Proyecto realizado para controlar el desplazamiento de un cuadro como obra de arte

Dependencies:   DS1307 FPointer TextLCD USBHost keypad mbed

Fork of MSCUsbHost_FULL by Chris Styles

--- a/USBHostLite/usbhost_lpc17xx.c	Sat Mar 13 17:19:08 2010 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,820 +0,0 @@
-*                                                 NXP USB Host Stack
-*                                     (c) Copyright 2008, NXP SemiConductors
-*                                     (c) Copyright 2008, OnChip  Technologies LLC
-*                                                 All Rights Reserved
-* File           : usbhost_lpc17xx.c
-* Programmer(s)  : Ravikanth.P
-* Version        :
-*                                            INCLUDE HEADER FILES
-#include  "usbhost_lpc17xx.h"
-*                                              GLOBAL VARIABLES
-int gUSBConnected;
-volatile  USB_INT32U   HOST_RhscIntr = 0;         /* Root Hub Status Change interrupt                       */
-volatile  USB_INT32U   HOST_WdhIntr  = 0;         /* Semaphore to wait until the TD is submitted            */
-volatile  USB_INT08U   HOST_TDControlStatus = 0;
-volatile  HCED        *EDCtrl;                    /* Control endpoint descriptor structure                  */
-volatile  HCED        *EDBulkIn;                  /* BulkIn endpoint descriptor  structure                  */
-volatile  HCED        *EDBulkOut;                 /* BulkOut endpoint descriptor structure                  */
-volatile  HCTD        *TDHead;                    /* Head transfer descriptor structure                     */
-volatile  HCTD        *TDTail;                    /* Tail transfer descriptor structure                     */
-volatile  HCCA        *Hcca;                      /* Host Controller Communications Area structure          */ 
-          USB_INT16U  *TDBufNonVol;               /* Identical to TDBuffer just to reduce compiler warnings */
-volatile  USB_INT08U  *TDBuffer;                  /* Current Buffer Pointer of transfer descriptor          */
-// USB host structures
-// AHB SRAM block 1
-#define HOSTBASEADDR 0x2007C000
-// reserve memory for the linker
-static USB_INT08U HostBuf[0x200] __attribute__((at(HOSTBASEADDR)));
-*                                         DELAY IN MILLI SECONDS
-* Description: This function provides a delay in milli seconds
-* Arguments  : delay    The delay required
-* Returns    : None
-void  Host_DelayMS (USB_INT32U  delay)
-    volatile  USB_INT32U  i;
-    for (i = 0; i < delay; i++) {
-        Host_DelayUS(1000);
-    }
-*                                         DELAY IN MICRO SECONDS
-* Description: This function provides a delay in micro seconds
-* Arguments  : delay    The delay required
-* Returns    : None
-void  Host_DelayUS (USB_INT32U  delay)
-    volatile  USB_INT32U  i;
-    for (i = 0; i < (4 * delay); i++) {    /* This logic was tested. It gives app. 1 micro sec delay        */
-        ;
-    }
-// bits of the USB/OTG clock control register
-#define HOST_CLK_EN     (1<<0)
-#define DEV_CLK_EN      (1<<1)
-#define PORTSEL_CLK_EN  (1<<3)
-#define AHB_CLK_EN      (1<<4)
-// bits of the USB/OTG clock status register
-#define HOST_CLK_ON     (1<<0)
-#define DEV_CLK_ON      (1<<1)
-#define PORTSEL_CLK_ON  (1<<3)
-#define AHB_CLK_ON      (1<<4)
-// we need host clock, OTG/portsel clock and AHB clock
-*                                         INITIALIZE THE HOST CONTROLLER
-* Description: This function initializes lpc17xx host controller
-* Arguments  : None
-* Returns    : 
-void  Host_Init (void)
-    PRINT_Log("In Host_Init\n");
-    NVIC_DisableIRQ(USB_IRQn);                           /* Disable the USB interrupt source           */
-    // turn on power for USB
-    LPC_SC->PCONP       |= (1UL<<31);
-    // Enable USB host clock, port selection and AHB clock
-    // Wait for clocks to become available
-    while ((LPC_USB->USBClkSt & CLOCK_MASK) != CLOCK_MASK)
-        ;
-    // it seems the bits[0:1] mean the following
-    // 0: U1=device, U2=host
-    // 1: U1=host, U2=host
-    // 2: reserved
-    // 3: U1=host, U2=device
-    // NB: this register is only available if OTG clock (aka "port select") is enabled!!
