Control robot gripper through modbus

Dependencies:   Modbus_For_F446RE mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jul 06 15:17:42 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ * FreeModbus Libary: BARE Demo Application
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Christian Walter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ *
+ * File: $Id: demo.c,v 1.1 2006/08/22 21:35:13 wolti Exp $
+ */
+/* ----------------------- System includes --------------------------------*/
+/* ----------------------- Modbus includes ----------------------------------*/
+#include "mb.h"
+#include "mbport.h"
+#include "mbed.h" //stanley
+DigitalOut myled(LED1); //stanley
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);  //stanley
+/* ----------------------- Defines ------------------------------------------*/
+#define REG_INPUT_START (3001)  //not use now stanley
+#define REG_INPUT_NREGS 15      //not use now stanley
+#define REG_HOLDING_START (4001)
+#define SLAVE_ID 0x01
+//Modbus struct
+/* ----------------------- Static variables ---------------------------------*/
+static USHORT   usRegInputStart = REG_INPUT_START; //not use now stanley
+static USHORT   usRegInputBuf[REG_INPUT_NREGS]; //not use now stanley
+static USHORT   usRegHoldingStart = REG_HOLDING_START;
+static USHORT   usRegHoldingBuf[REG_HOLDING_NREGS];
+/* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/
+int main( void )
+    eMBErrorCode    eStatus;
+    eStatus = eMBInit( MB_RTU, SLAVE_ID, 0, 460800, MB_PAR_NONE );
+    /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */
+    eMBEnable(  );
+    //eStatus = eMBEnable(  );
+    // Initialise some registers
+    usRegHoldingBuf[DEF_INX_R_GRIPPER_HOLD]=0;
+    usRegHoldingBuf[DEF_INX_L_GRIPPER_HOLD]=0;
+    usRegHoldingBuf[DEF_INX_TEST1]=123;
+    usRegHoldingBuf[DEF_INX_TEST2]=456;
+    usRegHoldingBuf[DEF_INX_CYCLE_COUNT]=0;
+    myled=1;//stanley
+    while(1)
+    {
+        //(void)eMBPoll(  ); origianl
+        //
+        eStatus=eMBPoll();
+        /* Here we simply count the number of poll cycles. */
+        usRegHoldingBuf[DEF_INX_CYCLE_COUNT]++;
+        wait_ms(5);        //stanley
+        if(usRegHoldingBuf[DEF_INX_R_GRIPPER_HOLD]==0)
+        {
+            myled=0;
+        }
+        else if(usRegHoldingBuf[DEF_INX_R_GRIPPER_HOLD]==1)
+        {
+            myled=1;        
+        }
+    }
+eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
+    eMBErrorCode    eStatus = MB_ENOERR;
+    int             iRegIndex;
+    if( ( usAddress >= REG_INPUT_START )
+        && ( usAddress + usNRegs <= REG_INPUT_START + REG_INPUT_NREGS ) )
+    {
+        iRegIndex = ( int )( usAddress - usRegInputStart );
+        while( usNRegs > 0 )
+        {
+            *pucRegBuffer++ =
+                ( unsigned char )( usRegInputBuf[iRegIndex] >> 8 );
+            *pucRegBuffer++ =
+                ( unsigned char )( usRegInputBuf[iRegIndex] & 0xFF );
+            iRegIndex++;
+            usNRegs--;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        eStatus = MB_ENOREG;
+    }
+    return eStatus;
+eMBRegHoldingCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs, eMBRegisterMode eMode )  //change variable to REG_HOLDING ,original is all input register
+    eMBErrorCode    eStatus = MB_ENOERR;
+    int             iRegIndex;
+    if (eMode == MB_REG_READ)
+    {
+        if( ( usAddress >= REG_HOLDING_START )
+            && ( usAddress + usNRegs <= REG_HOLDING_START + REG_HOLDING_NREGS ) )
+        {
+            iRegIndex = ( int )( usAddress - usRegHoldingStart );
+            while( usNRegs > 0 )
+            {
+                *pucRegBuffer++ =
+                    ( unsigned char )( usRegHoldingBuf[iRegIndex] >> 8 );
+                *pucRegBuffer++ =
+                    ( unsigned char )( usRegHoldingBuf[iRegIndex] & 0xFF );
+                iRegIndex++;
+                usNRegs--;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (eMode == MB_REG_WRITE)
+    {
+        if( ( usAddress >= REG_HOLDING_START )
+            && ( usAddress + usNRegs <= REG_HOLDING_START + REG_HOLDING_NREGS ) )
+        {
+            iRegIndex = ( int )( usAddress - usRegHoldingStart );
+            while( usNRegs > 0 )
+            {
+                usRegHoldingBuf[iRegIndex] =  ((unsigned int) *pucRegBuffer << 8) | ((unsigned int) *(pucRegBuffer+1));
+                pucRegBuffer+=2;
+                iRegIndex++;
+                usNRegs--;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return eStatus;
+eMBRegCoilsCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNCoils,
+               eMBRegisterMode eMode )
+    return MB_ENOREG;
+eMBRegDiscreteCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNDiscrete )
+    return MB_ENOREG;