Button initiated config service

Dependencies:   BLE_API_EddystoneConfigService_2 mbed nRF51822

Fork of BLE_EddystoneBeaconConfigService_3 by URIBeacon

Mon Jul 20 19:31:40 2015 +0000
[[Testing]] - confirmed all packets are being encoded correctly. Currently using Ticker to switch payloads. Need to add stuff to BLE library to enable callbacks to object functions.;

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 3 *
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 7 *
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 9 *
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 14 * limitations under the License.
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 15 */
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 16
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 17 #include "mbed.h"
rgrover1 7:e9800c45e065 18 #include "BLE.h"
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 19 #include "ZipBeaconConfigService.h"
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 20 #include "DFUService.h"
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 21 #include "DeviceInformationService.h"
rgrover1 2:8020d6d4455a 22 #include "ConfigParamsPersistence.h"
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 23
rgrover1 8:1a21308e5008 24 BLE ble;
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 25 ZipBeaconConfigService *zipBeaconConfig;
mbedAustin 15:af8c24f34a9f 26 //InterruptIn button(p17);
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 27
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 28 /**
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 29 * URIBeaconConfig service can operate in two modes: a configuration mode which
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 30 * allows a user to update settings over a connection; and normal URIBeacon mode
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 31 * which involves advertising a URI. Constructing an object from URIBeaconConfig
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 32 * service sets up advertisements for the configuration mode. It is then up to
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 33 * the application to switch to URIBeacon mode based on some timeout.
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 34 *
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 35 * The following help with this switch.
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 36 */
mbedAustin 15:af8c24f34a9f 37 static const int CONFIG_ADVERTISEMENT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 5; // Duration after power-on that config service is available.
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 38 Ticker configAdvertisementTimeoutTicker;
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 39
mbedAustin 14:5a2a104a21a8 40 //
mbedAustin 14:5a2a104a21a8 41 // Have to use this to add a interrupt, because C++ is stupid.
mbedAustin 14:5a2a104a21a8 42 //
mbedAustin 14:5a2a104a21a8 43 void stupidWrapperFn(){
mbedAustin 15:af8c24f34a9f 44 zipBeaconConfig->radioNotificationCallback();
mbedAustin 14:5a2a104a21a8 45 }
mbedAustin 14:5a2a104a21a8 46
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 47 /**
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 48 * Stop advertising the UriBeaconConfig Service after a delay; and switch to normal URIBeacon.
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 49 */
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 50 void timeout(void)
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 51 {
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 52 Gap::GapState_t state;
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 53 state = ble.getGapState();
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 54 if (!state.connected) { /* don't switch if we're in a connected state. */
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 55 zipBeaconConfig->setupZipBeaconAdvertisements();
rgrover1 8:1a21308e5008 56 ble.gap().startAdvertising();
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 57
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 58 configAdvertisementTimeoutTicker.detach(); /* disable the callback from the timeout Ticker. */
mbedAustin 15:af8c24f34a9f 59 printf("removing config service\r\n");
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 60 }
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 61 }
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 62
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 63 /**
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 64 * Callback triggered upon a disconnection event. Needs to re-enable advertisements.
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 65 */
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 66 void disconnectionCallback(Gap::Handle_t handle, Gap::DisconnectionReason_t reason)
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 67 {
rgrover1 8:1a21308e5008 68 ble.gap().startAdvertising();
mbedAustin 15:af8c24f34a9f 69 printf("disconnect CB\r\n");
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 70 }
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 71
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 72 int main(void)
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 73 {
mbedAustin 15:af8c24f34a9f 74 printf("Starting Example\r\n");
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 75 ble.init();
rgrover1 8:1a21308e5008 76 ble.gap().onDisconnection(disconnectionCallback);
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 77
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 78 /*
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 79 * Load parameters from (platform specific) persistent storage. Parameters
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 80 * can be set to non-default values while the URIBeacon is in configuration
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 81 * mode (within the first 60 seconds of power-up). Thereafter, parameters
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 82 * get copied out to persistent storage before switching to normal URIBeacon
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 83 * operation.
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 84 */
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 85 ZipBeaconConfigService::Params_t params;
rgrover1 2:8020d6d4455a 86 bool fetchedFromPersistentStorage = loadURIBeaconConfigParams(&params);
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 87
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 88 /* Initialize a zipBeaconConfig service providing config params, default URI, and power levels. */
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 89 static ZipBeaconConfigService::PowerLevels_t defaultAdvPowerLevels = {-20, -4, 0, 10}; // Values for ADV packets related to firmware levels
mbedAustin 15:af8c24f34a9f 90 zipBeaconConfig = new ZipBeaconConfigService(ble, params, !fetchedFromPersistentStorage, "http://mbed.org", defaultAdvPowerLevels);
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 91 if (!zipBeaconConfig->configuredSuccessfully()) {
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 92 error("failed to accommodate URI");
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 93 }
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 94 configAdvertisementTimeoutTicker.attach(timeout, CONFIG_ADVERTISEMENT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS);
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 95
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 96 // Setup auxiliary services to allow over-the-air firmware updates, etc
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 97 DFUService dfu(ble);
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 98 DeviceInformationService deviceInfo(ble, "ARM", "UriBeacon", "SN1", "hw-rev1", "fw-rev1", "soft-rev1");
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 99
rgrover1 8:1a21308e5008 100 ble.gap().startAdvertising(); /* Set the whole thing in motion. After this call a GAP central can scan the zipBeaconConfig
rgrover1 8:1a21308e5008 101 * service. This can then be switched to the normal URIBeacon functionality after a timeout. */
mbedAustin 15:af8c24f34a9f 102 printf("Running...\r\n");
mbedAustin 15:af8c24f34a9f 103 //button.rise(&stupidWrapperFn);
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 104 while (true) {
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 105 ble.waitForEvent();
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 106 }
screamer 0:c04d932e96c9 107 }