-    // since we don't care about port 2, set just bit 0 to 1 (U1=host)
-    LPC_USB->OTGStCtrl |= 1;
-    // now that we've configured the ports, we can turn off the portsel clock
-    // power pins are not connected on mbed, so we can skip them
-    /* P1[18] = USB_UP_LED, 01 */
-    /* P1[19] = /USB_PPWR,     10 */
-    /* P1[22] = USB_PWRD, 10 */
-    /* P1[27] = /USB_OVRCR, 10 */
-    /*LPC_PINCON->PINSEL3 &= ~((3<<4) | (3<<6) | (3<<12) | (3<<22));  
-    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL3 |=  ((1<<4)|(2<<6) | (2<<12) | (2<<22));   // 0x00802080
-    */
-    // configure USB D+/D- pins
-    /* P0[29] = USB_D+, 01 */
-    /* P0[30] = USB_D-, 01 */
-    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 &= ~((3<<26) | (3<<28));  
-    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 |=  ((1<<26)|(1<<28));     // 0x14000000
-    PRINT_Log("Initializing Host Stack\n");
-    Hcca       = (volatile  HCCA       *)(HostBuf+0x000);
-    TDHead     = (volatile  HCTD       *)(HostBuf+0x100);
-    TDTail     = (volatile  HCTD       *)(HostBuf+0x110);
-    EDCtrl     = (volatile  HCED       *)(HostBuf+0x120); 
-    EDBulkIn   = (volatile  HCED       *)(HostBuf+0x130);
-    EDBulkOut  = (volatile  HCED       *)(HostBuf+0x140);
-    TDBuffer   = (volatile  USB_INT08U *)(HostBuf+0x150);
-    /* Initialize all the TDs, EDs and HCCA to 0  */
-    Host_EDInit(EDCtrl);
-    Host_EDInit(EDBulkIn);
-    Host_EDInit(EDBulkOut);
-    Host_TDInit(TDHead);
-    Host_TDInit(TDTail);
-    Host_HCCAInit(Hcca);
-    Host_DelayMS(50);                                   /* Wait 50 ms before apply reset              */
-    LPC_USB->HcControl       = 0;                       /* HARDWARE RESET                             */
-    LPC_USB->HcControlHeadED = 0;                       /* Initialize Control list head to Zero       */
-    LPC_USB->HcBulkHeadED    = 0;                       /* Initialize Bulk list head to Zero          */
-                                                        /* SOFTWARE RESET                             */
-    LPC_USB->HcCommandStatus = OR_CMD_STATUS_HCR;
-    LPC_USB->HcFmInterval    = DEFAULT_FMINTERVAL;      /* Write Fm Interval and Largest Data Packet Counter */
-                                                        /* Put HC in operational state                */
-    LPC_USB->HcControl  = (LPC_USB->HcControl & (~OR_CONTROL_HCFS)) | OR_CONTROL_HC_OPER;
-    LPC_USB->HcRhStatus = OR_RH_STATUS_LPSC;            /* Set Global Power                           */
-    LPC_USB->HcHCCA = (USB_INT32U)Hcca;
-    LPC_USB->HcInterruptStatus |= LPC_USB->HcInterruptStatus;                   /* Clear Interrrupt Status                    */
-    LPC_USB->HcInterruptEnable  = OR_INTR_ENABLE_MIE |
-                         OR_INTR_ENABLE_WDH |
-                         OR_INTR_ENABLE_RHSC;
-    NVIC_SetPriority(USB_IRQn, 0);       /* highest priority */
-    /* Enable the USB Interrupt */
-    NVIC_EnableIRQ(USB_IRQn);
-    PRINT_Log("Host Initialized\n");
-*                                         INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE
-* Description: This function services the interrupt caused by host controller
-* Arguments  : None
-* Returns    : None
-void USB_IRQHandler (void) __irq
-    USB_INT32U   int_status;
-    USB_INT32U   ie_status;
-    int_status    = LPC_USB->HcInterruptStatus;                          /* Read Interrupt Status                */
-    ie_status     = LPC_USB->HcInterruptEnable;                          /* Read Interrupt enable status         */
-    if (!(int_status & ie_status)) {
-        return;
-    } else {
-        int_status = int_status & ie_status;
-        if (int_status & OR_INTR_STATUS_RHSC) {                 /* Root hub status change interrupt     */
-            if (LPC_USB->HcRhPortStatus1 & OR_RH_PORT_CSC) {
-                if (LPC_USB->HcRhStatus & OR_RH_STATUS_DRWE) {
-                    /*
-                     * When DRWE is on, Connect Status Change
-                     * means a remote wakeup event.
