changed at for testing

Fork of example-reading-imei-imsi by u-blox

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Oct 12 11:38:49 2018 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r c845f4f6c2b6 -r 103f58fac4cf main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Oct 12 06:34:14 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Oct 12 11:38:49 2018 +0000
@@ -18,15 +18,16 @@
 #include "ATCmdParser.h"
 #include "FileHandle.h"
 #include "onboard_modem_api.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
 /* Definitions */
 #define OUTPUT_ENTER_KEY  "\r"
 #define AT_PARSER_BUFFER_SIZE   256
 #define AT_PARSER_TIMEOUT       8*1000 // Milliseconds
-/* The example program for the u-blox C030 boards. It sets up the Cellular Module then read out the IMSI of the eUICC/SIM.  
+/* The example program for the u-blox C030 boards. It sets up the Cellular Module then read out the IMSI of the eUICC/SIM.
  * The Uer LEDs (RGB) and User Button are utilised to show the activity on the board.
- * When GNSS has a location fix, the Red Timepulse LED, next to the User LEDs, blinks every 1 second.  
+ * When GNSS has a location fix, the Red Timepulse LED, next to the User LEDs, blinks every 1 second.
 /* File handler */
@@ -40,62 +41,65 @@
 DigitalOut ledGreen(LED2, 1);
 DigitalOut ledBlue(LED3, 1);
-// Ethernet socket LED 
+// Ethernet socket LED
 DigitalOut ledYellow(LED4,1);
 // User Button
 #ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C027
-    // No user button on C027
-    InterruptIn userButton(NC);
+// No user button on C027
+InterruptIn userButton(NC);
-    InterruptIn userButton(SW0);
+InterruptIn userButton(SW0);
 // Delay between LED changes in second
 volatile float delay = 0.5;
 // To check if the user pressed the User Button or not
-void threadBodyUserButtonCheck(void const *args){
+void threadBodyUserButtonCheck(void const *args)
     float delayToggle = delay;
-    while (1){
+    while (1) {
         if ( == 1 ) {
-        // User Button is pressed 
+            // User Button is pressed
             delay = 0.1;
-            // Indicate with the Yellow LED on Ethernet socket 
+            // Indicate with the Yellow LED on Ethernet socket
             ledYellow = 0;
-        }
-        else { 
-        // User button is released
+        } else {
+            // User button is released
             delay = 0.5;
             // Turn off the Yellow LED on Ethernet socket
             ledYellow = 1;
-void sendATCommandAndPrintResponse(char* command){
-char buffer[505];//sa crtom
-for (int i=0;i<505;i++)buffer[i]=0;
-printf ("Sending following command:");
-printf ("\r\n");
+void sendATCommandAndPrintResponse(char* command)
+    char buffer[505];//sa crtom
+    for (int i=0; i<505; i++)buffer[i]=0;
+    printf ("Sending following command:");
+    printf(command);
+    printf ("\r\n");
-if (!at->send(command)){
-printf ("RESPONSE:\r\n");    
-        printf(buffer);
-        printf ("\r\n");   
+    if (!at->send(command)) {
+        printf("failed!!!!\r\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    printf ("RESPONSE:\r\n");
+    at->read(buffer,500);
+    printf(buffer);
+    printf ("\r\n");
 // Setup the modem
-bool setup_modem(){
+bool setup_modem()
     bool success = false;
     /* Initialize GPIO lines */
     /* Give modem a little time to settle down */
@@ -103,19 +107,20 @@
 #ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C030_N211
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+CFUN=1");
     // Set AT parser timeout to 1sec for AT OK check
     printf("Checking for AT response from the modem\r\n");
     for (int retry_count = 0; !success && (retry_count < 20); retry_count++) {
         // The modem tends to sends out some garbage during power up.
         // AT OK talk to the modem
         if (at->send("AT")) {
@@ -124,10 +129,10 @@
     // Increase the parser time to 8 sec
     if (success) {
         printf("Configuring the modem\r\n");
@@ -143,44 +148,176 @@
             ((UARTSerial *)fh)->set_baud(115200);
         // Turn off modem echoing and turn on verbose responses
         success = at->send("ATE0;+CMEE=2") && at->recv("OK") &&
                   // The following commands are best sent separately
                   // Turn off RTC/CTS handshaking
                   at->send("AT&K0") && at->recv("OK") &&
-                  // Set DCD circuit(109), changes in accordance with 
+                  // Set DCD circuit(109), changes in accordance with
                   // the carrier detect status
                   at->send("AT&C1") && at->recv("OK") &&
-                  // Set DTR circuit, we ignore the state change of DTR 
-                  at->send("AT&D0") && at->recv("OK"); 
+                  // Set DTR circuit, we ignore the state change of DTR
+                  at->send("AT&D0") && at->recv("OK");
     return success;
 ** Reading the modem IMEI and eUICC/SIM IMSI
+void connectNB(){
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+NCONFIG=\"AUTOCONNECT\",\"FALSE\"");
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+NCONFIG=\"CR_0354_0338_SCRAMBLING\",\"TRUE\"");
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+NCONFIG=\"CR_0859_SI_AVOID\",\"TRUE\"");
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+NCONFIG?");
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+cfun=0");
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+CGDCONT=1, \"IP\",\"nb.inetd.gdsp\"");
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+cfun=1");
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+cimi");
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+cgatt=1");
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+cops=1,2,\"26202\"");
+    wait_ms(5000);
+  sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+cereg?");
+    wait_ms(5000);
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+CSQ");
+    wait_ms(5000);
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+COPS?");
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+NBAND?");
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+NBAND=20");
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+NUESTATS");
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+CGATT?");
+    wait_ms(5000);
+    sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+CGPADDR");
+void reverse(char *str)
+    /* skip null */
+    if (str == 0)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    /* skip empty string */
+    if (*str == 0)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    /* get range */
+    char *start = str;
+    char *end = start + strlen(str) - 1; /* -1 for \0 */
+    char temp;
+    /* reverse */
+    while (end > start)
+    {
+        /* swap */
+        temp = *start;
+        *start = *end;
+        *end = temp;
+        /* move */
+        ++start;
+        --end;
+    }
+  char* itoa(int num, char* str, int base) 
+    int i = 0; 
+    bool isNegative = false; 
+    /* Handle 0 explicitely, otherwise empty string is printed for 0 */
+    if (num == 0) 
+    { 
+        str[i++] = '0'; 
+        str[i] = '\0'; 
+        return str; 
+    } 
+    // In standard itoa(), negative numbers are handled only with  
+    // base 10. Otherwise numbers are considered unsigned. 
