Heart rate monitoring system design using FRDM K64F and MIT App Inventor II
Dependencies: ESP8266 GroveEarbudSensor mbed
Fork of Heart-rate-monitor by
- Committer:
- spriyanka
- Date:
- 2017-05-04
- Revision:
- 6:37829af7bfbd
- Parent:
- 5:f1b55ff3cda0
File content as of revision 6:37829af7bfbd:
#include "mbed.h" #include "ESP8266.h" #include <string> #include <stdio.h> #include "GroveEarbudSensor.h" #define APIKEY SJYFHXQEDBQ75N91 //Put "Write key" of your channel in thingspeak.com #define IP "" // IP Address of "api.thingspeak.com\" #define WIFI_SSID "vivo 1601" #define WIFI_PASS "bschitta" char snd[255],rcv[1000],snd_Data[255]; float hrt; ESP8266 esp(PTC17, PTC16, 115200); // baud rate for wifi Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // callback for receiving heartrate values void heartrateCallback(float heartrate,void *data) { printf("Callback: heartrate = %.1f\r\n",heartrate); } // Blinky DigitalOut led(LED1); // Our sensor as an InterruptIn InterruptIn sensor(D2); GroveEarbudSensor earbud(&sensor); void esp_initialize(void); void esp_send(void); int main(void) { pc.baud(115200); esp_initialize(); // announce printf("Grove Earbud Sensor Example v1.0.0\r\n"); // allocate the earbud sensor printf("Allocating earbud sensor instance...\r\n"); // register our callback function printf("registering callback...\r\n"); earbud.registerCallback(heartrateCallback); // begin main loop printf("Beginning main loop...\r\n"); while (true) { // blink... led = !led; wait(1); // we can also call directly printf("Direct: heartrate = %.1f\r\n", earbud.getHeartRate()); esp_send(); } } void esp_initialize(void) { //AT+CWJAP="vivo 1601","bschitta" ; pc.printf("Initializing ESP\r\n"); pc.printf("Reset ESP\r\n"); esp.Reset(); //RESET ESP esp.RcvReply(rcv, 400); //receive a response from ESP wait(2); strcpy(snd,"AT"); esp.SendCMD(snd); pc.printf(snd); esp.RcvReply(rcv, 400); pc.printf(rcv); wait(2); strcpy(snd,"AT+CWMODE=1"); esp.SendCMD(snd); pc.printf(snd); wait(2); strcpy(snd,"AT+CWJAP=\""); strcat(snd,WIFI_SSID); strcat(snd,"\",\""); strcat(snd,WIFI_PASS); strcat(snd,"\""); esp.SendCMD(snd); pc.printf(snd); wait(5); esp.RcvReply(rcv, 400); pc.printf("\n %s \n", rcv); strcpy(snd,"AT+CIPMUX=1"); esp.SendCMD(snd); pc.printf(snd); esp.RcvReply(rcv, 400); pc.printf("\n %s \n", rcv); } void esp_send(void) { //ESP updates the Status of Thingspeak channel// strcpy(snd,"AT+CIPSTART="); strcat(snd,"\"TCP\",\""); strcat(snd,IP); strcat(snd,"\",80"); esp.SendCMD(snd); pc.printf("Send\r\n%s",snd); esp.RcvReply(rcv, 1000); pc.printf("Receive\r\n%s",rcv); wait(2); hrt = earbud.getHeartRate(); pc.printf("Sending this information to thingspeak.com \r\n"); sprintf(snd,"GET https://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key=SJYFHXQEDBQ75N91&field1=%f\r\n", hrt); //wait(5); //https://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key=SJYFHXQEDBQ75N91&field1=%f\r\n", hrt int i=0; for(i=0; snd[i]!='\0'; i++); i++; char cmd[255]; sprintf(cmd,"AT+CIPSEND=%d",i); //Send Number of open connection and Characters to send esp.SendCMD(cmd); pc.printf("Send\r\n%s",cmd); while(i<=20 || rcv == ">") { esp.RcvReply(rcv, 1000); wait(100); i++; } pc.printf("Receive\r\n%s",rcv); esp.SendCMD(snd); //Post value to thingspeak channel pc.printf("Send\r\n%s",snd); while(i<=20 || rcv == "OK") { esp.RcvReply(rcv, 1000); wait(100); i++; } pc.printf("Receive\r\n%s",rcv); }