-                    */
-                    HOST_RhscIntr = 1;// JUST SOMETHING FOR A BREAKPOINT
-                }
-                else {
-                    /*
-                     * When DRWE is off, Connect Status Change
-                     * is NOT a remote wakeup event
-                    */
-                    if (LPC_USB->HcRhPortStatus1 & OR_RH_PORT_CCS) {
-                        if (!gUSBConnected) {
-                            HOST_TDControlStatus = 0;
-                            HOST_WdhIntr = 0;
-                            HOST_RhscIntr = 1;
-                            gUSBConnected = 1;
-                        }
-                        else
-                            PRINT_Log("Spurious status change (connected)?\n");
-                    } else {
-                        if (gUSBConnected) {
-                            LPC_USB->HcInterruptEnable = 0; // why do we get multiple disc. rupts???
-                            HOST_RhscIntr = 0;
-                            gUSBConnected = 0;
-                        }
-                        else
-                            PRINT_Log("Spurious status change (disconnected)?\n");
-                    }
-                }
-                LPC_USB->HcRhPortStatus1 = OR_RH_PORT_CSC;
-            }
-            if (LPC_USB->HcRhPortStatus1 & OR_RH_PORT_PRSC) {
-                LPC_USB->HcRhPortStatus1 = OR_RH_PORT_PRSC;
-            }
-        }
-        if (int_status & OR_INTR_STATUS_WDH) {                  /* Writeback Done Head interrupt        */
-            HOST_WdhIntr = 1;
-            HOST_TDControlStatus = (TDHead->Control >> 28) & 0xf;
-        }            
-        LPC_USB->HcInterruptStatus = int_status;                         /* Clear interrupt status register      */
-    }
-    return;
-*                                     PROCESS TRANSFER DESCRIPTOR
-* Description: This function processes the transfer descriptor
-* Arguments  : ed            Endpoint descriptor that contains this transfer descriptor
-*              token         SETUP, IN, OUT
-*              buffer        Current Buffer Pointer of the transfer descriptor
-*              buffer_len    Length of the buffer
-* Returns    : OK       if TD submission is successful
-*              ERROR    if TD submission fails
-USB_INT32S  Host_ProcessTD (volatile  HCED       *ed,
-                            volatile  USB_INT32U  token,
-                            volatile  USB_INT08U *buffer,
-                                      USB_INT32U  buffer_len)
-    volatile  USB_INT32U   td_toggle;
-    if (ed == EDCtrl) {
-        if (token == TD_SETUP) {
-            td_toggle = TD_TOGGLE_0;
-        } else {
-            td_toggle = TD_TOGGLE_1;
-        }
-    } else {
-        td_toggle = 0;
-    }
-    TDHead->Control = (TD_ROUNDING    |
-                      token           |
-                      TD_DELAY_INT(0) |                           
-                      td_toggle       |
-                      TD_CC);
-    TDTail->Control = 0;
-    TDHead->CurrBufPtr   = (USB_INT32U) buffer;
-    TDTail->CurrBufPtr   = 0;
-    TDHead->Next         = (USB_INT32U) TDTail;
-    TDTail->Next         = 0;
-    TDHead->BufEnd       = (USB_INT32U)(buffer + (buffer_len - 1));
-    TDTail->BufEnd       = 0;
-    ed->HeadTd  = (USB_INT32U)TDHead | ((ed->HeadTd) & 0x00000002);
-    ed->TailTd  = (USB_INT32U)TDTail;
-    ed->Next    = 0;
-    if (ed == EDCtrl) {
-        LPC_USB->HcControlHeadED = (USB_INT32U)ed;
-        LPC_USB->HcCommandStatus = LPC_USB->HcCommandStatus | OR_CMD_STATUS_CLF;
-        LPC_USB->HcControl       = LPC_USB->HcControl       | OR_CONTROL_CLE;
-    } else {
-        LPC_USB->HcBulkHeadED    = (USB_INT32U)ed;
-        LPC_USB->HcCommandStatus = LPC_USB->HcCommandStatus | OR_CMD_STATUS_BLF;
