_array[47] * 4 + dcf_array[46] * 2 + dcf_array[45] * 1; p_month = monthh +monthl; //calculate year--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yearh = dcf_array[57] * 80 + dcf_array[56] * 40 + dcf_array[55] * 20 + dcf_array[54] * 10; yearl = dcf_array[53] * 8 +dcf_array[52] * 4 + dcf_array[51] * 2 + dcf_array[50] * 1; p_year = yearh+yearl; //calculate parity paritym = dcf_array[21] + dcf_array[22] + dcf_array[23] + dcf_array[24] + dcf_array[25] + dcf_array[26] +dcf_array[27] +dcf_array [28]; parityu =dcf_array[29] + dcf_array[30] + dcf_array[31] + dcf_array[32] + dcf_array[33] + dcf_array[34] + dcf_array[35]; paritydmy =dcf_array[36] + dcf_array [37] + dcf_array [38] + dcf_array [39] + dcf_array[40] + dcf_array[41] + dcf_array [42] + dcf_array [43] + dcf_array[44] + dcf_array [45] + dcf_array[46] + dcf_array [47] + dcf_array[48] + dcf_array[49] + dcf_array[50] + dcf_array[51] + dcf_array [52] + dcf_array[53] + dcf_array[54] + dcf_array[55] + dcf_array[56] + dcf_array[57] + dcf_array[58]; //test parity------------------------------ testu=parityu & 1; testm=paritym & 1; testdmy=paritydmy & 1; } void dcfIRQ(void) { if (sync==0){ interrupt_counter = 0;sync=1;dcf_sec=0;error_count=0; Ticker50ms.attach(& dcfISR, .05); } } void dcfISR() //This is the interrupt service routine (ISR) that is called every 50ms { interrupt_counter++;loop=0; SignalLED = SignalIn; // Show dcfSignal state on LED if (interrupt_counter == 20) { // 50mS x 20 = 1000mS = 1 Second interrupt_counter = 0;second++;dcf_sec++; if (start==0) dcf_sec=0; } if (interrupt_counter == 0){ if (dcf_sec==58) {SignalStatus = 3;} if (dcf_sec==59) {DCFtestparity();} if (dcf_good==1 && dcf_sec==1) {DCFsetTime();} } if (second >= 60) {++minute;second -=60;} if (minute >= 60) {++hour;minute-=60;} if (hour >= 24) {hour -=24;++dayofweek;++dayofmonth;} if (dayofweek > 6) dayofweek = 0; if (dayofmonth > maxDay(year, month)) {dayofmonth = 1;month++;} if (month > 12) {month = 1;year++;} if (year > 99) year = 1; switch (interrupt_counter) { case 1: { // 50mS after start of second pulse dcf_status.DCFsample50 = (SignalIn); break;} case 3: { // 150mS after start of second pulse (bit "1" dcf Data) dcf_status.DCFsample150 = (SignalIn); break;} case 6: { // 300mS after start of second (signal error if true) dcf_status.DCFsample300 = (SignalIn); if (SignalIn) {dcf_error = 1;} break;} case 10: { // 500mS after start of second (signal error if true) dcf_status.DCFsample500 = (SignalIn); if (SignalIn) {dcf_error = 1;} break;} case 12: { // 600mS after start of second (signal error if true) dcf_status.DCFsample600 = (SignalIn); if (SignalIn) {dcf_error = 1;} break;} } if (dcf_status.DCFsample50==0 && dcf_sec<58){sync=0;} if (interrupt_counter==1){ if (SignalIn){nosignal=1;} else nosignal++; if (nosignal>5){nosignal=2; SignalStatus = 5;signal_error=1;} } if (interrupt_counter==15){ if (!dcf_status.DCFsample150 && !dcf_status.DCFsample50) {sync=0;start=1;} } if (interrupt_counter==18){ if (dcf_error==1) {error_count++;dcf_error=0;} if (error_count > 3 && sync==1) {error_count = 0;signal_error=1;} } } // End of ISR