Library for XBus servo (under construction)

Dependents:   mbed_XBus_Test mbed_XBus_MotionTest XBusServoTest ControlYokutan2017_2 ... more

It's pre-opened page. it's still a little bit unstable to use command packet but mostly work. Tested only on KL25Z

暫定版ページです。 まだコマンドパケット使用時に時々不安定になりますが、概ね動作しています。 KL25Z上でのみ、動作確認しています



File content as of revision 18:75ddf12d93b6:

 *  @file   XBusServo.h
 *  @brief  this header file will contain all required
 *          definitions and basic utilities functions
 *          for controling XBus servo.
 *  @author Zak Sawa
 *  @note   Copyright (c) 2014-2014 JR PROPO
 *  @note   Released under the MIT License:

#ifndef XBusServo_h
#define XBusServo_h

#include "mbed.h"

/// standard interval time for XBus servo
#define kXBusStandardInterval       14              // mSec

/// angle data for XBus servo
#define kXbusServoMinimum           0x1249          // 900uSec      -60 or -90 degree
#define kXbusServoNeutral           0x7FFF          // 1500uSec     0 degree
#define kXbusServoMaximum           0xEDB6          // 2100uSec     60 or 90 degree

/// maximum number of XBus servo
#define kXBusMaxServoNum            50

/// convert ServoID & SubID to real Channel ID
#define ChannelID(ServoID, SubID)   ((ServoID & 0x3F) | ((SubID << 6) & 0xC0))

//! XBus error code
typedef enum {
    kXBusError_NoError =            0x0000,

} XBusError;

//! XBus parameter index
typedef enum {
    kParamIdx_Unused0 =             0x0000,
    kParamIdx_AllData_wID =         0x0001,
    kParamIdx_AllData_woID =        0x0002,
    kParamIdx_ServoID =             0x0003,
    kParamIdx_Reversed =            0x0004,
    kParamIdx_NeutralOffset =       0x0005,
    kParamIdx_TravelHigh =          0x0006,
    kParamIdx_TravelLow =           0x0007,
    kParamIdx_LimitHigh =           0x0008,
    kParamIdx_LimitLow =            0x0009,
    kParamIdx_PGainDiff =           0x000A,
    kParamIdx_IGainDiff =           0x000B,
    kParamIdx_DGainDiff =           0x000C,
    kParamIdx_DeadBandDiff =        0x000D,
    kParamIdx_PWOffsetDiff =        0x000E,
    kParamIdx_AlarmLevel =          0x000F,
    kParamIdx_AlarmDelay =          0x0010,
    kParamIdx_Angle_180 =           0x0011,
    kParamIdx_SlowStart =           0x0012,
    kParamIdx_StopMode =            0x0013,
    kParamIdx_SpeedLimit =          0x0014,
    kParamIdx_MaxIntegerDiff =      0x0015,
} XBusParamIdx;

//! XBus Get/Set/Status command order
typedef enum {
    kXBusOrder_1_Mode =             0x01,
    kXBusOrder_1_ID =               0x03,
    kXBusOrder_2_Version =          0x04,           // only for get
    kXBusOrder_2_Product =          0x05,           // only for get
    kXBusOrder_1_Unsupported =      0x06,           // only for status
    kXBusOrder_2_Reset =            0x07,           // only for set
    kXBusOrder_2_ParamWrite =       0x08,           // only for set

    kXBusOrder_2_Reverse =          0x10,
    kXBusOrder_2_Neutral =          0x11,
    kXBusOrder_2_H_Travel =         0x12,
    kXBusOrder_2_L_Travel =         0x13,
    kXBusOrder_2_H_Limit =          0x14,
    kXBusOrder_2_L_Limit =          0x15,
    kXBusOrder_1_P_Gain =           0x16,
    kXBusOrder_1_I_Gain =           0x17,
    kXBusOrder_1_D_Gain =           0x18,
    kXBusOrder_1_DeadBand =         0x19,
    kXBusOrder_2_PowerOffset =      0x1A,
    kXBusOrder_1_AlarmLevel =       0x1B,
    kXBusOrder_2_AlarmDelay =       0x1C,
    kXBusOrder_1_Angle_180 =        0x1D,
    kXBusOrder_1_SlowStart =        0x1E,
    kXBusOrder_1_StopMode =         0x1F,
    kXBusOrder_2_CurrentPos =       0x20,           // only for get
    kXBusOrder_1_CurrentPow =       0x21,           // only for get
    kXBusOrder_1_SpeedLimit =       0x22,
    kXBusOrder_2_MaxInteger =       0x23,
} XBusOrder;