-        LPC_USB->HcControl       = LPC_USB->HcControl       | OR_CONTROL_BLE;
-    }    
-    Host_WDHWait();
-//    if (!(TDHead->Control & 0xF0000000)) {
-    if (!HOST_TDControlStatus) {
-        return (OK);
-    } else {      
-        return (ERR_TD_FAIL);
-    }
-*                                       ENUMERATE THE DEVICE
-* Description: This function is used to enumerate the device connected
-* Arguments  : None
-* Returns    : None
-USB_INT32S  Host_EnumDev (void)
-    USB_INT32S  rc;
-    PRINT_Log("Connect a Mass Storage device\n");
-    while (!HOST_RhscIntr)
-        __WFI();
-    Host_DelayMS(100);                             /* USB 2.0 spec says atleast 50ms delay beore port reset */
-    LPC_USB->HcRhPortStatus1 = OR_RH_PORT_PRS; // Initiate port reset
-    while (LPC_USB->HcRhPortStatus1 & OR_RH_PORT_PRS)
-        __WFI(); // Wait for port reset to complete...
-    LPC_USB->HcRhPortStatus1 = OR_RH_PORT_PRSC; // ...and clear port reset signal
-    Host_DelayMS(200);                                                 /* Wait for 100 MS after port reset  */
-    EDCtrl->Control = 8 << 16;                                         /* Put max pkt size = 8              */
-                                                                       /* Read first 8 bytes of device desc */
-    if (rc != OK) {
-        PRINT_Err(rc);
-        return (rc);
-    }
-    EDCtrl->Control = TDBuffer[7] << 16;                               /* Get max pkt size of endpoint 0    */
-    rc = HOST_SET_ADDRESS(1);                                          /* Set the device address to 1       */
-    if (rc != OK) {
-        PRINT_Err(rc);
-        return (rc);
-    }
-    Host_DelayMS(2);
-    EDCtrl->Control = (EDCtrl->Control) | 1;                          /* Modify control pipe with address 1 */
-                                                                      /* Get the configuration descriptor   */
-    if (rc != OK) {
-        PRINT_Err(rc);
-        return (rc);
-    }
-                                                                       /* Get the first configuration data  */
-    if (rc != OK) {
-        PRINT_Err(rc);
-        return (rc);
-    }
-    rc = MS_ParseConfiguration();                                      /* Parse the configuration           */
-    if (rc != OK) {
-        PRINT_Err(rc);
-        return (rc);
-    }
-    rc = USBH_SET_CONFIGURATION(1);                                    /* Select device configuration 1     */
-    if (rc != OK) {
-        PRINT_Err(rc);
-    }
-    Host_DelayMS(100);                                               /* Some devices may require this delay */
-    return (rc);
-*                                        RECEIVE THE CONTROL INFORMATION
-* Description: This function is used to receive the control information
-* Arguments  : bm_request_type
-*              b_request
-*              w_value
-*              w_index
-*              w_length
-*              buffer
-* Returns    : OK       if Success
-*              ERROR    if Failed
-USB_INT32S  Host_CtrlRecv (         USB_INT08U   bm_request_type,
-                                    USB_INT08U   b_request,
-                                    USB_INT16U   w_value,
-                                    USB_INT16U   w_index,
-                                    USB_INT16U   w_length,
-                          volatile  USB_INT08U  *buffer)
-    USB_INT32S  rc;
-    Host_FillSetup(bm_request_type, b_request, w_value, w_index, w_length);
-    rc = Host_ProcessTD(EDCtrl, TD_SETUP, TDBuffer, 8);
-    if (rc == OK) {
-        if (w_length) {
-            rc = Host_ProcessTD(EDCtrl, TD_IN, TDBuffer, w_length);
-        }
-        if (rc == OK) {
-            rc = Host_ProcessTD(EDCtrl, TD_OUT, NULL, 0);
-        }
-    }
-    return (rc);
