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LPC_DMA_T Struct Reference

LPC_DMA_T Struct Reference
[CHIP: LPC11u6x DMA Controller driver]

DMA Controller register block structure. More...

#include <dma_11u6x.h>

Data Fields

__IO uint32_t CTRL
__I uint32_t INTSTAT
__IO uint32_t SRAMBASE

Detailed Description

DMA Controller register block structure.

Definition at line 95 of file dma_11u6x.h.

Field Documentation

__IO uint32_t CTRL

< DMA Structure DMA control register

Definition at line 96 of file dma_11u6x.h.


DMA channel registers

Definition at line 102 of file dma_11u6x.h.

DMA shared channel (common) registers

Definition at line 100 of file dma_11u6x.h.

__I uint32_t INTSTAT

DMA Interrupt status register

Definition at line 97 of file dma_11u6x.h.

__IO uint32_t SRAMBASE

DMA SRAM address of the channel configuration table

Definition at line 98 of file dma_11u6x.h.