Fragt mithilfe des u-blox c027 über den CAN-Bus den Status der Batterieladung eines Think City Elektroautos ab und informiert per SMS den Halter. Bitte vor der ersten Verwendung die Handynummer anpassen. ---- Uses the u-blox c027 connected over can bus to a Think City electric car to inform a mobile number via SMS about the battery charging. Please change the mobile number to your mobile number before first use. Comments and messages are written in german.

Dependencies:   C027 C027_Support mbed


First version of GSMCAN for the u-blox c027 connected to the can bus of a think city electric car. Comments and messages are written in german. default tip

2014-10-18, by sleepyhead [Sat, 18 Oct 2014 12:03:43 +0000] rev 0

First version of GSMCAN for the u-blox c027 connected to the can bus of a think city electric car. Comments and messages are written in german.