-*                                         SEND THE CONTROL INFORMATION
-* Description: This function is used to send the control information
-* Arguments  : None
-* Returns    : OK                      if Success
-*              ERR_INVALID_BOOTSIG    if Failed
-USB_INT32S  Host_CtrlSend (          USB_INT08U   bm_request_type,
-                                     USB_INT08U   b_request,
-                                     USB_INT16U   w_value,
-                                     USB_INT16U   w_index,
-                                     USB_INT16U   w_length,
-                           volatile  USB_INT08U  *buffer)
-    USB_INT32S  rc;
-    Host_FillSetup(bm_request_type, b_request, w_value, w_index, w_length);
-    rc = Host_ProcessTD(EDCtrl, TD_SETUP, TDBuffer, 8);
-    if (rc == OK) {
-        if (w_length) {
-            rc = Host_ProcessTD(EDCtrl, TD_OUT, TDBuffer, w_length);
-        }
-        if (rc == OK) {
-            rc = Host_ProcessTD(EDCtrl, TD_IN, NULL, 0);
-        }
-    }
-    return (rc);
-*                                          FILL SETUP PACKET
-* Description: This function is used to fill the setup packet
-* Arguments  : None
-* Returns    : OK                      if Success
-*              ERR_INVALID_BOOTSIG    if Failed
-void  Host_FillSetup (USB_INT08U   bm_request_type,
-                      USB_INT08U   b_request,
-                      USB_INT16U   w_value,
-                      USB_INT16U   w_index,
-                      USB_INT16U   w_length)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0;i<w_length;i++)
-        TDBuffer[i] = 0;
-    TDBuffer[0] = bm_request_type;
-    TDBuffer[1] = b_request;
-    WriteLE16U(&TDBuffer[2], w_value);
-    WriteLE16U(&TDBuffer[4], w_index);
-    WriteLE16U(&TDBuffer[6], w_length);
-*                                         INITIALIZE THE TRANSFER DESCRIPTOR
-* Description: This function initializes transfer descriptor
-* Arguments  : Pointer to TD structure
-* Returns    : None
-void  Host_TDInit (volatile  HCTD *td)
-    td->Control    = 0;
-    td->CurrBufPtr = 0;
-    td->Next       = 0;
-    td->BufEnd     = 0;
-*                                         INITIALIZE THE ENDPOINT DESCRIPTOR
-* Description: This function initializes endpoint descriptor
-* Arguments  : Pointer to ED strcuture
-* Returns    : None
-void  Host_EDInit (volatile  HCED *ed)
-    ed->Control = 0;
-    ed->TailTd  = 0;
-    ed->HeadTd  = 0;
-    ed->Next    = 0;
-* Description: This function initializes host controller communications area
-* Arguments  : Pointer to HCCA
-* Returns    : 
-void  Host_HCCAInit (volatile  HCCA  *hcca)
-    USB_INT32U  i;
-    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
-        hcca->IntTable[i] = 0;
-        hcca->FrameNumber = 0;
-        hcca->DoneHead    = 0;
-    }
-*                                         WAIT FOR WDH INTERRUPT
-* Description: This function is infinite loop which breaks when ever a WDH interrupt rises
-* Arguments  : None
-* Returns    : None
-void  Host_WDHWait (void)
-  while (!HOST_WdhIntr)
-      __WFI();
-  HOST_WdhIntr = 0;
-*                                         READ LE 32U
-* Description: This function is used to read an unsigned integer from a character buffer in the platform
-*              containing little endian processor
-* Arguments  : pmem    Pointer to the character buffer
-* Returns    : val     Unsigned integer
-USB_INT32U  ReadLE32U (volatile  USB_INT08U  *pmem)
-    USB_INT32U val = *(USB_INT32U*)pmem;
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
-    return __REV(val);
-    return val;
-*                                        WRITE LE 32U
-* Description: This function is used to write an unsigned integer into a charecter buffer in the platform 
-*              containing little endian processor.