 *   @brief              Library class for XBus servo
 *   @note               2014/09/02 : move from Arduino lib by Sawa
class XBusServo

     *  @param tx           pin name for tx
     *  @param rx           pin name for rx
     *  @param sw           pin name for switch tx
     *  @param maxServoNum  max number of servo that you want to connect.
     *                      (limit 50)
     *                      this does just to resetve the buffer.  you need to
     *                      add XBus servo at the beginning of your sketch
     *  @author             2014/09/02 : move from Arduino lib by Zak Sawa
    XBusServo(PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName sw, uint8_t maxServoNum);

     *  @return             XBus error code
     *  @brief              Start function to use XBus
     *                      This should NOT be called on interrupt handler.
     *  @author             2014/10/07 : Zak Sawa
    XBusError       start();

     *  @brief              Stop function to use XBus
     *                      This should NOT be called on interrupt handler.
     *  @author             2014/10/07 : Zak Sawa
    void            stop();

     *  @return             XBus error code
     *  @param channelID    channel ID of the XBus servo that you want to use
     *  @param initValue    initial value of this XBus servo
     *                      use kXbusServoNeutral for center of the XBus servo
     *  @brief              Add new servo to the buffer on this library
     *                      This should NOT be called on interrupt handler when you
     *                      setup the XBus servo.
     *  @author             2014/09/02 : move from Arduino lib by Zak Sawa
    XBusError       addServo(uint8_t channelID, uint16_t initValue);

     *  @return             XBus error code
     *  @param channelID    channel ID of the XBus servo that you want to remove
     *  @brief              Remove the servo from the buffer on this library
     *                      This should NOT be called on interrupt handler when you
     *                      setup the XBus servo.
     *  @author             2014/09/02 : move from Arduino lib by Zak Sawa
    XBusError       removeServo(uint8_t channelID);

     *  @return             XBus error code
     *  @param channelID    channel ID of the XBus servo that you want to set
     *  @param value        value of this XBus servo
     *                      use kXbusServoNeutral for center of the XBus servo
     *  @brief              Set new value to the servo
     *                      This should NOT be called on interrupt handler when you
     *                      setup the XBus servo.
     *  @author             2014/09/02 : move from Arduino lib by Zak Sawa
    XBusError       setServo(uint8_t channelID, uint16_t value);

     *  @brief              This should be called on the timer handler when you
     *                      use the XBus servo.
     *  @author             2014/09/02 : move from Arduino lib by Zak Sawa
    void            sendChannelDataPacket(void);

     *  @return             XBus error code
     *  @param oldChannelID channel IDof the XBus servo to change the ID
     *  @param newChannelID new channel ID for the XBus servo
     *  @brief              Set new channel ID to the XBus servo
     *                      This should NOT be called on interrupt handler when you
     *                      setup the XBus servo.
     *  @author             2014/09/02 : move from Arduino lib by Zak Sawa
    XBusError       setChannelID(uint8_t oldChannelID, uint8_t newChannelID);

     *  @return             XBus error code
     *  @param channelID    channel ID of the XBus servo that you want to set to
     *  @param order        the order that you want
     *  @param value        the value that you want to set and return current value
     *  @brief              Send set command to the XBus servo
     *                      This should NOT be called on interrupt handler when you
     *                      setup the XBus servo.
     *  @author             2014/09/02 : move from Arduino lib by Zak Sawa
    XBusError       setCommand(uint8_t channelID, uint8_t order, int16_t* value);