+    if (num < 0 && base == 10) 
+    { 
+        isNegative = true; 
+        num = -num; 
+    } 
+    // Process individual digits 
+    while (num != 0) 
+    { 
+        int rem = num % base; 
+        str[i++] = (rem > 9)? (rem-10) + 'a' : rem + '0'; 
+        num = num/base; 
+    } 
+    // If number is negative, append '-' 
+    if (isNegative) 
+        str[i++] = '-'; 
+    str[i] = '\0'; // Append string terminator 
+    // Reverse the string 
+    reverse(str); 
+    return str; 
+void sendUDPMessage(char* ip, int port, char* message){
+char commandbuffer[100];
+int ret=strlen(message);
+char data[ret*2];
+for (int i=0,j=0; i<ret; i++,j+=2){ 
+    char res[2]; 
+    itoa((message[i] & 0xFF), res, 16);
+        if (res[1] == 0) {
+            data[j] = 0x30; data[j+1] = res[0];
+        }else {
+            data[j] = res[0]; data[j + 1] = res[1];
+        }
+data[(ret * 2)] = 0;
 int main()
     bool success = false;
     printf("\n\r\n\ru-blox C030 reading the modem IMEI and eUICC/SIM IMSI\n\r");
     printf("Initialising UART for modem communication");
     fh = new UARTSerial(MDMTXD, MDMRXD, 9600);
     // NOTE: if you are experiencing problems with the AT command
     // exchange, change the "false" below to "true" to get debug output
     // from the AT command parser
     printf("Initialising the modem AT command parser");
-            AT_PARSER_TIMEOUT, false);
+                         AT_PARSER_TIMEOUT, false);
     printf("Initializing the modem\r\n");
     if (setup_modem()) {
         printf("...DONE\r\nThe modem powered up\r\n");
@@ -188,14 +325,14 @@
         char imsi[15+1];
         char buffer[512];
         printf("Reading IMEI and IMSI\r\n");
 #ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C030_N211
-        if (at->send("AT+CGSN=1") && at->recv("\nOK\n%25[^\n]\nOK\n", imei)){
+        if (at->send("AT+CGSN=1") && at->recv("\nOK\n%25[^\n]\nOK\n", imei)) {
             printf("IMEI: %s\r\n",imei + 6); // Avoid the "+CGSN:" prefix
-        if (at->send("AT+CGSN") && at->recv("%15[^\n]\nOK\n", imei)){
+        if (at->send("AT+CGSN") && at->recv("%15[^\n]\nOK\n", imei)) {
             printf("IMEI: %s\r\n",imei);
@@ -203,11 +340,12 @@
         // so retry this until done
         for (int retry_count = 0; !success && (retry_count < 10); retry_count++) {
-            if (at->send("AT+CIMI") && at->recv("%15[^\n]\nOK\n", imsi)){
+            if (at->send("AT+CIMI") && at->recv("%15[^\n]\nOK\n", imsi)) {
                 printf("IMSI: %s\r\n",imsi);
                 success = true;
-        }        
+        }
         if (!success) {
             printf("Unable to read IMSI: has a SIM been inserted?\r\n");
@@ -216,44 +354,14 @@
     char buffer[500+5];
-     printf ("sending nconfig");
-     printf ("\r\n");
-     sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+NCONFIG=\"AUTOCONNECT\",\"FALSE\"");
-      sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+NCONFIG=\"CR_0354_0338_SCRAMBLING\",\"TRUE\"");
- sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+NCONFIG=\"CR_0859_SI_AVOID\",\"TRUE\"");
- sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+NCONFIG?");    
-sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+CGDCONT=1, \"IP\",\"nb.inetd.gdsp\"");     
+    printf ("sending nconfig");
+    printf ("\r\n");
+    connectNB();
+    sendUDPMessage("",3333,"HAUS");
- sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+cimi");
- sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("at+cops=1,2,\"26202\"");
- sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+CSQ");
-  sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+CGAT?");
- sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+COPS?");
- sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+NBAND?");
- sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+NBAND=20");
- sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+NUESTATS?");
- sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+CGAT=1");
-  sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT+CGAT?");
-sendATCommandAndPrintResponse("AT> AT+NSOST=0,,17,4,AAAAAAAA");      
     // Create threadUserButtonCheck thread
     Thread threadUserButtonCheck(threadBodyUserButtonCheck);
@@ -261,7 +369,7 @@
     ledRed = 0;
     ledGreen = 1;
     ledBlue = 1;
     // Main loop
     while(1) {