-* Arguments  : pmem    Pointer to the charecter buffer
-*              val     Integer value to be placed in the charecter buffer
-* Returns    : None
-void  WriteLE32U (volatile  USB_INT08U  *pmem,
-                            USB_INT32U   val)
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
-    *(USB_INT32U*)pmem = __REV(val);
-    *(USB_INT32U*)pmem = val;
-*                                          READ LE 16U
-* Description: This function is used to read an unsigned short integer from a charecter buffer in the platform
-*              containing little endian processor
-* Arguments  : pmem    Pointer to the charecter buffer
-* Returns    : val     Unsigned short integer
-USB_INT16U  ReadLE16U (volatile  USB_INT08U  *pmem)
-    USB_INT16U val = *(USB_INT16U*)pmem;
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
-    return __REV16(val);
-    return val;
-*                                         WRITE LE 16U
-* Description: This function is used to write an unsigned short integer into a charecter buffer in the
-*              platform containing little endian processor
-* Arguments  : pmem    Pointer to the charecter buffer
-*              val     Value to be placed in the charecter buffer
-* Returns    : None
-void  WriteLE16U (volatile  USB_INT08U  *pmem,
-                            USB_INT16U   val)
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
-    *(USB_INT16U*)pmem = (__REV16(val) & 0xFFFF);
-    *(USB_INT16U*)pmem = val;
-*                                         READ BE 32U
-* Description: This function is used to read an unsigned integer from a charecter buffer in the platform
-*              containing big endian processor
-* Arguments  : pmem    Pointer to the charecter buffer
-* Returns    : val     Unsigned integer
-USB_INT32U  ReadBE32U (volatile  USB_INT08U  *pmem)
-    USB_INT32U val = *(USB_INT32U*)pmem;
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
-    return val;
-    return __REV(val);
-*                                         WRITE BE 32U
-* Description: This function is used to write an unsigned integer into a charecter buffer in the platform
-*              containing big endian processor
-* Arguments  : pmem    Pointer to the charecter buffer
-*              val     Value to be placed in the charecter buffer
-* Returns    : None
-void  WriteBE32U (volatile  USB_INT08U  *pmem,
-                            USB_INT32U   val)
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
-    *(USB_INT32U*)pmem = val;
-    *(USB_INT32U*)pmem = __REV(val);
-*                                         READ BE 16U
-* Description: This function is used to read an unsigned short integer from a charecter buffer in the platform
-*              containing big endian processor
-* Arguments  : pmem    Pointer to the charecter buffer
-* Returns    : val     Unsigned short integer
-USB_INT16U  ReadBE16U (volatile  USB_INT08U  *pmem)
-    USB_INT16U val = *(USB_INT16U*)pmem;
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
-    return val;
-    return __REV16(val);
-*                                         WRITE BE 16U
-* Description: This function is used to write an unsigned short integer into the charecter buffer in the
-*              platform containing big endian processor
-* Arguments  : pmem    Pointer to the charecter buffer
-*              val     Value to be placed in the charecter buffer
-* Returns    : None
-void  WriteBE16U (volatile  USB_INT08U  *pmem,
-                            USB_INT16U   val)
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
-    *(USB_INT16U*)pmem = val;
-    *(USB_INT16U*)pmem = (__REV16(val) & 0xFFFF);