     *  @return             XBus error code
     *  @param channelID    channel ID of the XBus servo that you want to get from
     *  @param order        the order that you want
     *  @param value        the value that you want to get from
     *  @brief              Send get command to the XBus servo
     *                      This should NOT be called on interrupt handler when you
     *                      setup the XBus servo.
     *  @author             2014/09/02 : move from Arduino lib by Zak Sawa
    XBusError       getCommand(uint8_t channelID, uint8_t order, int16_t* value);

     *  @return             XBus error code
     *  @param newChannelID new channel ID for the XBus servo
     *  @brief              Set new channel ID to the XBus servo
     *                      This should NOT be called on interrupt handler when you
     *                      setup the XBus servo.
     *  @note               this is only for TX only mode
     *  @author             2014/09/02 : move from Arduino lib by Zak Sawa
    XBusError       setChannelID(uint8_t newChannelID);

     *  @return             XBus error code
     *  @param order        the order that you want
     *  @param value        the value that you want to set and return current value
     *  @brief              Send set command to the XBus servo
     *                      This should NOT be called on interrupt handler when you
     *                      setup the XBus servo.
     *  @note               this is only for TX only mode
     *  @author             2014/09/02 : move from Arduino lib by Zak Sawa
    XBusError       setCommand(uint8_t order, int16_t* value);

#define         kRecieveBufferSize          32

    RawSerial           XBusPort;
    DigitalOut          TxSwitch;
    Timeout             TxSwitchTimer;

    uint8_t             txOnly;          // 1 for TX only mode
    PinName             txPin;           //
    uint8_t             numOfServo;      // number of servos
    uint8_t             maxServo;        // max number of servos
    uint8_t*            chPacketBuffer;  // channel data packet buffer
    uint8_t*            sendBuffer;      // serial send buffer
    volatile uint8_t*   sendBufferPointer;
    volatile uint8_t    sendLength;
    volatile uint8_t    recieveBuffer[kRecieveBufferSize];   // serial recieve buffer
    volatile int8_t     recieveBufferPointer;
    uint8_t             dirty;           //
    volatile uint8_t    serialCommandBusy; //
    volatile uint8_t    modifyServosNow; //
    volatile uint8_t    need2ReadData;

    uint8_t             crc_table(uint8_t data, uint8_t crc);
    uint8_t             crc8(uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t length);
     *  @return             data size for this order
     *  @param order        the order that you want to know
     *  @brief              Get the data size of this order
     *  @author             2014/09/02 : move from Arduino lib by Zak Sawa
    uint8_t             getDataSize(uint8_t    order);

     *  @param buffer       data buffer to send
     *  @param length       data length on the buffer
     *  @brief              Start to send all packet data
     *  @author             2014/09/30 : Zak Sawa
    void                write(uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t length);

     *  @brief              Wait to send all packet data
     *  @author             2014/09/30 : Zak Sawa
    void                flush(void);

     *  @brief              handler for Tx buffer empty
     *  @author             2014/09/30 : Zak Sawa
//    void                TxIrqHandler(MODSERIAL_IRQ_INFO *q);
    void                TxIrqHandler(void);

     *  @brief              handler for Rx buffer full
     *  @author             2014/09/30 : Zak Sawa
//    void                RxIrqHandler(MODSERIAL_IRQ_INFO *q);
    void                RxIrqHandler(void);

     *  @brief              handler for Tx switch
     *  @author             2014/10/29 : Zak Sawa
    void                TxSwitchHandler(void);

     *  @param command      The commnad that you want to send
     *  @param channelID    The channel ID of the XBus servo that you want to set up
     *  @param order        The order that you want to set up
     *  @param value        The value that you want to set / get
     *  @param valueSize    The value size.  1 byte(char) or 2 byte(int)
     *  @brief              This should NOT be called on interrupt handler when you
     *                      setup the XBus servo.
     *  @author             2014/09/02 : move from Arduino lib by Zak Sawa
    XBusError           sendCommandDataPacket(uint8_t command, uint8_t channelID, uint8_t order, int16_t* value, uint8_t valueSize);

#endif  // of XBusServo_h